Give me one good reason why you didn't find a gf this year

Give me one good reason why you didn't find a gf this year.

I talked to exactly 0 girl

want a bf instead t b h

My waifu doesn't like other girls

Girls don't like me, so i don't bother them

I thought she liked me
I told her I had feelings for her
She said she liked me as friend
I cried

i'm socially retarded

I don't experience sexual attraction.

I got one tho.

I even moved to her place this month.

I don't live the house.


I had a really nice date this last weekend, so I might make it next year.


I found a bf instead

This and i never go outside

Women scare me.

I got a Norwegian bf instead.

But I did.

There are a few girls who like me, but I make any effort because I don't care.

because i'm straight


I asked three girls, but two had boyfriends and one said no. I went on a date with a fourth girl, and she liked me, but I didn't like her. I had an offer to third wheel with a married couple. That was confusing yet tempting. I just want someone else who hates everyone else to hide away with.

because i already found one last year

because I already have one :thinking:

Because I'm shy and a babbling autist ;(

I'm married.

barely left the house

I didn't look for one

I hate myself
You can’t find a girlfriend when you fucking hate yourself and you’re dead inside

I was fat with 22% bf and 103kg, now i am ?% bf with 92kg — i still have Aspergers Syndrome tho. Bitchez be talkin' to me all da time, this new year i ll make it guys, im 21 btw

I was too busy funposting

Broke up with 3-year gf 6 months ago and I don't care anymore

women, not even once

- my life

Because we're still dating!! :DD :-)) )

difficult to interact with girls when i spend most of my time studying at uni.

I thought I would get magic powers when I become 30. Welp, I didn't.

I didn't wanted one

I was too scared to ask out on date

That ape needs a make up.
And tattoo remover.

I've tried twice but failed horribly. Now I am broken shell of a man.