
And the worst part is? They're just not cute anymore.

Jesus Christ do you fags need another thread to complain about this shit?

i cant even muster up the energy to care

i stopped watching CN like 2 years ago.

>The people here probably talk about these two cartoons 10x more than the actuall literal children who watch it do

The sad part is that only 20 something years olds are complaing about this shit. It's just a children's cartoon ffs.

>literally "You came to the wrong neighbourhood, motherbucker."


you're not allowed to complain about people complaining about things user, because doing that means you're a shill from tumblr

>It's for kids, so it's okay if it's shit!

Who are you quoting?

>It's real


Mr. Enter.

But thats the exact opposite of what Enter says


>Sup Forums on superhero comics
>why are they so edgy and not lighthearted fun ?!

>Sup Forums on superhero cartoons
>why are they so lighthearted and not edgy like the old ones?!

But it's always been shit. Original ppg was shit. It was drivel for dumb kids. Original teen titans was crap. It was a bad cartoon fucks here just happened to be the right age for when it aired.
People need to stop whining about the shitty shows they liked as a kid continuing to be shit just because they aren't nostalgic about the New version.


>Original teen titans was crap.

I unironically agree. It was anime derivative crap that came on when anime was booming in america. It was nothing special only got entertaining around the time of the doom patrol arc.

As if you can't think of a worst crossover than this.


>>why are they so lighthearted and not edgy like the old ones?!
Have you not seen how edgy the new PPG is? Buttercup abuses people who did nothing to her

that's classic Buttercup for you


That's actually pretty appropriate.

so this exists and sym-biotic titan never got another season

man does cartoon network just hate good things ?

Ironically it will probably be a good episode for the PPG. TTgo can be decent at time when they don't lecture the viewers or just run one joke to the ground

TTG x SU when?

>Original ppg was shit. It was drivel for dumb kids

Um no breh. and I say this as someone who rewatched the original recently. It had a lot of clever jokes and adult jokes much like early Spongebob did. Damage control retard alert.

Welp, I guess it was the natural course of progression. Here's to another 3 years of PPG and TTG.

Great, yet another thread about children's cartoons. How fuckin' old are you creeps? Actually, you probably shouldn't answer that question.

No one is forcing you to watch these shows, you neckbeard sperglords


Honestly, that wasn't that bad.

Mr. Enter is a brony, one of the main groups pushing "CARTOONS AREN'T JUST FOR KIDS"


What kind of fat virgin even cares about a power puff girls remake?

Thanks for the self-confidence boost. Remember to shower once in a while

When does it come out?




but srly that episode is canon and it wasn't that bad
ganon canon

Why can't we just ignore this?
People hated Sanjay and Craig, but there wasn't constant threads of people hating on it constantly.

I'm optimistic

It's being handled by the TTG team, which is the better of the two evils

because dear god not that many peolpe hate it user
Sup Forums
they all agree on it
the more people are aware about it
the more they spread it
and it just leads to more noise user
it's a never ending cycle...

>Why can't we just ignore this?

the fact that you thought to ask this question means you do NOT have autism


now just do the sensible thing and filter all threads about children's cartoons you don't watch


Dumb retarded manchildren...baka

Grow the fuck up and stop watching children's cartoons.

This is Sup Forums, stupid user

>Sup Forums - comics & cartoons

>Sup Forums - creepy, obsessed sperglords obsessively posting and complaining about children's cartoons

Just because they're kids doesn't mean they should have to watch low-quality content. If you let them get away with it, then people won't produce good shows anymore.

$0.25, shill, etc.

just fuck etc

Wow, looks like summer came early this year.

>regurgitating Sup Forums memes instead of refuting

Yup, definitely the type of person that posts and complains about cartoon shows made for kids. Thanks for proving my point.

>Sup Forums memes

I honestly didn't know that calling people shills was something only Sup Forums could do. I don't go there, so I guess that's my fault.

So let me make it clear that this has nothing to do with Sup Forums, and try a different approach:

>0.25 has been deposited into your account

You know that banner we have where Peter says "no I'm enjoying my anger" it's like that with these people they need to vent but as for me I don't care enough about PPG/TT to be that mad about it I just got over it

I'm here for the comics you sperg


I really hate the fact that I have to share this board with adults who still watch children's cartoons. I wish theyd move you losers to /mlp/

>Implying we want to be next to the horsefuckers

>share the board with adults who still watch children's cartoons
But you have to share this board with adults who read comics that are for children too.


first thread pls

>comics are for children

lol not since the 70s

Comics: nerds and manchildren

Cartoons: weird creepy autists who constantly bitch and post about shit like steven universe and powerpuff girls. It's way more pathetic. These shows are for kids, not neckbeards or adults. Autistic virgins like that are the reason why this board is a joke

I agree with this post.
You won't catch kids reading anything anymore since shows are so easily obtainable with smartphones and all. Comics now are for adult nerds, collectors and neckbeards.

