Staten Island is the only borough with a non-Hispanic White majority. According to the 2010 Census, 64...

>Staten Island is the only borough with a non-Hispanic White majority. According to the 2010 Census, 64.0% of the population was non-Hispanic White, down from 79% in 1990

>Non-Hispanic Whites were 58.9% of the New Jersey population in 2011, down from 88.6% in 1970.

WTF bros I wanted to see Italian-America one day and now I find out it barely exists as is?

I'm Italian American and live in Kansas, they've been completely ethnically cleansed out of places like Staten Island, New Jersey, New York. Sorry aussie

>they've been completely ethnically cleansed out of places like Staten Island, New Jersey, New York.
>completely ethnically cleansed
lol not really

Forced out of their historic neighborhoods at least. Many of the old Italian American neighborhoods are full of Asians and Muslims

Long Island is full of Sicilians, the real Jersey Shore type guidos. Them and the Irish.

Yeah but as mentioned in
They are a minority now

>Long Island
I thought that is where Jews are at

That's Brooklyn

coincidentally the only part of nyc that voted for trump

Pretty much every white ethnic group voted for Trump (myself included)

>every white ethnic group
I suppose that excludes the Jews......?
I have seen some of them who voted for Trump but majority went for Dems

I live here. We are all either Irish/Italian/Polish Catholics or Asheknazi Jews, at least in the suburbs.
In the more urbanized areas there are a lot of blacks and hispanics. Also Asians in general are a minority everywhere.

They werent forced out their incomes rose and they left shitty immigrant neighbourhoods for the spacious suburbs and the next bunch of immigrants took their old places

Entirely voluntary

Not Jews. 80% of them voted for Hillary (they aren't white)
They could have stayed there if it wasn't for third world immigrants, what happens when they come for the suburbs?

>myself included


>what happens when they come for the suburbs?
For Asians, the pattern is like:
>Asians (read: Chinese, Indians, mb some Koreans in STEM jobs) get $$
>go to affluent/upper middle class suburbs seeking for good school districts
>now these places are 50% Asian
>white people go further away from urban area

At least that's what I see in Los Angeles or San Francisco.

>tfw germans where the ones who got literally hitler elected

What happens when they move farther? When do we stop running?

Germans wanted to see a German president I suppose

When you are at the edge of the cliff, wh*Te scum.

I have no sympathy for brown people. You could all die and I would throw a party

They chose not to stay there in the late 70s before bangladeshis started arriving. Do you know how cramped, dirty and in disrepair the apartments in those areas are.

When italian americans rose economically they obviously wanted bigger house with lawns etc etc. The last to move might have been pushed out by decreasing familiarity to their neighbourhood, but those are the marginal straddlers, the critical mass moved because they wanted nicer homes in the burbs

What about those who got left behind and couldn't afford the burbs?

>What happens when they move farther?
Idk. I guess they just leave California. I don't think they will be willing to commute from somewhere like Riverside to LA.

As an Asian, I just find it weird for those white people to do 'white flight' even further away from urban area when Asians come into their suburbs. I mean we aren't niggers who turn places into hoods. Rather, we actually bring up average housing price as we just pay a lot for real estates in good school districts

>I have no sympathy for brown people. You could all die and I would throw a party

t. brown people from a brown country

? I am white.
Your bug people and we want our own communities. Not a tall order Zhang

If they hanged around long enough theyre millionaires.

The point is we have to stop running and retake our living spaces

>we want our own communities
You guys cucked yourself after the hippie shit (in the US) and the '68 movement (in Europe). You guys have no one to blame but boomers if you want to say muh race/muh nation shit

The boomers are just dumb, it was the greatest generation that forsake us. We will statically be 30% of this country in 30 years, we won't completely dissappear off the continent but things look bleak. Hopefully we can come out the other end stronger and better for it.

>wanting to take back some shitty decrepid apartments when people are much happier in jersey, staten island etc

>spacious suburbs
Without social housing the formula for real estate prices implies that prices are inversely proportional to the distance from a commercial centre, i.e. downtown. 2 hour commutes and living in the middle if nowhere is a downgrade.

you have no clue about real estate.

m8 the government literally has a policy of injecting spics and niggers from shitty cities into suburban areas.

Did you even watch the Sopranos?

One of the running themes of the show is former Italian neighborhoods getting converted to other ethnic enclaves.

This, I feel like I'm watching the history Channel when I watch old mobster movies becuase all those places where they lived belong to Muslims, spics, niggers, chinks, and other miscellaneous third world brown peoples

Lol non ci penso paesano. Pochi italiani risiedono ancora a Manhattan, ma la popolazione risiede per lo piu a Brooklyn, dove esiste un vera comunita italoamericana in Staten Island, dove la popolazione di origine italiana raggiunge il 40%.

Next prestige tv show will be about old dearborn hezbollah guys bitching about the hondurans

Circle of America bro

Probably not, the prospect of that is ridiculous. What's more likely to happen is white people are completely ethnically cleansed from the USA and nobody makes television anymore


speak english you fucking nigger. wops have been in the USA for hundreds of years and yet you fuckers still speak your boopty boopty bullshit out in public like it's going out of style.

just stop.

And everybody shops at wallmart
Medigan di merda