Why is Tony Stark stealing Peter's shit?

Why is Tony Stark stealing Peter's shit?


i dunno, ant man.


Not sure if it just me but it feels like Slott and Bendis would prefer to swap their main comics

It is not stealing if it is upgrading.

Do you complain if some guy break into your house and give you 500,000 dollars and Free video games to you? And then fix your car while leaving out.

But the weird bit is Peter is basically Stark these days given his own science corporation. This kind of like Reed and Pym particles now

It is if the guy doesn't know how cars work. How the fuck does Tony know what a "working" webshooter is? Is he going to lower the pressure needed to shoot webs? Because that's so that only people with super-strength, like the various Spider characters can use them (until other writers don't know that). Is he going to remove the double-tap function, so that webs can be launched faster? That's so you don't web your wrists every time you throw a punch.

Next you'll be saying Reed Richards should build War Machine's next armor. Leave the upgrading to people who have stress-tested this shit.

Because Peter is stealing Tony Stark's shtick.

Pretending to be your own bodyguard is a silly secret identity.

But Miles got his Web shooters from Ultimate Peter

Given that we don't know exactly how Miles's new history is, post-Secret Wars, maybe Peter DID. Actually, fuck, what is Miles's motivation in 616?

Iron Man's "armor" is just a skin tight suit with some separated segments.

Isn't he aware of the fact that his old universe and supporting cast is gone for good and he's now living in an entirely new world?

So, since there are two Spider-mans in 616 one, how do they differentiate them?
Like if someone says "Go get Spider-man", how do they know which one to get?

Miles has been around since 2011, the smart thing to do would be to make his powers a result of Spider-Island like what happened with Anya.

Molecule man made him 'always part of 616'
Because reasons. I guess just rebuilding 1610 wasn't worth the burger

So if Peter, Miles, -and- Miguel are all using the Spider-Man name, how do people in the Marvel universe differentiate and address them?

If all three were in a room and someone goes "yo, Spidey!" what happens?

It's Spider, future-Spidey, and Black Spider-man

Yeah Parker has like nine million specialized kinds of webbing now. It'd be like him wackying up one of Tonys friends and iron man suit.

What about if you're, say, Kingpin and you want to put a hit out on Spider-man.
How do you describe him?
>I want Spider-man dead
>Which one?
>The black one.
>But two of them wear black
>No I mean the one is African American
>You know what he looks like under his mask?
>No, but he just sounds black
>That's a bit presumptive, isn't it, Mr. Fisk?

I mean It was only a one old burger. Miles did come out ahead in that swap.

Very, very few people know Miguel is from the future or even a separate person from the one in red and blue. Hell, a lot of the time, he shows up and people think he's -the- Spider-Man just wearing a different costume and acting strangely.

Miguel has a white costume now.


Keep Miles away from Spiderman please

That's silly. Fisk would just order them all to be killed. Nigga, do you even Kingpin?

The skull on his chest looks pretty Punishery now

I liked his old costume. I hate this one.

Do you have any idea how much it costs to put out a hit on Spider-man?
Please be fiscally responsible.

Then ultimate Peter knocked him out and stole them back after an unsuccessful robbery attempt.

He would consider it fiscally responsible to eliminate 3 potential problems to his empire.

>Do you have any idea how much it costs to put out a hit on Spider-man?

Considering how many of Spidey's rogues, who are on a higher power-level than probably 99/100 assassins, would do it for free?
50 bucks

Please be.....FISKally...responsible

>Considering how many of Spidey's rogues, who are on a higher power-level than probably 99/100 assassins, would do it for free?
Given how alive Peter is, you evidently get what you pay for

Are Pete and Tony on opposite sides for the new Civil War?
Will Miles' be this one's Peter? In the sense that Tony manipulates him to join his cause?

>Dubs in 99

Most people call him Spider-man 2099. Because he came out of 2099 and people started calling him out.

I guess People will call him "Scarlet-spider". Because Kaine and ben are dead, And miles fits the scarlet spider more than both of them (costume wise).

Gee, I wonder who's name is on all the comic book covers. I think that's probably the reason that he's still alive.

Miles should call himself Scorpion given how Venom Blast reliant he is

He's not above taking someone else's secret identity

>Because Kaine and ben are dead
Kaine is alive, he resurrected himself for a third time in the final pages of Spider-Verse.

>He's not above taking someone else's secret identity

1. The costume will be ugly.
2. That is part of miles powers. He can turn himself invisible too.

Next pages, please?

They're swapping places.

Why are modern remakes of future super hero costumes shit? Classic case of "If its not broken, don't fix it".

What's with everyone getting those two toned shoes?

There's no super strength pressure needed to shoot webs, just the double-tap function. Peter used his web-slingers when he lost his powers back when Stan Lee was still writing him.

What Tony CAN do is rearrange the web feed system so that the cartridges rotate out automatically, toss in the web-ball feature that Ben Reilly invented, integrate communicators and a GPS, or other fun bits.

Pete knows chemicals. Stark is a mechanical genius. He's an expert at miniaturization as well, and he could probably pack a ton of shit into web-shooters that Pete wouldn't get. Shit, Pete's had them for fifty years and he still has to manually reload the web cartridges.

And yet they didn't tell Read to take food with him when he went in, that could have gone so much easier.
YouTube knows he is a person of colour.

God, It isn't a bad costume.

It stills looks pretty cool and terrifying.

Ugh, what did they do? Miguel's costume was literally perfect, why change it?

maybe Pete doesn't want too many moving parts

The mask looks pretty silly, he looks like he has big saggy jowls. That being said, it's overall not bad just worse than the old one by comparison, since the old one was pretty much perfect. Same issue with

Good thing that those are Miles' webshooters and not Pete's, then.

and who is Miles going to go to when all those fiddly moving parts interfere with the slinging of webs?

