Come on, Tom

Come on, Tom

Other urls found in this thread:

Tom, c'mon.

The fuck russian virus site does this link to?

He's got a point, though. If you hate Olicity, you have to hate Arrow because that's all the show is, now. He's giving a warning. A solemn warning. Get out. Get out now. While you may still have some pleasant memories about the show.

What kind of retard ass browser do you use where you can't preview the link before you open it?

Knowing how batshit insane some of these olicity fans I wouldn't be surpise if he's only kissing ass so his wife and kid won't be murdered.

Everything about the show has been trying to tell us that we as comic book fans are NOT the audience they want.

Now Amell himself confirms it that they're happy to cater to the Olishitter crowd.

I'm more than happy to let them keep that show, I'm done with it.


This. It took me most of this season to realize that I wasn't enjoying the show anymore because of Olicity. Thank God I pulled the ripcord before they killed Laurel.

>mfw some Olicity fans photoshopped family photos of Stephen and his wife and child with Felicity's face over his wife's with text saying "S5!"

But didn't Arrow only have two seasons? I think would remember if the most entertaining Capeshow got a third season user.

Amell seems like a really nice guy.

Are you retarded? Anyway it's

Same here.
And this is a sentiment I think more people in fandoms need to start having. If it's not what you want, go watch something else.

I almost refuse to believe that. Almost.

Well he is Canadian.

>we've reach the point where we have to treat it like the matrix

I honestly didn't find Olicity as prevalent this season as the last one.

She only cried like 10 times, last season it was literally every episode.

Sure, this one had the whole "able to walk again" little miracle, but it's not like Ollie was literally saved by robo-Felicity. So I guess bigger ass-pulls, but more spread apart.

It IS, however, still going on a downwards spiral adding to the already huge one they went down last year.

It's just that the writing went to shit for ALL characters now, instead of just that cunt.

it's been on twitter, proceed with caution checking the olicity tag

Retarded for using chrome?

I remember something like this back during season 1 or 2, before Olicity was hugely accepted, and him getting super pissed about it.

>After Cassidy's character was killed, Olicity fans started a #ByeByeBirdie hashtag to celebrate her death.

>COIE is caused by Ollicity fans tearing through space in support of their new empire
>Multiple earths succumb to the Felicity
>Berlantiverse ends with Oliver sitting by himself with a picture o Felicity crying "Oh god why"
>"Why couldn't you leave"
>Right before the building collapses to reveal Felicity on a throne surrounded by Barry, Ray , and a different Oliver all worshiping their new queen

>people think he would seriously bite the hand that feeds him and criticize his biggest claim to fame
You can't be serious. Do you think the people on the Big Bang Theory think they're making the next Seinfeld? I'd say the exact same thing in his position, and so would you.

>implying Supercutie and iWaifu aren't going to slay the Felicity menace