What are some movies about Jews and their struggles? I watched Schindler List and found if very profound

What are some movies about Jews and their struggles? I watched Schindler List and found if very profound

The pianist

Hard Candy

It's pronounced kikes

Quigon Neeson was like WW2 Ron Draper without mental problems

Downfall (the main character's maternal grandmother was jewish, making him a jew)

the Wall Street kinology

or if we're being serious, The Pianist

Once Upon a Time in America

Fiddler on the Roof

They Live

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Wolf of Wall Street

The Greatest Story Never Told

Who is this semen demon? 10/10 would impregnate her devious jewess womb

A Serious Man

120 days of sodom



/leftypol/ pls go

It's about a Jewish father and son and their struggles with the father's autism
