So, how did you feel about pixar's first bad movie ever?

So, how did you feel about pixar's first bad movie ever?

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I thought Lightning McQueen was a stupid name.

I thought that basing an entire movie around Larry the Cable Guy was a farce

Looked beautiful

Too bad the movie is awful because the lead character is unlikable

They were trying really hard to make his dad their Mufasa too. Right down to dying in a valley due to a rush at the fault of their son.

Shit movie.

I didn't like that they gave them such unrealistic designs but then had photorealistic textures and scenery.


Meh, I thought it was okay. Basically a western.

Cars and planes and all the sequels were worse in my opinion. I even liked it better than Inside Out.

Honestly I struggle to think of a pixar movie that was really good after Wally.

That's not Brave or Cars 2.

The boy and his dog but dinosaur and his boy being the twist didn't work as well as they wanted. Probably because a dino and a human is already a twist on reality, the "dog" could have been the dino.

I think the McQueen part is supposed to be referencing Steve McQueen

Not even close user, cars was in 2006 and no one will ever convince me that Brave was okay

By the way, someone watched this?

Ehh, it wasn't great. I mean, at least from a story perspective. Visually, it was IMO the most impressive yet. Brave too, wasn't a great movie, but was a visual landmark for Pixar. What gives? Do they think whenever they get a new toy or rendering engine they think they can slack off on the actual storytelling? Or is it just coincidence that the two best looking movies in the whole filmography are the most plain ones? They're not bad, not like Cars 2, but they're so far from the magic I'm expecting from them.

It very blatantly is

Some good voice acting, but that's about it.

Brave had stuff going on behind the scenes (like a director change) that at least partly explains the final product.

I don't know what was up with The Good Dinosaur, though

I think it also had shit going on behind the scene. I'll have to look it up.

That wasn't Pixar.

Same thing with the director change actually. Though I think it also had it's voice actors completely switched and a good portion of it's plot completely rewritten after it was initially delayed.

I'm pretty sure they changed a lot of the plot and recast a lot of the roles right before production

yeah I always hate this shit

The Good Dinosaur is too ok to be bad. It's just passable and goes to the point, and has some fun adventure. Unlike Cars that was really bleh or Brave which was a mess

Same thing with Toy Story

The original treatment for Toy Story, drafted by Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, and Pete Docter, had little in common with the eventual finished film. It paired Tinny, the one-man band from Tin Toy with a ventriloquist's dummy and sent them on a sprawling odyssey.

Zootopia also had a complete re-makeover, as did How to Train Your Dragon. And Emperor's New Groove.

Ratatouille also had a change in directors and Brad Bird took over. "Development hell" doesn't necessarily affect the final product as much as people would like to think. It's usually a 50/50 chance that the film will be good or bad after having everything scrapped.

Did they ever finished a movie without sheningas?

It was decent enough, not amazing but good for what it was.

Good Dinosaur was boring-to-okay

Cars 1 was okay,
Cars 2 was stupid.

Brave fucking sucks.

I honestly worry Pixar continuing donw this path.

Brave was hit with this too, but this took it to the next level.

I'm just getting sick of Pixar's art books lately. They're all just image collections with no information about the production or how or why these concept images morphed into the final product.

You can thank John Lasseter's fat greedy ass for that

I agree with what others have said. Cars 2 and Brave were bad, too.

The biggest turn off was that the mc dino and his family looked like they didn't belong. Everyone else were designed more realistically. This dude had colors that didn't fit and he just stuck out like a sore thumb the entire movie.

I think a story that really explored what evolved dinosaurs and their society are like would be fascinating. I remember that deviant art artist who does evolved bird like dinosaurs. That shit is fascinating and his pictures of them and their culture as time goes on is fucking great, I'd love to see that movie.

I saw TGD and it's definitely not that. It's a very generic western with some very superficial dinosaur window dressing. Everything would be exactly the same if the dinos were people and the kid was a dog. You could just digitally replace the characters that way and no one would notice.

2.The Incredibles
3.Toy Story
4.Toy Story 3
6.Finding Nemo
7.Monsters Inc
8.Toy Story 2
9.Inside Out

Power gap
11.Monsters Univerisity
13.Bugs Life

Power gap

16.The Good Dinosaur

Last. Cars 2

It just felt so generic
At least every other Pixar film although not all home runs all tried something different

I hated Ratatouille to be honest.

