Is this... could this actually be... BuzzKino?

Is this... could this actually be... BuzzKino?

I'm probably the only TruMale on Sup Forums who Chad Strides

What did they mean by this?

Seriously what is this

They're suggesting that people who don't share their views and who don't adhere to their social codes are just sexually frustrated dudes who can't get laid etc etc

Because judging people for failing to attend social expectations based on gender are fine when it's guys

Holy shit this is actual buzzkino

Chris this makes me feel so u comfortable because I'm pretty much this guy in real life

I literally skipped the part right after he bought the watch because I knew what was coming and couldn't stomach it.

I don't blame women for my failures, I blame myself.

half the shit on that list is stuff they approve of though
hypocritical kikes at it again


>I don't blame women for my failures, I blame myself.
You can blame yourself and society's messed up standards, values and stereotypes desu

Sort yourself out, m8.

but we live in an atheist amoral multicultural utopia

I have myself sorted out for the most part

I have a good job, make good money, play a lot of sports, have a bunch of friends, am social, etc. Hell if I really wanted to I could get a chubby gf but I'm not attracted to that type at all

I just am too intimidated by girls who I'm attracted to. And I've fucked three girls too

>Believe life is not fair
DAMN but it's true, Life is not fair, you don't even need to be a beta to know it, we live in a dangerous wild world since the beginning and this world had always since his existence a lot of injustices.
pretending life is fair is being a fucking ignorant, especially knowing winners fought a lot to become successfull.

Is this video from some alternate dimension? Where I live every single one of those "males" is a "beta" since they all look like faggots who would fall over if the wind blew and know what dick tastes like.

>not letting the roastie get hit by the car

Definitely not /our guy/.

Contrary to what people who get their politics from Zack Snyder movies have told you, society doesn't stop having values, morals and standards that can be shaped and re-shaped once you have more than one ethnicity in it or after most people stop interpreting religion literally.

I honestly don't get it. What's supposed to be the moral here? Is this just another video condemning this type of dude? Those sorts of videos/comics/etc usually function by showing the audience obvious ways for the character to improve himself which he ignores in favor of self pity. There's really basically none of that here, he's actually shown putting in effort and getting punished in unfair ways. He generally comes across as pretty sympathetic. The moral of the story seems to literally be what he types at the end about the game being rigged. This video is the equivalent of an /r9k/ greentext, not a scathing indictment of the sexually frustrated beta male.

reee fuck off shitfeed


He comes off as very sympathetic in the first date but really creepy when he gives the coworker the watch

the villain in this is feminism and tinder

90% of women are having sex with the 10% of chads

yet they blame the 90% of decent, moral, hard-working men for being frustrated...

>doesnt talk to girl at all
>buys expensive watch for her
>expects her to want to be his girlfriend?

and you guys are agreeing with him? lol

The moral of the story is that the "beta" males who are shunned and punished in fact deserve it because they have an innate hatred of women due to being losers. The moral is that you should shun them even more.

I guess it's creepy from her perspective but the way the video puts you in his shoes it just seems like he honestly misread her signals and succumbed to anxiety when his attempt to put himself out there failed. Plus getting immediately fired for "inappropriate behavior" after meekly trying to give a female coworker a gift is pretty brutal.

you dont sound nearly beta enough to be depressed about it lmao. As long as you arent a virgin youre doing better than a lot of people.

What's up with the vampire movie when he's drinking beer with his friends? Like it shows him receiving a subliminal anti-woman message? It looks very out of place and extremely Jewish

I'd say this matches the experience of a lot of people on this site but the entire video is essentially an attempt from buzzfeed to personify the idea of a Sup Forums user or "troll". It's one giant strawman.
You'd have to be pretty fucking dumb to miss the point that hard. The video is clearly trying to say that people who go around online hurling insults and casual misogyny are beta males that are bitter and depressed because they're too autistic to form relationships. You're putting the cart before the horse with you're interpretation.

desu, an actual movie about the typical autist here would actually be good if it was made by someone who knew this world instead of just some normies shitting on us because "DUDE FUCK DRUMPF!" emotional outlash.

Remember when whats his face won that award for Mr. Robot and he said something about how everyone loves his character, but everyone hates the real life version of his character in a not to subtle reference to us? And then everyone gave him the stink eye?

>desu, an actual movie about the typical autist here would actually be good

How do you make a movie about a young guy spending 90% of his time inside on the computer entertaining?


>desu, an actual movie about the typical autist here would actually be good if it was made by someone who knew this world instead of just some normies shitting on us because "DUDE FUCK DRUMPF!" emotional outlash.
Only if he blamed himself for everything

But the video seems to go out of its way to make you somewhat sympathize with the guy. Like if they were trying to tell the moral of "internet trolls are just losers who can't get girlfriends" they could have done that a lot better with a more satirical premise

you're a retard my friend

pretty much this, but this guy is literally getting women thrown in his lap and then fucking it up. Theres no way a guy like that doesnt get humiliated by women sometimes. Like agreeing to go to prom with a girl only to show up to her house with a party going on with her and Chad and she says "wait, you thought I was serious?"

whoever edited in the quotes ruined it

The thing is it's near impossible to make a movie about this kind of person because everyone here is just anonymous text. Also people here view themselves in a completely different way to anyone looking from the outside in, so you make a movie about the average Sup Forums autist and no one but Sup Forums autists will understand or relate to that character on any level. This sounds pretentious, but it takes a certain amount of exposure and desensitization to really know the and understand that perspective, and to view it as anything other than bitterness and loneliness.

Life is fair user, everything is fine for me.

>look at the comments

>everyone is mad at buzzfeed for picking on people with autism

This modern trend of being afraid to crush the blacks needs to end.

