Pitch me your tv show

Pitch me your tv show.

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The destruction of the white race

Black slave in the Confederate White House becomes a spy for the Union during the Civil War

I've already written the pilot for this

punic wars

Two brothers, the spoiled one, heir of their ther's economical empire, and the smart one, founder of his own company. It turns out the smart one put in effect an elaborate workdwide plan for the illuminati. In the end he gets killed but now the world is forever changed in the way illuminati wants.

Seven seasons.


something with intergalactic governments and a wide range of species and humanity traveling the stars

Animated. A scientist clones Randy Savage and turns the corpses into zombies. One runs for, and wins presidential race. Fill his cabinet with the clones. Have each clone voiced by someone else doing a randy savage impression. The show will only feature the president finding kids locked in cars, or penguins attracted to anime standees. So nothing political. Randy Savage: Zombie President

White people..... Lots of cursing nudity and shocking twists

5 friends who are slowly succumbing to hard drugs due to traumatic experiences. It would be a 6 episodes miniseries with some dark humour in it. First episode would show all of them together being bros and showing off their good lives and the following 5 would focus on each one's life going to shit.

Some stuff happens, some people die, some people live, and it's over.

Star Wars





I want a period piece set in Revolutionary-era France. Begin on the eve of the Revolution, go through the Terror, and then the rise of Napoleon.

Aztec empire with fantasy elements (no colonialism)

A zombie outbreak has spread worldwide. The main character wakes up in hospital after a couple of weeks, the hospital is deserted. The show centres around him trying to find safety and rebuild.

That would be pretty cool...keep the fantasy elements low-key

X-files meets men in black meets the SCP foundation meets the twilight zone. Rotating cast to make the show more of an anthology. Told from the perspective of the agents of the organization, Fox Mulder-esque and crackpots from other organizations, the internet, reporters, etc, random asshole that stumbles into a new anomaly, directors of the conspiracy/illuminati types playing n-dimensional candyland. Have a good mix of returning characters and one shot stories with attention to background details that build a bigger consistent world where every tinfoil theory is true. Invite guest directors and stars to come on and be as weird as they want in the framework of the series, which is wide open.

Harry Hole series

It's about nothing.... nothing yeah.

>no colonialism
Like an alt-history of a world where the new world was never found/colonized?
Or just everything before the last scene of apocalypto?

space niggers who shit carrots use this to recharge the sun andd save the universe

Does he fuck the first lady and first daughter's a bunch?

I'd be interested in green lighting

Sissy. A man forced into sissyfication as a young boy escapes from his "owners" and tries to act his gender while the criminal syndicate who sold him are hunting him.

What makes you think the slave is male?
Could be a female of the species.

A black comedy done in the STALKER universe

Make it a male and I'm in, or keep pitching and getting nos whatever

In the series finale he fucks Varina while forcing Jefferson to watch
My main character is male but the real life person it's based on was a female slave actually


I'LL TAKE IT! Guaranteed 6 season minimum!

Deadwood. It's perfect and well done, the main character gets circles acted around him.

How long for you to get the whole thing written and bound up for me? And can you have him fucking more white women? I mean the finale is a start but we'll need some sex in the beginning and middle to keep the females interested

>fuck white women

Not him, but I think if you pull in the fantasy elements, the alt-history would make more sense.

Maybe an oracle or whatever has a vision of what could happen. They use their heathen magic to cripple invading fleets or just prevent their discovery outright. If you don't want to go that route, you could have the Aztecs unite with other native groups to resist the Europeans instead of what actually happens.

>kid in an old library
> using one of those sliding stairs to get to the top shelf for a book
>He slips and falls, hitting his head with the ground and a mysterious book from the top shelf
>When he wakes up in the hospital, he realizes he knows all the all the knowledge from every book ever

Child crime solving protoge that knows the conclusion to every murder before it's even committed because everything you people at HBO come up with is derived from a book series. Unoriginal hacks

>giving the faggot op ideas to get rich off of

fuck off

mini series of predators over history
>predator in rome
>predator in colonialism era
>predator in cowboy era
>predator in 1920's vs mafia
>predator in ww1
>predator in ww2
>predator in vietnam
>predator in modern day vs cartel
>predator in modern day vs bank robbers and police in middle of heist
>final episode is predator attacks whitehouse

none of this bullshit about predator loosing all the time, nah fuck that. predator kicks ass and slaughters cunts in every episode except for the last one where is he finally defeated but only after he takes lots of people out with him.
>make it R
>gore, swearing and tittys
itd be the best show to ever be recorded

Find honest work faggot.