Didn't like UP either.

Still haven't seen Wall-E.

>cars was in 2006
You mean Cars 2?
Because first one was great. It's a unique movie about friendship and finding what really matters in your life. A beautiful story.
No need to go sperg with autism just because the cast was a bunch of cars and not some QT WAIFU XDDD

>cars 3 comes out next year

>toy story 4 is happening

What happened to you Pixar



>next Pixar non sequel movie is about Mexican kid aand dia de los Muertos
Mite be cool

Pixar is over. It just turned into another shitfest with reemakes and generic stories.
Forget about it. If your seen their list of what they gonna do in the next years up to 2018...Fuck this shit man.

>Mite be cool
it already sounds boring and generic
A kid finds a strange and cool world + adventures happen.

This is not Pixar. This is Boxtrolls.


Holy shit I am over the spic aesthetic by now.

Why is that baby hugging squidward's foot?

Why is skellington day so overused lately? Is it the only interesting part of spic culture?

>tfw nobody's tapped into God-tier native mesoamerican aesthetic and mythology when it'd probably net just as many spic pander points

That isn't Cars.

It's because it's an easy leeway into a spooky Halloween lite plot
>but wait we said this would be a Mexican movie
>just make it day of the dead
>uh boos all these peeps online say that Halloween and day of the dead are different and that it triggers them?
> fuck it day of the dead movie

Can't unsee it now, well done.

I mean I expected a movie about a cavekid with a pet dinosaur and it was the opposite.

I've never seen Cars, but I enjoyed Cars 2. It wasn't Pixar quality, but it was on the same level as stuff like Ice Age or most Dreamworks films. Brave is Pixar's worst film. The story was an absolute boring mess.

How can anyone put Brave in the same category as Cars or even more ridiculously, Cars 2? It is more on par with Monsters University: good, but falls short compared to other Pixar films. Neither Brave nor Monsters University are anywhere close to being as bad as the Cars movies.

The french girl from Ratatouille was cute as fuck

>Why is skellington day so overused lately? Is it the only interesting part of spic culture?
because its spooky YET not scary at all because everything from that culture looks liketoys made of candies.
Amerifats love candies and being spookd so Sugary Skeleton Day is a yes-yes. + waifu material (girls in sombreros with skelly makeup)

It was a good movie but tried too hard to be Lion King.
It still impress me how well written Spot character was. He was not stupid.

Are you joking? It's one of the most mature Pixar movies.

As far as characters and storytelling goes, its about on par with Bug's Life which is average, but not terrible.

The gangly cartoon models on top of the photorealistic world is fucking baffling, though.

Cars, Cars 2, Brave, and I might even argue Inside Out are all worse.

But they Dino was anoying and he was the main character. His design was also bad. The joints of his legs look unhealthy and unnatural.
For some reason the dinos who are not part of his family looked ok.

>Cars 2
>Frozen (debatable)
>Planes (technically not Pixar)
>Inside Out (debatable according to Sup Forums)
>The Good Dinosaur

Way too formulaic and cliche. To the point that it became impossible for the emotional hooks to catch properly.

>They were trying really hard to make his dad their Mufasa too. Right down to dying in a valley due to a rush at the fault of their son.

My sister and I saw this together and we both saw that coming a mile away. It was depressing to realize that killing the father off was a safe move. Which is kind of the movie in general. It makes so many safe moves with it's story that its hard to care about any of the conflict.

I think part of the issue is they combined a "lost boy" story and "boy and his dog" story. The story may have been better in general if they just stayed on the farm and it was mostly inter-character conflict. It may have also been better if they toned down the drama surrounding "the dog" and focused more on the adventure of getting home. (I can't even remeber the characters names)

As it stands the journey itself was very boring. It didn't feel like much was going on or that the main character interacted long with anything on the trip. The only meaty segment of the trip was the herding part which was legitimately good.

From a technical standpoint the movie is great though. The landscapes are gorgeous and the entire cast has good movements.

I disagree with this. One of the goals in cinema is to draw the viewers eye where you want on screen. If you can't spot the character and follow whats going on then that's a pretty big failure. There's almost always some difference to the main cast in scenes to make them pop just a bit more. In cartoons bugs bunny was against pastel and washed down backgrounds so that the characters really stood out.

I think overall good dinosaurs method worked. Especially in motion. Every new scene my eyes where easily drawn to where the action was going to be.

