Muda muda muda muda! It is I Dio! the main character of the last cartoon you watched will be your stand...

muda muda muda muda! It is I Dio! the main character of the last cartoon you watched will be your stand, do you have what it takes do win against my stand ZA WARUDO?

I swear I had something for this.



>Rewatching Samurai Jack to be ready for the 5th season

I got this[/spolier]

But the last cartoon I watched is the most recent episode of JoJo. Do I get Josuke as my stand?

Jojo really cringes me to death, so i already lost


What now ?

>Marco Diaz

Would my Marco stand just be him dressed like Star Platinum while he chops?

Would his stand cry be "Karararararate"?

「F R E A K O U T!」

Everyone would use their stand to masturbate right? Like even if it wasn't an attractive feminine stand it'd still be like getting a handy from someone else.

>Your stand has a stand

Yeah man, Jojo's is the best cartoon ever.

I swear Araki is going to do that in the next series.


My stand is John Cena. I'll be fine

holy shit Sasha's sunglasses look horrible here

Star Plat-nuts?

King Crimson has Epitaph. It's part of what makes it so hax.

>We Bare Bears
Pfft, my Crowbar Jones is no match for The World!

You know what, I'll just kill myself. It's okay.

That's because Diavolo is two people

This is me to.
I'd probably make it out alive, but with some broken bones and shit.

But think about how many bullshit powers he have.
>Indestructable shields with counter shock/sound waves or some shit
>Can summon and control plant minions at very high numbers
>Little bit telepathic
>Floating shit that is almost Accelerator levlel of bullshit
>Healing powers
And I'm probably forgetting something or he will gain even more