How common is hunting in your country? Pic related

How common is hunting in your country? Pic related.

Very common. I've been hunting the past five days. Taking a break today.


Common enough for our minister of ecology to refuse to follow international laws preventing hunting.

It's all there is to do outside of metro areas.

Somewhat common. Depends on the region. Hunting larger game like moose or such requires licences and a bit of paperwork, you can't just go out and shoot stuff.

Not at all. I think people would think badly of you if you told them you wished to go hunting.

What do you hunt? What is it like?

It's part of our culture and tradition, but not everyone does it of course. About 10% of the population are registered hunters. Generally an accepted hobby, but you can some times be unlucky and meet a sperglord who has an issue with it. They are a minority.

quite common and sensibly regulated, my uncle got a few bucks on the family farm this season

really nothing like the meat from a healthy deer

>live in Nunavut
>kill seals with hockey sticks

Canadian as fuck. Good to see some news about northern communities that don't involve drugs and suicides.

Out bush they cull kangaroos and feral animals fairly often
Around Victoria there's seasonal duck hunting and the inevitable news stories about the protesters' interactions with the hunters are good for a laugh.
We also have indigenous hunting which can cause equivalent butthurt to OP's pic

It's very common, but our hunters are different from those in America. Here they don't hunt their quarry with military-grade weaponry affixed with scopes and whatnot, they use traditional double-barreled and lever-action shotguns instead.

>What do you hunt?
Squirrel and rabbit mostly. Sometimes grouse.
>What is it like?
It is great fun. I usually go alone on about 40 acres of private forest. Stay out for a few hours at a time, still hunting mainly, take five paces, wait a minute, take another five paces. You have to learn to distinguish all the sounds. Usually squirrels give themselves away when they are eating. They are loud eaters when they are munching on walnuts.

what a typically European post

I saw Wind River last night and game warden Jeremy Renner was out cappin fools and rabbits alike with a sniper rifle.

tbf there's a lot more variation in hunting in yankistan than in most other places. I don't know if bowhunter wankers are any better than the deer dissolvers, though.

there's no question there, but the idea that putting a scope on a rifle makes it military grade seems naive

bet he'd flip to know that my county only allows shotguns with scopes be used when hunting on public land

I hunted flies in my kitchen with my custom made laser.

I can see myself creating an youtube channel E sport out of this.


Makes sense, a scope would help you to know that the rustle in the bushes across the field is a hiker, for which the bag limit is very low.

Not only that, but it allows you to cleanly, and quickly kill the animal with the improved accuracy. This naturally results in decreasing the suffering the animal might endure.

is that straylian fella holding a giant brown uncircumcised sea cock?

is this why you legalized homo marriage?

If they're aiming their gun mounted scope to see what something is aka glassing then they already fucked up. That is what binos are for.

If I found out someone pointed their gun at me just to look through the scope I would be furious.

what are you doing in the hunting zone of the park this early in the morning anyway? If you were another hunter I'd already see your orange

Hunt what and hunt where?

Give that man a senate seat when he turns 40!

you have wild pigs don't you? and deer. you've got some neat mountains for hunting as well

I hunt white MILFs.

t. kara boga

Very common in my province. I get almost all my meat from hunting and fishing. Usually deer, bear, coyote, fox, raccoon, moose, squirrels, partridge, ducks, and doves. Mostly fish for bass, eels, perch, pickerel, pike, sturgeon, and sunfish.

It's the ethical way to procure meat

It's actually quite common. Lots of boar, all kind of deer, pheasants and obviously rabbits. My great granddad even got an elk back in the days

Pretty common;


For some reason usa and Canada like to exterminate wild fauna for whatever fuking reason, without shooting or clubbing a defenseless animal they feel awful.

>Not at all. I think people would think badly of you if you told them you wished to go hunting.

Common, but you need a hunting license

By hunting I can get hundreds of kilograms of fresh, locally sourced, ethically harvested, free range, enviromentally friendly, organic, lean meat that will last months for pennies per kg.

>Mexican education

but that's evil, go to the store and get industrially produced meat instead

>Not at all. I think people would think badly of you if you told them you wished to go hunting.

I take it these people are all vegans? People who eat meat but oppose hunting baffle me.

Which province?

You got me interested in living a similar life, can you tell me about it some more?

New Brunswick
What would you like to know? Do you hunt now?


Why do non-leafs care about these blubber rodents so much?

Any other fellow Pennsylvanians here?

Hello neighbor, did you enjoy your bottleneck cartridges during gun season?

As odd as it sounds eating meat without seeing how animals are slaughtered is more ethical and less barbaric than actually killing a living thing yourself for your enjoyment.

Really common once you leave the cities. Around a hundred thousand each of moose, boar and roe deer are shot each year.

Add to that(at least in the case of Sweden), that 11% of our industrial production comes from the forest industry, which would be unable to function if hunting was reduced significantly.

Hello, do you enjoy saying pop, unlike the uncivilized rest of the planet?

Sorry for late reply. I'm from the big city and never hunted in my life, nor ever gone fishing. I love the outdoors but because of my family circumstances I've yet to truly enjoy it for the first time in my life.

I guess I gotta make something of myself first before having the means to do anything like that...

Extremely common everywhere but the southern and southwestern/western coastline.

nobody does it

Good lad there. Death to seals.

Just start small. Look for your local hunter's safety course, ask questions there. You can start with rabbits or squirrels using an inexpensive shotgun or .22. When your comfortable you can move up to deer. There are a ton of resources online for hinting and fishing that are area specific.

Well I don't mean to toot our own horn but we do a lot of hunting

Pretty common people hunt boar and birds.Most of the hunters live in the rural areas some libtards from the cities bitch and vilify the action but no one gives two shits about them the majority are neutral about it

Everybody does it in the countryside, every farmer and farmer's sons.