The mods should merge /mlp/ with cartoons since it's essentially the same shit with three same pathetic fanbase

Sup Forums should only be for comics

>Sup Forums should only be for comics

Nah man, Sup Forums is fine, you just need a filter list of like 50+ phrases/terms to weed out the creepy shit. /s

Maybe Hiro will split the boards some day. It'd be better for everyone involved. The comics catalog wouldn't be clogged up with constant generals about kids stuff and tumblr-tier faggotry, and the cartoon weirdos will get a whole board to themselves.

None of you were even born when the original powerpuff girls aired.

is that worse than the alternative? That it's a bunch of neckbeards unceasingly crying and raging about a cartoon intended for kids more than 10-20 years younger than them?

Jokes on you I'm 35 and I


Avengers already did it with Phineas & Ferb and it wasn't bad at all tbqh

>original teen titans was crap.
Just because you don't agree with what people say here and like terrible things doesn't allow you to be the biggest contrarian in history.

it's almost like there's a sweet spot between the two extremes, famalam.

>Sup Forums - comics and cartoons
>comics and cartoons
>complaining about people complaining
Wew lad

This thread started out as bitching about a show with no constructive posts, and then got WORSE.


>you should just be ok with the constant faggotry and autism because it technically falls under the same umbrella as some of your interests

there's a reason /mlp/ and /vg/ exist, newfriend

>you'll cowards weren't even born during original powerpuff girls

yeah, kids are retards, they'll watch anything

/mlp/ is a special case. Nothing will ever be as bad as the situation that led to it getting its own board. Nothing. Anyone that says otherwise simply wasn't fucking on this site when it happened.

/vg/ is for people to get together and play/discuss one particular game/series. I don't know what Sup Forums's turned into since /vg/ was created, but I've heard some pretty terrible stories. /vg/ separated the cancer that was infecting Sup Forums, and LEFT IT ON Sup Forums, not the other way around.

Your examples are invalid.

TTG does not deserve this.
I hope it is a TTG joke, and they appear in the intro and then bid them goodbye like that Slate episode.

lol /vg/ is an endless circlejerk, just like the cartoon generals here.

Sup Forums is a shithole, but don't blame the board division for that.

what about /vr/, /vp/, or /asp/? or the 3 anime boards?


>teen titans go animators can actually draw the powerpuff girls
sertiously is the reboot the first cartoon made by kids for kids?

/vr/ was a stupid decision.
/vp/ spans multiple boards and is prominent in every facet of its brand, unlike a show here with a few comics out.
/asp/ is exactly what you're asking for in terms of a Comics/Cartoons split and it shouldn't be happening again. We don't need to split more boards and divide the userbase further.

>3 anime boards
Sup Forums and what else?

But they look the same but with thicker lines...

Get psyched

Could be neat, most likely won't. You never know.

I mean everyone assumed they were gonna shit the bed with the UG episode and it turned out pretty ok, except for that one boring part, but then again this is Be Cool Scooby Doo we're talking about, the fact they look like straight outta family guy is enough to make me cringe. I am kinda curious on how the gems will look tho.

I haven't watched Be Cool Scooby Doo!, but I've heard some good things about it on Sup Forums even.

Apparently yes the artstyle is terrible, but it's not actually a bad show.


/sug/ fag

/vp/ hasn't had a game to talk about in years. Now it's just Ashime and competitive autism.

They're talking about the Star Sapphire Corps

Even though Sun & Moon were just announced?

Why not copy the text and post a high quality image, instead of garbage and a screencap of a tweet? Like the image they use, for instance.

If you saw the image alone you'd immediately assume it was a shop

Seeing it posted by the official CN social media accounts makes it seem slightly more realistic, and even if you still think it's a shop it encourages you to check for yourself.

I see a screencap of a social media site, and it encourages me to hide the thread. Screencaps are easy to fake anyway. Every major browser lets you edit a live page. If you wanna lend credence to it, you can always post the link.

Look at this other leaked crossover I found!

Good thing thats not what I said you retard

What is there to refute to? Everyone is discussing a cartoon, do you really think we just post fan art or caps from shows we like?