Fat guy in the mafia screams a lot and has a therapist also he kills people sometimes

Are you Jewish?

Be honest.

>mfw Sup Forums actually has some really good show ideas

Eisenhorn - Played by Mark Strong

Give me 6 series, Fasserbender for Cherub of Bael?

Think StarTrek meets Mass Effect, meets True Detective meets super Grim Dark 40k. Give me now.

These all sucked. Like they're so bad HBO might actually be interested.

They'll need to be a little bit more anti-white though.

>never saw 28 days

Sliders meet There will be blood.
A scientist turned businessman has figured out how to jump between dimensions and uses that to extract oil, gold, slaves, water, etc. and build a transdimensional trading empire. This means s lot of groups are angry with him, since he's fucked over a lot of people.

Fantasy Aztec is by far the best one, that sounds fucking rad. At the very least, you gotta admit it's original, there's never been a show like that.

A Band of Brothers type mini series, but set in one of the first integrated units in the Korean War

A miniseries about a WW2 Atlantic convoy trying to get to the UK but being hunted by subs.

Nice try directors

I didn't mean "no colonialism" as in that being part of the fantasy element, just Aztek/Mesoamerican civilization with fantasy elements that takes place prior to gringo arrival


#1 Crime drama miniseries inspired by The Killing
>set in the 80s
>small backwoods town near a lake
>child found dead
>Jessica Chastain arrives to investigate
>teams up with Jeremy Sisto
>serial killer becomes active and commits gory murders in every episode
>Chastain must uncover the long-held secrets of the town's decades old local urban legends

#2 Games of Thrones/Rome/Spartacus/whatever else epic fantasy show inspired by Grek mythology
>set in ancient Greece
>political drama in Olympus
>stories such as Medea are told in hard-hitting and dramatic ways
>big end of season clincher in like season 3 or 4 sees Atlantis sink into the ocean
>tons of tits and blood

no, actually I'm a race realist, but I love the Civil War and I know this is the only way the Jews would let a show about the Civil War take place

I want to portray Jefferson Davis as a compassionate character

Love it

Would watch #1. I'm a sucker for those shows.

There have been plenty of movies, miniseries, and shows about the antebellum south, civil war, and reconstruction era.

These Hands- A heartwarming story of a habitual mastabator suffering from crippling arthritis as he recounts his most memorable wanks.

Yeah I guess I should have clarified that this would be the only way to get a show set in Richmond depicting the Confederacy. You couldn't have a Confederate main character on most networks, HBO might let it happen though.

its a setting for a show but there's no plot or characters so wtf is it actually about

a guy who ejaculates hammers and decides to open an hammer shop,

the longer he goes without cumming the bigger the hammer is, from watchmakers hammer to sledge for example

his hammer shop becomes mildly successful and he fucks a chick / hires a prostitute (havent decided yet) and gets an STD...

thats ep 1 anyway

True Detective. But it's in Russia.

He just cum a single hammer, in excange of all his load, or he cum a hammer for every drop?

what would be the name of it?

watching trains?

one each time, but he was saving them in crates from when he was younger so he has enough to fill the shop

The longer he waits the bigger is the hammer, this is ok, but what if he fucks everyday? The hammers would shrink till a certain dimension and stop or they would shrink and shrink becoming useless super tiny hammers? Masturbation also works or just real sex?

A slick sunglasses wearing guy who works for a PR firm.

The series will follow different scandals him & his team have to cover up - like company oil spills, racist remarks from celebrities etc.

Whilst covering up other people's mess he uncovers that his boss is a paedophile when transferring some documents off his computer and snooping in some emails.

The boss is beloved by all and has been nothing but helpful to sunglasses. He's now torn between investigating his bosses crimes further or staying loyal to the company.

