Remember when Arrow first started and Sup Forums use to loved her

What happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

Every goddamn thing in the series has to revolve around her character now

She started to get used more but without any actual character arcs

It's what happens when you don't have a plan for a character but that character ends up being popular


>Remember when Arrow first started and Sup Forums use to loved her

No, stop making shit up.

Whoever is writing her is also fucking up her character.

Which means and

Is she even from the comics?

I'm glad she triggers you losers. Grow up. Millenials watch telivision in such faggotty ways now. Whatever happened to just watching the fucking show?

As a person that hasn't seen Arrow and wants to get into watching it, why all the hate for this person and should I get into seeing Arrow?

Should I just watch the first season, or what?

Her name is from a Firestorm character but she's effectively an OC.

Though I guess the same could be said for even Ollie himself at this point.

It's just so dumb, too. Right at the peak of her popularity (beginning of S3), they could have (and should have) introduced an ongoing subplot for her revolving around her hacking. In fact, I'm 99% sure this was their initial intent.

...but beyond the flashback episode, it never really went anywhere. I mean, her ex-boyfriend came back like one or twice, but that's literally it. Out of ALL the fucking elements to bring from Felicity's past, they bring back her fucking mom.

It's the basic "women ruin everything" Internet complaint cliche.

Felicity starts fun in the second season, but the show dips majorly in quality in the third season, and then the writers doubled down on Olicity in the fourth season without fixing any of the other shit wrong with S3 and it just turns into a trainwreck.

watch season 1 and 2, then quit.

>It's the basic "women ruin everything" Internet complaint cliche.
except everyone loved season 2 and there were women everywhere. Thea, Sara, Nyssa.... all great. Even Felicity was fine until season 3 and everything started to revolve around her. try again, retard


Did the earlier seasons have a man doing that salmon ladder exercise every episode or was it just a coincidence that it was happening every time I saw it on tv?

The first two seasons are great. But it's best to stop at that point. S3 is when Felicity becomes more prominent and when most of her characterization revolves around 1) crying and 2) telling the main character not to do his job.

Towards the end of S3 and for most of S4, it got even worse. It's not that she was a crier -- rather, she became too capable. At this point, we joke that she's probably the strongest character in the Arrowverse because she'll ALWAYS find a way to recover and win. And, to be clear, this is stupid as hell because she's a supporting character. She's now been pushed so hard, she's the de facto deuteragonist, but she outshines Oliver Queen -- the main character, Green Arrow -- more often than not now.

This is all smokescreen, too. The writing and direction MASSIVELY decreases in quality as a whole. The executive producers just use Felicity as their scapegoat and a way for fans to say, "if you dislike the show, you're just being a misogynist." All of the good writers went to the Flash or simply left after Season 2; the main stunt coordinator left Arrow after Season 2; the new writers and the new co-showrunner all come from family/romance drama shows, not from spec-fiction shows.

All of this means that, if the show isn't obviously bad at the start of Season 3, it becomes unbearable by the last 2/3rds, when the old writers have officially moved on from plotting Arrow.

>watch season 1 and 2, then quit.
No. Fuck this "stop watching after x" bullshit. They watch until they can't handle it anymore.

She was always shit. Only waifufags with weird standards of beauty liked her.

>Watch seasons one and two and then quit.
Thank you for the advice you guys.

If this board tells you to drink bleach next, will you listen?

Because you should drink fucking bleach you fucking follower.

Don't listen to them. If you're going to watch Arrow, just watch it but you'll also have to watch the other shows in order to fully appreciate the crossovers. Use this list:

So she's a Steve Urkel basically?

No. She never was good.

Nah, as strange as it sounds Urkel grew as a character, while Felicity seems to regress to basically a one dimensional caricature.

So which supehero TV character is the anti-Felicity? I'd say it's Claire Temple.

Where did it all go so wrong?

I've always said it was Daisy from Agents of SHIELD.

She started as the hacker extraordinaire mary sue and slowly got reality kicking her in the teeth, at roughly the same time that Felicity started becoming exactly the that.

Meanwhile, Daisy turned into a company woman that slowly got better at fighting and still got her ass beat for a whole season. I liked how she didn't always agree with the orders but still followed them and only complained AFTER the fact.

Sure she cried a bit, but she got her boyfriend murdered, and nobody liked him, so it was all for the better. Also she was being legit mind-controlled, so it's fair that she gets annoying during withdrawal.

At some convention Felicity and Daisy had dinner together and Daisy stole her essence to become best girl from her own show. Seriously, as soon as SHIELD started getting better, Arrow went downhill, and now so is Flash.

Also, her ass got fatter.

Claire is to perfect to even be compared to felicity, because she was never bad. There's no mirror situation there.

I concur.

unintentional character assassination

Hopefully they look at the numbers and refocus the show. Arrow worked best when it was a dark show about justice not this lukewarm tumblr bait. Just the way they sent off Black Canary should have made the entire staff rethink what the hell they're doing.

Season one of arrow:
The quirky hacked girl who says awkward things and makes pop culture references is kinda sweet.