Stark, of course.

What, are the webshooters created by a fifteen year old child somehow beyond the grasp of one of the top five mechanical engineers on the planet?

It won't. In fact Tony's web-slingers will probably make him a cool refreshing drink after Miles beats some bad guy's ass.

what experience does Tony Stark have with web-slinging, especially what experience does he have over someone who has been doing it since age 15?

Nah man, that's far too interesting

I'm sure the genius will have to just slog his way through it.

when you go to get your car fixed, do you go to a guy who's been doing it his entire life, or do you go to the smart guy who's seen it done a few times?

Stark doesn't know anything about slinging shields, but he managed to make a remote control device for Cap's shield. Cap only ditched it after a few months because it threw the balance off just enough to irritate him.

He doesn't know anything about astronaut training, but he made multiple space suits that performed to perfection.

He didn't know anything about powered armor or medicine, but he made the first Iron Man suit based around an electromagnetic chest plate on his first try.

>Actually, fuck, what is Miles's motivation in 616?
To be the best Spider-Man because he is black.

In all seriousness, Miles has no reason to exist in 616, and blending him into it the way they did was retarded. All his character development and motivation is gone, and now he just... is.

Where does new-Miles get his webbing?
Is it Ganke or does Pete stop by every once in a while to fill up Miles' webbing stores?

Paste-pot Pete, if I remember correctly, lamented being unable to figure out Pete's webbing formula, so I'm guessing it's a closely guarded secret

so he didn't know anything about slinging shields, and it annoyed the shield slinger enough that he stopped using it?

do you not see a parallel here?

Basically, Cap loved it for the first while, used it for a few months, then decided that it threw off the balance just enough that it wasn't 100% perfect anymore. Only 99%.

So Cap ditched it.

>guy who's been doing it his entire life
If Parker is more than 25, I'd be surprised, which means he's been doing it about 10 years. when means Tony's a fucking genius, older and until recently the only one of the two who had 2 nickels to rub together. Team Stark here.

>so I'm guessing it's a closely guarded secret
Yet Tony seems to have figured it out or better yet improved on it.

and now Peter has the money and Tony is broke sooooooooooo

>They find out Tony's version doesnt dissolve correctly and becomes corrosive.
If only.

This is literally the plot to Bendis's first arc of Spider-Man. Black Cat puts out a hit on Spider-Man (Pete) and they mark the wrong one (Miles).

What I don't understand is how 2015 tech can outpace 2099 tech in the costume.

it's best not to think about it too hard

And yet he can still afford billion dollar pieces of armor. Sad thing is that when it's all over with, Peter will be going back to his broke ass self and you know I'm right.

Well I guess Reed DOES know more about Pym Particles than Hank, so Tony can know webbing better than Peter
Turns out Stark's finicky high tech version can only take one specific formula of webbing

>Tony going to take over Peter company.
>Peter going spend fuck-ton of money on bullshit.
>Peter going to get kidnap by kaine and kaine going to run his company.
>The company is going to be BTFO.
>Doc ock going to get back his company.

>Tony and MJ get out of his private helicopter as he walks over to Peter and asks him to smell his fingers.
You forgot one.

Far, far too late for that

They probably would've done equally bad jobs

Us well-spoken black people are, audio-wise, indistiguishable from whites unless you actually see us talking. Or unless we get pissed.

All I want from Spider-Man right now if for Slott to die suddenly, Yost to take over, and it to become a Spider-Man team-up book where Pete uses his company to fund the Spider-Squad composed of him, Kaine, Miguel, Miles, and Silk. He could employ them all legitimately at Parker industries (Miles is the kid intern) and they could fight crime when shit hits the fan.

We'll never have nice things.



>Team Up

Not as the main book. But that sounds like a neat B title.

I'm just beyond ready for this Parker Industries shit to go away. It wasn't interesting when it was called Horizon Labs, and it certainly isn't interesting now. I don't read Spider-Man for super science and office drama. I read Spider-Man for a more human/street level superhero.

A team up book will probably happen with how well the spidey spinoff books like Miles and Gwen's books are doing

Marvel is making Iron Man the face of the company instead of Spider-Man. In order to make people care about Iron Man and stop caring so much about Spider-Man, they need to switch shit.

Because Peter keeps neglecting it.

>Ultimate Peter

I know the movies boosted Ironman's popularity by leaps and bounds (and a rocket-ride to the moon), but that still seems like a really tall order.

But depending on the team that could be awesome or terrible.

what the fuck happened to 616 miles? what the fuck did pete find out

The guy who died, came back to say Miles is totally cool and legitimate, fucked off to nowhere because responsibility is best shoved off unto a kid even younger than himself, and then was squashed when the universe imploded

it's what Nick Fury whispered to de-worthy Thor

That shit has likely been swept under the rug, with the post-secret wars erasing that miles from existence.

and Ultimate Peter got his (last) webshooters from Ultimate Stark

Oh snap!!!

>dub 9s

Supposedly supposed to be revealed in Spider-Men 2.

Nothing of import.
It was just a plot hook to be used in the future, but then Spider-Verse prevented Bendis from picking it up, and Secret Wars collapsed the universes, throwing that plot hook in the trash.

Can somebody post the next page?

Pretty sure Miles doesn't belong to Peter.


You are right.

Miles doesn't belong to Peter.
BUT HIS ASS belong to Peter.

neither does MJ :^)

Go to hell Hank.

Nigga Miguel is there too

Peter had never gone web-swinging before when he invented them.

Are we seriously suggesting that Tony Stark is incapable of examining, reproducing, and improving on something that a literal child invented?