Though if your complaining that the MC dino and his family looked off next to all the dinos then that's a point I'll concede.

Didn't watch it.

>It's a unique movie

I genuinely can't tell if this is bait or not

Frozen is not Pixar.

i liked brave, why so much hate?

cars 1 was genuinely decent. its the only one of the vehicle shitshows that i've watched, though, so i got no actual comparison. and imho i'm not gonna waste time on all the goddamn movies

Cool designs and right now people also see this as diversity. To be honest, the only Día de Muertos themed project I actually loved was Grim Fandango.

Meh. Loved the tripping-balls scene though.

Who cares what others think, I fucking loved that movie. Still do.

Nope, Disney oversight means everything is designed by committee. Sometimes a bad movie becomes great, sometimes a promising movie is made worse. But more often than not they're made better.

no friend cars was shit

Your mom was shit, Timmy.

I didn't hate it but it was disappointing to me. The early trailers made it look like we would get another cool story with a kick ass heroine like Mulan but set in a magical Nordic setting so it looked like it would be the best thing ever. But the movie ended and I was like "Is that all?" it was such huge wasted potential...

Honestly, it wasn't terrible. It was just... boring. Which, I'm not sure whether it's actually a worse thing for a movie to be.

BEARS. let's solve all your problems with BEARS.

I though it was Cars 2.

I saw Cars only once all the way through, and that was back in 2006. I've been able to remember the gist of it through watching bits and pieces over again over the past 10 years, but it never seemed to be an especially bad Pixar movie, though they (and Disney by affiliation) did milk the everloving shit out of it ever since. I don't know, maybe Pixar has just made so many average movies lately that Cars has kind of moved back to the middle of the pack on the scale, if you know what I mean

I wouldn't really call it bad, at least because of the backgrounds and the water animation, it was just uninspired and messy from a script standpoint, and overall boring, but I don't think that was the 1st Pixar movie that had that problem.

Planes is Disney and a spinoff of Cars, but wasn't made by Pixar.

TGD had like 6 complete rewrites, not just one.

>growing mexican population in the US
>only part of spic culture non-spics are familiar with
>colorful and dark at the same time (so potential for varried visuals)
>wasn't overused til recently so it seems fresh to some people

MU was terrible. A less entertaining Revenge of the Nerds, and a cash-in that contradicted the previous movie.
Only one good scene in it (Sully frightening the cops), too bad it also contradicts canon.
Prequels are a mistake.

the war flashback scene was good tho

Why people hate cars so much? I liked it.

Just curious, what are the contradictions do you speak of?

I only watched it once but there really wasn't much to it.
Seemed extremely run-of-the-mill and can't really find positives I remember about it.

Well there's the fact that monsters are perfectly able to frighten adults, which Sully has experienced first-hand.
Rest of it, fuck if I remember, I last watched both movies years ago.
The internet points out
>1. Mike is a complete idiot on Monsters Inc, yet he's extremely intelligent on Monsters University
>2. On Monsters INC, it was stated they met in the 4th grade(not college)
>3. Mike's body size is x3 times bigger on Monsters, Inc.

Oh yeah how about the fact that Mike proves that you don't need to roar to make scares happen, and that using smarts is more efficient, yet the scaring model in Monsters Inc. is still as basic and doesn't use any of what Mike and Sully learned?

>cars 3 comes out next year
Fuck me, really. Goddammit.

Even when you think, years in the past "Pixar's got it too good. Nothing like this ever lasts. Something dumb is gonna happen and then the whole thing will just collapse," you're not really prepared for what that stupid shit is going to be. Maybe one day it'll be better. Disney proper was absolute trash for years, and then somehow dug themselves out of that.

But did they actually say that they're not able to scare adults? Because I don't remember them saying that. I think it's obvious why they scare children instead of adults.

>1. I don't remember how Mike being an idiot. He was still smart in Monsters Inc. and was always the one making the plans and thinking logically.
>2. He was speaking metaphorically when he said that Sully has been jealous of his looks since the 4th grade. Apparently in an interview they said the line "... since the fourth grade" would've been commonly used by monsters.
>3. Okay, you've got to kidding here. He's no where near x3 larger. All the character models are different in MU, why? Because it's set years before. They're obvious going to be smaller and look younger.

What are you talking about? That test room with the dummy proved that just roaring wasn't effective enough and that using other techniques like what Mike and Sully learned in MU. Sure it worked for Sully but not for other monsters.