Are that kind of pics made to create less empathy with people?






>tfw calling and texting a girl that you went on one date with until she says nicely to leave her alone

I dont think so. No one is a mobster, but everyone still loves Goodfellas. I know thats different in a way because thats a much more exciting life to view, but the idea that you need to be the subject to relate to it or at least understand it is wrong. A great writer can make anyone relate to any fringe group.

True kino.

I honestly can't tell if it's the hypersensitive typical buzzfeed fans or the people who hate it vehemently at this point. Poe's law is in full effect.

It's supposed to be an ad for some "le manly alpha male" website where you read dumb articles, and buy books and male vitality shit. It's designed to seek out vulnerable beta males and take their money.

In prison, dinner was always a big thing. We had a pasta course and then we had a meat or fish. Paulie did the prep work. He was doing a year for contempt, and he had this wonderful system for doing the garlic. He used a razor, and he used to slice it so thin that he used to liquefy in the pan with just a little oil. It was a very good system.

>asking permission is beta
>not asking permission is rape


Oh I get it! It remind me shits like pic related.

it's almost as if leftists are illogical

>semen demon
the one thing they got right

Lol are they telling me it is?

>he doesn't Lulz with his anonymous internet pals on Youtube makeup videos

life isnt fucking fair what utter fantasy does this creator live in?

/adv/ is never that fast. Hell there are threads there that are over a few months old.

>tfw the left were the real bullies all along

I genuinely laughed desu senpaitachi

I feel that video is attempting to empathise with the beta male but gives up and just condemns him. The average beta guy followed all of society's rules, plays "the game" and still gets punished for not magically figuring out at 12 that you're worth as a male is being tested. Never an easier time for women, and they are now so distant from us.

not going to lie, the part of him going on a date and thinking it went well and then seeing her with another guy after she ignores him hit close to home.

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wasn't that quentin

>believing life if fair is what real men do

life is not fair at all

the character did not show autistic traits. labelling him as autistic only serves to repel criticism of his misogynistic behaviour whilst also implying that autistic people are inherently misogynistic, which is bollocks.

you fucking idiots really need to listen to yourselves from time to time and realize you sound like infantile cunts. OMG you are emotional cripples talking to other emotional cripples.

inability to read social cues is an autistic trait desu

You're on here too faggot

and anyone who types 'desu' to another human being is immediately on the spectrum.

Not enough Drumpf posters in his room, otherwise an accurate representation of a typical imageboard white male.

Drumpfykins "btfo"!

Who /NormalAndRespectfulOfWomen/ here?

I honestly don't get what he could've done better in that date. He had a reservation, argued pretty heavily that he has a reservation and only then went somewhere else

That's confident behavior honestly

>same person
>doesnt realize to be honest filters to desu

you have to go back

cucked again

what did they mean by this


In any urban/centralized setting, leftists will absolutely take on the bully role from a young age. It's the more insidious and less physical type of bullying for the most part, based mainly on ridicule and exclusion (though overdeveloped black kids are known to beat the shit out of whitebois now and then). Much easier to keep out of the public narrative than rural army brats shutting the local gay kid in a locker in buttfuck nowhere. Then that gay kid will grow up and move to the city and probably get a job writing for some online zine or whatever, to help the urban leftists continue shaping the narrative and painting themselves as victims.

>tfw this video describes me perfectly

am I beyond saving?

kino is a slav word ti pičnik dim a me razumeš?

>buy a watch costing over $1000 for a girl who said hi to you in an elevator
What the fuck why would you do this? I thought i was bad but jesus this is retarded.

You make all your decisions based on what people on Sup Forums say?

you'll b fine..

The video is pure autism shaming.

Why is OP pic bullying New Jersey mobsters?

is that what this place told you to write when the raids first started?

Because it's never been done before except for Welcome to the NHK which is pretty good desu, very relatable to most people who spend a good portion of their day in front of a computer.
Untapped target demographic of NEETs watching paid actors portraying NEETs, what a strange future that would be.

t b h changes to desu automatically, newfriend. and yes i most definitely am on the spectrum. pic related

hello (((buzzfeed)))

NHK was fantasy. Nobody here is getting "saved" by a random cute girl who refuses to give up.

It means he looks for the easy one simple step solution to his problems rather than realizing that self-improvement is a very long and hard process.

Ironically people who take these things seriously tend to think being an "alpha male" really is a simple easy step. "Just be confident, bro!"

Oh, I read this comment on youtube. You're funny.

I just wish you people wouldn't sound so fucking weird every goddamn minute of the day.

Is Buzzfeed is going to realize their error, make a formal apology, and take efforts not to marginalize those with autism or social anxiety in the future?

>you people

Excuse me?

>buying a 1200$ watch to a random girl just because she was nice to him
Yeah not autistic at all


Despite what the buzzfeed video implies at the beginning, most animefans are normies and watamote was mildly popular in the west. So it can be done, but it definitely takes someone who has lived through it to get it correctly.

But he was never saved by the girl, just like the guy who decided to find a job instead of starving to death, it all came down to saving oneself.

This image is what I imagine a woman who has just broken up (badly) with a regular joe would write to try and quell her insecurities. Nothing new, move along people.

Honestly this is a pretty accurate video and I wish the hivemind could settle down for a minute to acknowledge its good points. I think we can all agree that autists are subhuman grubs who must be kept far away from our white women at all costs. Ideally we should just round them up and do away with them. However, the video definitely loses some points for using "Lulz". They really ought to know better.

The only way you can redeem yourself is by swearing off 3DPD.

Densha Otoko?

t. autist

>tfw every time a girl doesn't treat me like human garbage I think she likes me and I get drunk later and try to add them on facebook only to be denied and suffer extreme anxiety over it for weeks.