What is this stance called?

what is this stance called?

Other urls found in this thread:


The walljumper

Animal abuse

crouching bean squashed cock

*blocks your path*

The power crab

The Hurdler


>that dog's face

criminal intent

Crouching Migrant Jumping Bean

taco balls

that's one very angry doggo

"looks like Mexican is back on the menu"
*bites you*
"heh nothing personal but I won't back down"
"If its any consolation kid, my ass is probably going to bleed after his"

Whatever happened in this pic?

Wtf they're literally cornering an angry dog and provoking an attack

Cesar is about to go full SSSST on that dog

Doggo snapped at Beano

>not knowing how to be an alpha male

High Gravity Power Stance

I need that hip mobility for my squats pls help

Cesar apes stronk

Judgemental Biracial Couple


>fucking up a lab so much he starts to bite people
I think that's a sign you shouldn't have a dog


Have you tried stretching your hip flexors and your hamstrings?

do yoga


Now communicate your intentions on her chest by giving her the ol can kick. You see, Park Gok Flong? That's how to assert that you are not the sub.

is he punching the dog down his throat?

They put Holly down right? Or sued Dog Whisperer for giving Holly a taste of human blood? His suburban owners raising a child must be thrilled to have a blooded canine around the house.


How do I get my puppy to stop biting me, he's 8 weeks

The Pack Leader

Kill it.

Cesar adopted him and he is actually well trained now surprisingly

He will stop eventually, just push him away when he does it.

When he bites you just push your fist deeper into its mouth so I can't close it, after a while my dog stopped trying to bite


Something Caesar didn't see coming!

Or the real Holly is a wormy corpse and hollywood Cesar replaced her with a new and (((rehabilitated Holly)))

This. Try to lightly brush your middle fingertip on its cloaca while you're down there, it will never forget the feeling

bite it back to establish dominance

Puppies bite. It's how they play. He'll grow out of it eventually but in the mean time if you dont want to get bit juat walk away or learn to something that will call him down

post a webm of him getting his hand bitten

the dog punt

You don't think some dogs are just born antisocial and a little bit crazy, kinda like people?


these threads remind me of pan nice and hot threads for some reason

Hold it down using your hand on its head, then stay over it. This will establish dominance. If your dog is alpha-inclined and you let this behavior go unchecked now he will continue to challenge your dominance throughout his life.

Nice advice cuck. Your puppy biting you then you walking away equals he challenges your dominance and you submit and leave establishing him as the alpha.

some, but i worked in a really popular doggy daycare and i've never seen a single retriever that had any behavioral problems like that one did

the worst thing labs or goldens ever do on the regular is just absolutely DEMOLISH their food when they get it. Those dogs have an uncanny ability to swallow whole whatever you put in front of them.



you should know this before buying a fucking puppy

i bet you're one of those assholes who end up with a fucked up dog that keeps barking and being annoying and making people hate dogs

Who was in the wrong here?


"Anal will end this"

it was taught to Caesar by jedi master Roof sidious

if a doggo bites your fist you ram it down its throat so it gags. then you kick the shit out of it


That dog looked rather chill


id kick the shit out of that dog.. just for fun

>kicks the dog

What did he mean by that?

if you know dogs, that isnt the look of chill at all. that is im threatened/scared back off.


Seriously, what a cunt.

I really hope these are trolls but it's sad that people really are this retarded.

The best part was when he uppercut the dog

it's symbolic you plebian, he's actually kicking God for making him a manlet mexican

I don't know shit then because he looks calm to me.

That's definitely a nervous/worried expression you idiot, I hope you don't have a dog

He was probably trying to make it stop biting

Get it on its back and hold it there until it calms down and gets up slowly without attacking you again, then encourage it when it does so

You are correct.
That other user has no idea what he is talking about.

Realizing he should just eat the dog.

Any Kino where the dangerous beast becomes the hero's friend?


Not him but you're dumb as shit

Now that is an angry dog

>eyes wide fucking open


That's literally the cameraman's fault. It doesn't get aggressive until it sees the camera coming closer

kek that's your trigger to spot a terrified dog?? kekekek

Anons who don't know shit about modifying bad dog behavior


kek how did you got my picture?

Woofior Wuf

*record scratch*
freeze frame
you're probably wondering...

the videos of the goats. turns out the one asshole goat had a super tight collar and after it was removed he was much nicer

I live in a cul-de-sac and one of my neighbors is this old white lady who is terrified of dogs. My old golden retriever got out one day and went slowly over to this lady with his tail wagging hoping to get a few pats and some attention. She screamed bloody murder and CHARGED at my dog and kicked him probably a 1000% harder then Ceasar Milan kicked this dog. I walked over to her calmly and told her if she ever so much as looked at my dog again I would body slam her into the pavement. She mostly stays inside now.

did that make you feel like a big man? you piece of shit?

>Im 12 years old: the post

Dogs fucking hate when they're being suddenly approached from the side like that camera man did (of course a subhuman spic wouldn't know this)

t.doggo owner

Spray bottle of water

One spray every time it bites

I mean, i don't appreciate people beating dogs in any way, but, people who are terrified of dogs aren't really at fault if one of them goes in their direction.

You threatening an old, recluse old woman isn't any better.

I would've floored you the fuck out, you bitch ass nigga.


9/10 out of 10 Dogs like this get put down, Caesar's the only reason this dog isn't wormfood

Is this where the "perro caca" """meme""" came from?

It's interesting you say that man especially because you weren't there and you didn't floor anyone the fuck out, you reddit spacing faggot. Go back to your cuckshed.

Contrary to what kids believe because it's the popular opinion, Caesar actually knows what he's doing. He has a damn good understanding of dog behavior.