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I hate Illumination so much.

It's just a safe movie aimed at young kids and 50 year old women. Take cute animals and make them sing mildly catchy tunes while having a "live your dreams" plot for instant commercial success.

>Matthew McConaughey
>Seth MacFarlane
>Scarlett Johansson
>John C. Reilly

Actually the gorillas are cockney thugs, ie white trash, but whatever floats your boat, faggot.

Why can't we say niggers anymore without triggering some sjw? This place used to be cool.

1st, don't flatter yourself, loser. You're on the same comic book and cartoon image board hosted on an anime website as the rest of us. Nothing related to and non one on this website is "cool."

2nd, quit being so sensitive, you read like one of those faggot SJWs you hate so much but in reverse. A cunt, if you will.

For someone who gets offended by being called a nigger you use the word faggot a bit much. Trying to compensate for something? Also making a numbered list with only two elements is pretty autistic even for this site standards.

But isn't this what you wanted? You wanted attention, right? You wanted to fit in? You wanted to be cool with cool kids and have your thread be noticed. Well, now it is being noticed. Now run along, I think your mom has dinner ready for you and you're gonna need a few minutes to wash up and get the lotion and cum off your fingers.

he's obviously baiting user, just ignore

Bet all the good parts are on this trailer and the movie is a stretch

I feel bad for Garth Jennings that this will inevitably suck

I wanted to talk about cartoons on a cartoon board, but these days we cant start a thread on Sup Forums without summoning sjws.
Here take this pic, it's more appropriate for you.

Oh well, niggers be niggers.

Oh aye. I can tell they specifically had young kids in mind when they added the "big butt" song.

But hey! Between this and.... sausage party....

Bring on the twerking kids I guess.

Gotta jump on the Zootopia hype train before it's too late.

Real question is Which ones would Sup Forums fuck?

the movie didn't come out 10 years ago dude, this shit has been in production for awhile

So how long has this movie been in production anyway about same time as zootopia or after?

>It's about animals who know how to sing
>they all use auto-tune

The character designs are so goddamn bland

Actually, the majority of the discussion on this thread sums up my thoughts on this movie. Off topic, pointless, and something I'm not going to watch.

I think what offends me most is Minions made nine zillion dollars and they can't even pay someone to write original songs. It's all pre-existing top 40 tunes lip synched.

Pretty sad. Seems like every time Illumination tries to do something not Minion-related it's bland.

>gorillas are niggers


They could be from Nigeria.

rabbits feet don't move just stretch

Milf pig is pretty nice.

Seeing as milf pig and thug gorilla are the "focus," which one do you think will win?
Or will they be semi clever and have it be a different character, with the message of "following dreams" being a bit more realistic?

>gorillas are niggers

Thats ridiculous. A gorilla has never been unfairly shot and killed for no reas--


I get the impression that the MILF pig will dump her husband and run off with the thug gorilla.

Anybody know if the porcupine was doing an actual song, or if she was just rocking out with SJH doing her own thing?

I'd probably ham-mer pig wife.


Officially, the gorilla dind- sorry, didn't do anything.


I don't like how its just Lip syncing. I mean

Happy Feet basically had the same premise. Stick a bunch of beloved songs in an animal cartoon. But Happy Feet at least had the decency to do their own renditions of songs.

The Elephant girl is cute though.

>I don't like how its just Lip syncing
You're right, these animated animals should use their own voices.


Considering their motivations, I don't think either will win. Milf pig just wants people to appreciate her and thug gorilla wants to prove he's a good son to his dad, but really just needs to learn to tell his dad to fuck off. Both of those things can be accomplished without winning the competition, and so can their dreams of being professional or famous singers. Just competing will be enough to get them recognized.

If anybody wins I bet it's going to be the elephant that seems to have self confidence issues. Every other character will get a happy ending relating to their own personal motivations and learn they never really needed to win a singing competition at all.

But I think the real conflict is going to be that the competition gets called off before anyone wins because the koala loses the theater, and the movie then really becomes about saving the theater.

>I don't like how its just Lip syncing

I think that's probably just for the trailers.

I wish the trailer had more about her backstory.


I wouldn't be as annoyed. Hell I might even see it in theatres.

>Gorrilas are niggers

Crocodiles are CLEARLY niggers.
Crocodiles are ALWAYS niggers.

Louis from Princess and the frog?
The Crocs from the Lone Digger video?
Vector the Crocodile?

>Dad gorilla pulling a "Son i'm disappoint"

Nigga you're the one in jail.

are you dense

he's disappointed because the son wants to sing, and not be a hardass gangsta

>It's like some producer saw Shakira in Zootopia and said "We can sell a full movie like that!

Movies are produced years in advance

the style differences are jarring

I've still got major doubts about this movie that trailer does make me think it's got some neat ideas.
There have been enough movies about one character or a group changing their lives by competing in a singing or talent competition but a diverse ensemble cast of competitors? I don't think I've seen that before.
Having the 'life changer' be the competition runner is neat idea to.

It's a pity about the lack of original songs and Illumination's film credits aren't that great. Also other than competing among the other animated fair this year, there is no real justification for them being animals.

good one, another point for us white boys right?

I'm interested in this. The gorilla kid is cute, and the koala reminds me of Kwicky Koala, which pleases me for some reason. It seems vanillaish, but still tasty. Will see if other trailers continue to hold interest.

it has the potential to be good in concept except its not doing anything besides existing it'll probably just be mediocre especially since it probably cost more to get the special guests then to animate it or to get good writers

Porcupine is cute.

Hope Pig Mom can work things out with her husband.

Its literally a dance by numbers flick

please not be a sjw

>I don't like how its just Lip syncing.

Its third hand lip synching. Cartoons lip synching actors lip synching.

if i do decide to see this its going to be really weird seeing black widow as a porcupine

That's how hard he disagrees with singing gorilla.

>its another anthropomorphic animal movie



Be real nigger, there is no potential here. This is the exact same shit that had DreamWorks written off for years.

"Oh my gosh"

>>Matthew McConaughey
whats wrong with Matthew, cuck?

To be honest, I'd rather just watch Rock Dog

>quills stuck in her shirt

a nice detail


Recognized Seth McFarlane's voice the instant he spoke

Dude can't do anything else, can he

His voice range is actually pretty impressive. It just isn't apparent in this role.

I hope Pig Mom and Dad get closure.

I'm kinda sad that rhino isn't going to be voiced by someone like Rebel Wilson. She looks like she'd fit that role pretty well.

He's pretty much a white Tyler Perry: does a lot of stuff, makes a shit ton of money from a small niche market, but never anything worthwhile.

That's an elephant.

>talking animals movie
>save the theater plot
>licensed pop songs
Christ, is there ANYTHING original in the movie?

>kid falls into gorilla enclosure
>BLM screams racism. Yup. Racism. Because they shot and killed the gorilla for going apeshit on the kid because, "If he was black they would have just tranquilized it!"
>kid was black
You cannot fabricate the words of these people. Nothing you say will ever be too stupid to actually be something they believe.

What about King K, Rool?

Gorillas, crocodiles, same thing youtube.com/watch?v=S86XCXalbSE

She is, and look at what all those kids did to her hips

These character designs, who approved that? It' like nickelodeon's cgi garbage

>White tears


>Talent shows

Calm down Tyrone

I really hate singing competition shows, but honestly I liked the trailer. I dunno.

Alright guys, how do we destroy Illumination? Maybe we can slap together a shitty cgi trailer for a movie about Muhammad and attach "From Illumination studios" to it so it triggers Muslims and they get suicide bombed.