Season one of agents of shield:
This quirky hacker girl who says awkward things and makes pop culture references is the worst.

Now on arrow:

Now on AoS:
Damn, she's actually a competent agent now with a good story behind her - and I can't believe we have Daisy Johnson as a lead. We Quake now.

Sup Forums is a fickle mistress.

Also, by naming people, being a bro and being self-aware but not to the point where he spouts internet references at the screen, Mack is priming himself to steal Cisco's essence.

It depends on the next seasons, and if the Flash manages to turn back around, but this one started going downhill at places, just like Arrow did at the beginning of season 3.

I don't know, I like Mack and Cisco, but Cisco is starting to push it...

There's minimal value in putting that effort into the show at this point. Do one last season then cancel it and launch another DCTV show in its place since you'd get higher ratings than if you keep Arrow going.

>There's no mirror situation there.
Maybe a little.

>is competent, and puts the lives of others above her own
>power level is kept to a strictly civilian level. the most badass thing she did was take out one ninja who was climbing through a window
>brief stint as the MC's love interest, but breaks up with him over valid concerns
>low screentime

>completely incompetent, places Oliver's life over than thousands of civilians
>the strongest of all of us
>her relationship with the MC takes up most of the show, they broke up over stupid reasons, and are probably getting back together again
>too much screentime

It's a miracle Sup Forums ever liked her.
Quirky female science/tech-related characters are cancer.

Right, but it's another league completely. It's not even fair. AoS is the same "broadcast tv" league. It's their direct competitors and deal with similar problems and budgets and actors.

Also, Daisy's slow evolution happened alongside Felicities spiral into shit. It's the perfect explanation.

Heck, the week that Flash started mixing up time-travel rules (the one after he jumped the king shark, ironically enough), SHIELD's episode was about how time is deterministic and you simply cannot change the future even if you've seen it.

Marvel tv is learning from Stan Lee on how to absorb souls.

Yeah but she was lewd. That's basically it.

she wasn't really quirky at first, just a spaghetti dropper

also, part of the problem was that her character and role on the show got all flanderized

>Felicity, her boyfriend, and her father save the world from nuclear destruction while Oliver makes repeated and unsuccessful attempts to beat people up with his bow

Just rename the show to Hackerz or Keyboardz already.

She was still pretty annoying.

>telling the main character not to do his job.

So, telling him not to save people?

She became the main character because of fucking tumblr

She grabbed entire handfuls and flung everywhere with all her might; every single little thing out of her mouth lead to thirty seconds of obnoxious backtracking.

watch the first two, after that its showrunners left to start the flash and everything went to shit halfway through season 3

Supernatural just finished season 11. The CW ain't canceling shit if they aren't forced to.


Right, so she was relatable to Sup Forums then.

A coincidence. Just like every time you see Teen Wolf it's shirtless men shoving each other against walls.

It's amazing the contrast of emotions I feel when each of them cry.

When Daisy was crying in the last episode, I felt like I wanted to give her a hug. When Felicity cries, I just want to tell her to shut the fuck up.

she has the same name as a character who appeared in like one or two comics. that's about where any comparisons start and end.

Hell I even remember when agents of shield started and everyone wished Skye was more like Felicity.

I laugh my ass off at that memory now...then i cry until I pass out.

The first serious misstep of Arrow was botching the Undertaking plot and dummying it down to be an evil doomsday device.

>triggered hard

Trust me user if he enjoys season 1 and 2 he will watch season 3 because no one in their right mind could imagine it's quality would drop as quickly as it did.

Which it did.

There is no winning here.

that's embarrassing

I knew she would turn into shit the minute she said she was JEWISH

No fucking joke.

Wait just one goddamn second...

How bad are season 3 and 4?

I tried season 1 cause I really enjoyed The Flash, got around half way through it and was like "fuck this bad show".

You're telling me it gets worse?!


>Ra's al Ghul so WHITE

You have no idea...

Is Legends of Tomorrow any good?

Eh. Sometimes

That one looks a little out of date. This one is a bit more recent

The hawks are annoying and Rip is an idiot. But the cast interactions are fun and it does pick up a bit towards the end

Downloading it now.

I must say I liked Wentworth Miller as Captain Cold in The Flash, plus I definitely enjoyed Victor Garber as interesting half of FIRESTORM in The Flash also, so if they're alright I will probably finish the first season at least.

Those two are pretty much the saving grace of the series.

Haha, why did I basically know this already?

Although surely Brandon Routh as Atom isn't too bad either? He seems good in like the one episode of The Flash he was in?

Sure if you like laughing at how absolutely inept he is

He gets bullied a lot but he's not bad

But that's what's awesome about Ray Palmer (and many of the C list scientist superheroes characters in DC).

As bad as The Dark Knight Strikes Again is the part where Atom's all like "I've been in a petrie dish for ten years?!" is great!

Maybe if he structure his comic like every other comic he wouldn't need arrows to show how to read.

She seems pretty hot. Is the show worth watching for that alone?

no just follow her on social media

I remember threads all about the bitch with wi-fi.