

>Dat image yo

OHHH FUARK thats so me, dude!!!! Omg DELETE THIS HAHA

>haha I totally don't relate to this

It's a cringe image to get replies you pathetic douche. Go to Sup Forums and have another vaguely hidden social jerk off session where you losers cry about "anxiety"


You ever fuck a pusy yet? It's the best

>mucho autismo


It's fucking bait by Quentin you insecure newfag.


fuck drumpf and fuck white people

>video starts with guy jerking off to anime on toilet
Wew lad


Who is that?

more like 32

i think everyone is overreacting to this shit
this is tame in comparison to the shit some other youtubers have done/said about beta males,otaku,or nerds in general

reminder the jews are responsible of this.
a lot of young people will never reacted like this if they don't changed stuff on society.

thanks doc

So the most realistic portrayal of Sup Forums ever made?

I'm impressed people are still posting it

>tfw I dress similarly but I wouldn't say I walk similarly
Lol? I just try not to draw attention

>It's another buzzfeed hates white males episode
How many reruns of this are they going to show


Have you tried flailing your arms in confident, unpredictable ways?

I laugh every time.

Why people find it funny? it's not funny, it's sad.

i'm actually mad af
this is a direct attack on us, we gotta do something about it
my only friend is Sup Forums and I feel bad that they're making fun of 'us' and me, what a bunch of cunts. Love you all though :3

Where does it say Sup Forums on that image?

>all the beta males triggered in the comments
Wow, Sup Forums backlash was full force in this one huh? It was totally accurate though

watch the linked video you dopey cunt

>giving money to strippers
>personal gain
