Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Not bad for a french movie...

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This is going to do Jupiter Ascending BO numbers. Will watch it anyway

That seems to be an excellent movie, to see...

Hey man, that's amazing!

>4 posts, two posters
Fuck off

lmao these fucking shills

>i dont know how conversations work



I'm hoping this will be good because I like the Fifth Element but the leads kinda suck.

It's so rare that a French movie looks as good...

I agree.

Stop that, you

>It's rare for the French to have stylish, quality films
I suppose you're pretending to be retarded

Go back.

But I've never even been away

Da hell are you saying?
Tell me some good French movies, stupid.

France has a long and distinguished history of cinema and art house films - if you don't know that, you'd hate anything I name.


This is the kind of poster you guys attract with your ironic capeshit posting.


Jesus Christ

It'll be Star Avatar Wars: 6th Element Of The CGI Realm

I don't think it'll show anything new but I don't think it'll suck as bad as you expect it to, since the source material is actually pretty neat.

Does the male lead have a drug problem? He looks awful.

i want this movie to succeed. It looks intresting, many new movies will steal ideas from it, because its so full of itself.

Holy shit, my fucking sides...

Let's be honest - the visuals look amazing, but I'm not sure there's going to be a lot to the story. And seriously, Dane Dehaan looks like a goblin - there's no hiding it.

reminds me of this

This film looks creative, but goddamn those are unfortunate lead choices

How tough are parrot beaks? Could it hurt itself doing that?

>Maria Ehrich
Oh man, thanks for reminding

You can literally open a beer bottle with anything. Parrot's gonna be fine

>We need the two of you to be the guardians
Will it have dance-offs and quips?

They had 40+ years of trippy French comic book content to choose from, so yeah the settings are going to be fun. Possibly a bit too out there - I get a weed and lava lamp feeling.


I saw Cure for Wellness yesterday and while the movie sucked, he is the Leo DiCaprio of our generation


I was thinking more like Steve Buscemi to be honest, but ok. No denying the movie itself looks gorgeous - don't know why they didn't do IMAX instead of the 3D meme.

When the trailer first started playing, and they were showing off all the different aliens and shit, it looked really interesting
...until they showed the main characters, then it was just meehhhhh
I would've felt quite a bit more hype if the characters weren't human.

>named after a sleeping pill

already off to a good start desu

I'm taking a bag of gummies into the theater for sure