Nice day for a jog

Nice day for a jog


women are so disgusting im gay now

anyone else have the ability to tell if a woman is a roastie or innie just by looking at their face?


If I ever had a girlfriend she would be way hotter than this

if she's not a girl (male), she's a roastie

You will learn to appreciate woman even with no make-up on when you grow up

>heel striking pavement
enjoy your depleted knee cartilage, asshole.

Not that, but I can tell if a grils pussy is rank or sweet by looking at them.



Give me a list of some other things I'll appreciate.

Shoes made specifically for running are meant to do that.

disgusting. i know who i'm not masturbating to tonight.

Anyone remember Walter White doing fast walking?
Why am I reminded of that?

Great. Shoe companies need to overcompensate for retards in their design process.
This is why we can't have hover cars and fuck androids.

>purple gloves
>blue and white shoes
>black and red clothes
>yellow headphones
>no makeup

is she purposely trying to be unattractive?

fuck safety features that stupid bitch deserves to be disabled!

women are so gross without makeup

I like their honesty though

I'd still fug

Glad you see it my way, friend!

Yes? Making yourself unappealing is a good way to deter rapists. That's why muslims make their women wear burqas, so that nobody can feel lust toward them.

wouldn't we all

she looks like one of those retarded cats with flat faces

just take a look at the picture again
that's a granny, not a woman

Being overweight

Being tired or in pain most of the time

Having no options and being unable to change your immediate circumstances

Losing friends

Drinking alone

Fixing things around the house

Getting Christmas cards from people you thought had forgotten you

This is a 10/10 in bongstan

>not enjoying gilfs
Some people will never ascend pleb-hood

And she likes her ears scratched too

just the ones with trashcan genetics


After the Forest I haven't been able to look at her the same way she looked like shit in that movie


she should audition for a zombie roll in the walking dead
no make-up needed


>>zombie roll

stfu cunt, i corrected myself

>implying the correction isn't some other user BTFOing you
Sure you did.


>so that nobody can feel lust toward them
Hah, jokes on them am I right fellas

>british women

No wonder why they are banging refugees. No one else wants them.

her smirk and optimism: gone

Jesus christ

of course

holy shit I thought I was the only one

I can also tell you if they smell bad or not by looking at their skin and body type

is that Kimi Raikkonen?


>ugly bitch with makeup on looks ugly without it


wtf I'm gay now

she stills good desu damn im desperate

I still can't believe she lost the election to Trump

as if there was ever any doubt the female species needs to be eradicated. We should be working towards protecting the gays, not condemning them

I could make it work but that girl needs some sun.

Is it true she goes to bdsm clubs?

gays need to be eradicated too though
traps on the other hand..

Her heel is definitely behind her center of mass here, and she's in the middle of stepping off. You'd have no way to know how her foot landed, asshole

>Do what must be done, Lord Vader.

>it's not gay if he wears a skirt
t. you

Looks OK for a 35 year old

Tobacco: Not even once

Thom Yorke really let himself go.

The moment when you realize ending it all will be a sweet escape from your pathetic parasitism because your loved parents will actually cry less over you once you're gone

? thats how you are suppose to run lardass. maybe not on pavement but you certainly dont run straight on the ball of your foot for miles kiddo.

Fuck, those ironically sound tasty

>Asking for bone on bone contact at the knee.
Whatever you say kiddos.


It's crazy that I can even recognize who this is I feel like I shouldn't.

>implying you can tell
Landing on the forefoot will eventually cause a planar stance like that at some point.

well? Innie or outie?

slightly outie laddo

Britbongs, everyone.

And yet you beta virgins still will still insist on fawning over bitches despite the fact that most of them look just like this ugly bitch without their cosmetic mask, fake hair, and fake boobs.

Women who never wear makeup look better without than people who usually do. Why is this? Does the makeup ruin their skin? Or is it just the chock of surprise from seeing them look worse than what they usually look like?

>cushioned joggers
Into the trash it goes

dat cameltoe tho

What the hell is that?

The makeup ruins their skin.

>Does the makeup ruin their skin?

WASH day tomorrow. Nothing cleeeeean. Right?

That's what I suspected. As someone who prefers women who don't use makeup it's really infuriating. When they've ruined their skin it's even harder to get them to stop using it.

hahaha burn coal and pay the toll you nigger kissing cunt whore


Seriously, what the hell is this?

it's called being British

We are bombarded with images on a daily basis of people wearing makeup in ads (plus touched up in photoshop), on TV, on youtube, whatever. What you fail to realize is that they simply aren't the norm. Then the women around you want to look like those women on TV, so they put on makeup. Then everyone acts shocked when you realize it's all a sham I don't fucking get it.

The fuck is that anyway?



>ITT: Sup Forums seeing a woman without make-up for the first time

fuck off landwhale

reddit of course, m'lad

I've seen plenty of chicks without makeup ,I'm just wondering what that thing is because it sure don't look human

>tfw when you prefer girls without makeup on or fake nails.

au natural ftw


Most of us (guys) can tell the difference between a girl with make-up covering her ugly face and an actual beauty who would look good irregardless


She's been on the decline for years. Here she is in full face, and you can still see the sag.

That's not the point of what I said about alllrighty.