I felt like it pulled a bait and switch on me. That first teaser had all the mystery and the bear and I thought it was going to be a mystical adventure to fight off the monsters of the woods and you know, not the mother-daughter thing we got.

Also the "guurl power" aspect was poorly earned. Mulan and Tiana had some girl power to them but it made more sense and wasn't so hamfisted. Tiana wants to open a business because she wants to complete the dream she and her father had long ago to do so. Mualn wants to join the military to save her father's life. These are admirable goals unlike out heroine in Brave.

God Tier:
>Toy Story 3
>The Incredibles
Great Tier:
>Toy Story
>Finding Nemo
>Monsters Inc
Good Tier:
>Toy Story 2
>Monsters University
Decent Tier:
>A Bug's Life
Meh Tier:
>The Good Dinosaur
>Inside Out
Irredeemable Garbage Tier:
>Cars 2

Prove me wrong.

God Tier:
>Toy Story 3
>Inside out
>The Incredibles
Great Tier:
>Toy Story
>Finding Nemo
>Monsters Inc
Good Tier:
>Toy Story 2
>Monsters University
Decent Tier:
>A Bug's Life
Meh Tier:
>The Good Dinosaur
Irredeemable Garbage Tier:
>Cars 2


>I think it's obvious why they scare children instead of adults.
Okay, explain then. Because the movie not only shows that adults are just as subject to being scared as kids, but also that their screams are potentially more powerful (as they fill several fear tanks). Reminder that a bunch of cops got scared by 2 college students.
I'm pretty sure the 1st movie makes the point they can only scare children, since, you know, they only ever try to scare children. And that's despite them thinking children are toxic, so don't give me any of that "it's because it's safe to scare children".
MU also establishes (before the cop scare scene) that their world thinks that you can't scare adults, as they use teenagers as obstacles in a course.
I can understand the establishment not being changed by this event and burrying it but at least Mike and Sully should remember it.

. Okay, you've got to kidding here. He's no where near x3 larger. All the character models are different in MU, why? Because it's set years before. They're obvious going to be smaller and look younger.
They're not my quotes but I don't think it's meant to be literal. And the end of MU has them both working at Monsters Inc, they're adults at that point.

>What are you talking about? That test room with the dummy proved that just roaring wasn't effective enough and that using other techniques like what Mike and Sully learned in MU.
I'm not talking about the test dummy, I'm talking about them scaring the cops by using accessories and environment rather than just acting scary.

The only scares we see in Monsters Inc. (as far as I remember) are roars and shit like Sully does.
It's the same problems as with the Star Wars prequels (well one of them): the world feels like it regressed between the prequel and the original.

Why do people rate Toy Story 3? It isn't even the best Toy Story, let alone Pixar film

>Meh Tier

For the past five years or so I've had far more faith in WDAS's ability to produce enjoyable films than Pixar has. I first realized this after Brave robbed Wreck-It Ralph of an Oscar (ParaNorman also got snubbed, but stop motion films rarely win Oscars either way).

>God Tier Inside Out
>Meh Tier Ratatouile

The Good Dinosaur was one of the best kids movies I've seen since I can remember that reminded me of all the classics of the Disney Renaissance much more than any other recent Pixar movie. Of course it flopped and was poorly received.

Planes 2 is super underrated tbfh desu senpai

>Toy Story 3
>God Tier

>Brave robbed Wreck-It Ralph of an Oscar
but Wreck-it Ralph IS worse than brave, Wreck-it Ralph was so god-damn mediocre.

True, but the recent Disney movies have been getting better, while Pixar is getting worse.

>Because the movie not only shows that adults are just as subject to being scared as kids, but also that their screams are potentially more powerful (as they fill several fear tanks).
Yes, only one group of adults witnessed by Sully and Mike. Even if in this world they believe that it was impossible to scare adults I doubt they would take Mike and Sully's word for it. Like you said, they filled several fear tanks which exploded. It just seems better to stick with kids, not just because they're less likely to touch monsters but because they could handle the amount of screams they produce.

>And the end of MU has them both working at Monsters Inc, they're adults at that point.
On their first day, user. They still look older on their first day at Monsters Inc than they did when they started studying at MU. I seriously doubt Monsters Inc took place a day after MU.

But you never mentioned cops here . I think you're confused.