ITT we discuss tv/movie/cartoon tropes we love

ITT we discuss tv/movie/cartoon tropes we love

>The protagonist and the enemy work together even if it's just for that one episode, sometimes they support each other with genuine love and care.

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>the theme song of the show starts playing during a very climactic moment

>The main character meets a rival who is almost similar to him in personality and appearance

Digimon first and second season. Got goosebumps as a kid.

>villain tells main character that they are so much alike
>they really aren't

>Mafia movie
>Scene of a bunch of gangsters hanging out and having a good time

Don't know why but I enjoy these scenes

kim possible?

(for irl cases) I always wonder if its genuine though or if its like kissing your boss' ass because these people seem to be able to so coldly kill each other with no problem.

I would argue both. Mobsters around this time and at their age really hold value to respect and showing respect. But at the same time if they can climb the hierarchy ladder by killing another and get away with it then they would do it no problem. It's like a kings court in the medieval ages, or for vidya fans think of it like Lord Harkons court in Skyrim during the Dawnguard DLC.

i really wouldnt want to be a mobster, it really doens't seem worth it...

>someone impersonates main character (with disguise or whatever) and runs around damaging their reputation

Inspector gadget?

>dumb and simple minded character in the show
>does one really smart thing in the entire series that leaves the other characters baffled

I wouldn't know about inspector gadget but I know it happened in Jem

I feel like this trope only happens in those Nick Jr toddler shows

whats jem

a cartoon

>happy music playing during most violent scene in the show

I like how at the outset Team Rocket just seemed like friendly neighborhood villains because it's a kids show but then it turns out their world actually is full of mass murderers and insane gods and Jesse, James and Meowth are downright good people in comparison

um fill me in?

Is Pokemon worth a rewatch at 24 yo? I'm not sure how it's aged but I feel like it'd be pretty comfy.

hoooolyyyyyyyy shiiiiiiiiit i felt like i really just had a blast from the past experience. wow. totally forgot about this.