A 6-10 episode mini series recreating the novel I Am Legend the proper way and not some hollywood bullshit.


Stephen King's IT in 10 parts

what DO YOU MEAN? you didn't enjoy will negro smith dispensing ebony $treet smarts on cancer patients: the movie?

Thank you for smoking: the series

>The sewer orgy is 8 episodes long

A surreal crime thriller where a man receives phone calls to commit crimes, leading to a vast and intricate conspiracy, as well as an exploration on his psyche.

Jacket, the main character, is an ex soldier in some tropical war which the viewer would assume is vietnam. He lives a solitary life, and the few places he does visit he sees the same exact person working there. One day, he receives a phone call telling him there is going to be a robbery at a restaurant he frequents the next day, the person on the other end informs him that if he manages to kill the robbers, he will receive money. He initially doesn't believe them but he goes to that restaurant and when they do show up, it begins his business relationship with the mysterious caller

An antagonist, Biker, starts off unsympathetic but is built up to have an arc, and may in fact be a better hero than Jacket is.

Jacket clashes with Mob Bosses, Biker, and his own psyche in an effort to unravel the mystery of who is behind the calls.

Hear me out.

A Game of Thrones spinoff, but with even more shocking twists and sex.

if this was directed right with AESTHETICS it'd be pretty fucking neat, good job.

A 4 season show based on pic related, animated in roughly the same style as the cutscenes.

Of course, it has to fix certain plot holes, needs a massive rewrite of dialogue, way better voice acting, expanding on some of the things mentioned and seen in the game, lots of world building, etc. but I could totally see it working.



any cumming produces hammers, with the chick he fucked he pulled out and laid a fat Ball Pein hammer on her chest

I haven't considered the limits of his power but Ive jacked of eleven times in one day and shit was still coming out so...

Man they should totally make this into a videogame aswell

What if Jacket wears different animal masks to represent his fragmented psyche?

Also, what do you think about a romance? Maybe in one of his first crimes, jackets kills a minor mob boss and find a nearly dead hooker and he took her to his place, or something.

A huge camp guarded by the military appears near the base Mt Olympus in Greece.
Someone has found a skeleton of a deformed women dating from antiquity.
Tests reveal the DNA is part human, part snake.

a musical show about a mother son lifeguard duo that solves neighborhood msteries

>4 seasons


Fallout show

They could have a game of thrones type of situation where they show the different points of views from different factions/places while having the main story going on.Story will take place in southwest cali/az/nev

teen girls shopping for shoes

>mfw this is pretty much a guaranteed smash hit

Sopranos prequel
Dimeo family

Earth is destroyed, the last generation ship is imprinted to the will of a small child. Basically Big Love+Silicon valley+Lexx.

I'd watch the fuck out of this, unironically.

1 season for each disc. If it is to translate well into a show, a lot of shit needs to be expanded upon.

Love it. Green light.

Prequel to Rome: Carthage

Nah, that would never work

I was trying to think of who I would want to direct a Hotline Miami adaption, and while all the memers say Refn, the only person I could think of would be Noah Hawley

He's got a good grasp on how visuals are used to push forward themes, and legion proves that he can do trippy stuff and consistent Aesthetics, and Fargo proves he can write compelling and iconic crime thriller characters.

I don't feel like he's perfect for it but I can't think of anyone else.

You know what HBO could do to really get me erect? GGive Dave Chappelle $120 Million and complete creative control and try to convince him to bring Chapelle show back.

Three independent seasons, each set in its respective century showing the rise and fall of the British East India company

Two fbI agents investigate a strange crime the occurred. They follow clues that point to some supernatural entity

During the season finale they find out that it was a combination of supernatural, paranatural and otherworldly powers at play and when the two agents find the suspect, the suspect causes an apocalyptic ecebt to occur and now the show us about a supernatural and otherworldy post apocalypse show

That actually sound like something HBO would do. Although maybe it's more AMC.

Basically what some people wanted True Detective to turn into. As much as I understand calling people who wanted that plebs, it would be an interesting show in it's own right.

Refn is a good director, has a good visuals and aesthetics, but Jesus fucking Christ he sucks at everything else. But if you gave him good writers and producers, he could probably do something amazing.

Gaspar Noè