ITT: Hottest Sci-Fi Waifus

ITT: Hottest Sci-Fi Waifus


stop posting you're mom

finally a JGL female lookalike Davey can fap to without shame

The one true waifu.


Face too square, doesn't work with short hair.

>tfw a mysterious brain-planet will never generate a youthful waifu for you as you star in an all-time classic kino.

Do it for her.

Square jawed women look amazing if they have a certain hairstyles that are longer.
Short just doesn't work.

The only correct answer

Samfu desu

Top tier feet

Personal pick from me.



On a more serious note, I challenge anyone to beat this.

oh wow

She is gorgeous



Her feet are 10/10
Amazing arch too, and size 10


>the only reason I watched this show


>In Puerto Rico, every time they'd say "Carmen IBANEZ" in the film, the entire audience would scream out: "¡¡¡IBAÑEZ, coño!!!"

>ywn give her your boreworm

choose one

>pic unrelated

Earthquake girl

3 because Rhona Mitra

Her feet are insane

A miracle of nature


Holy shit a Glauposter, I thought you guys were extinct

natty arches

gib dubs

lil' Jodelle
(Caution: thickness may vary)

>Youll never live in Roonland

lil Jodelle enjoys the cosplay life




She can be quite nerdy


And sometimes shy


And always quirky

does she dye her pubes to match her hair?

>size 10

One thing you must understand about lil' Jodelle is that she never ever does anything lewd
So don't be rude and disrespect her. Pls.




she probably shoves things up her butt