8 years Ago

>8 years Ago
> 1 Upvote

idubbz gets like 9999 upvotes for saying nigger faggot how come louie only got one?


Fuck off you underage mongoloid. You filthy frank kids are bottom of the barrel stupid and actually thing you are consuming the counter culture of comedy.

Kill yourself shitskin.




lmao calm your tits dude I was typed this up ironically to trigger people to make you think that Im one of those kids that think memes>talent, but jesus I didn't think you would go full hemroids in 10 seconds lmao an hero you hothead

>let's say edgy things and do wacky edgy stuff so gullible teens can give me money and subs


yeah its a shame, if you use vid iq on YT all those sperging autists make like 15k a month crazy meme magic at work senpai




I've only recently (the past month or so) heard of idubbz, and watched a bit of his stuff.
He's another one of those Filthy Frank tier 'lolsorandumXD' folks who 10-20somethings flock to on youtube.
That being said, I do enjoy some of his 'content cop' videos.

Why don't you link a filthy frank video you vapid cunt. Just imagining your existence makes my brain hurt. You are a retard.

yes I agree, his content is actually pretty lame desu, hes just a daniel tosh failed abortion comedy wise but the absurd amount of kids that generate revenue for these guys with their millions and millions of views, shit I'd make vids like this if I could

12yo pls go back.

Why would I do that you literal autist? I think you're misunderstanding my post since your're so fucking dense, you elitist vitriolic faggot, consider suicide if your brain hurts so bad pussy

it was but a ruse senpai and thou took the bait

>Hurrrrrr durrrrr
>Shut up retard
>Exdee I was just pretending! You took the bait XDDDD

>I was pretending to be le retarded, I don't like idubbz I promise!, I just talk about him on threads even the the board is Sup Forums television and film! I'm fucking hilarious!!

Seriously you loser, kill yourself. You're embarrassing.

Are you fags counter meming me or are you acually this mentally ill?

gotta agree with this guy
you seem like you got caught and are backpedaling

pathetic samefag attempt

You got exposed underage retard. Get that ass banned.

fuck off dumbass
i swear samefag is the go to response because you just convince yourself it's true


No we're saying it's painfully obvious you're underage


9GAG army


>Being this assblasted