Literally Who

This Guy:

>1:30 - "I'm still going to give you my opinion on it as a standalone"

No you won't.

>2:24-35 - "The Mad Max setting is retarded"

Spouts shit about essentials like gas, water, and food being scarce, but old cars being widely available. The former goods get consumed, no one eats cars you cephaloid baby. Maintaining functionality of most of these vehicles just requires mechanics, which are in plentiful supply. The knowledge hasn't magically evaporated either, this isn't Warhammer 40k. Yet.

>2:49-59 - Unironically saying "film is a visual medium, you're supposed to show us what's going on" and complaining about initial narration.

Through the fugue of general dipshittery it's hard to tell if this is a poor joke, some sort of ironic whine, or a legitimate concern. It's literally been 40 trillion years since Thunder Dome, a recap on who Max is, what he's been the fuck up to, and everything else through both visual mediums and narration isn't uncalled for. This is whole-heartedly retarded.

>3:02 - This narration doesn't tell us anything the visuals already don't

Clearly not listening to the lil radio voices n shit talking about water wars. This nigga legit goes "explain how shit got so fucked". Evidently audiomentally impaired.

>3:31 - Complaints saying he thought Max's car was supposed to be a major part of these movies.

What happened to reviewing this as a standalone?

>4:45 - I hope we get some more insight into this character, I hope we get to see what makes him tick and the sequence of events leading up to his capture.

I, too, hope that Miller manages to destroy the character of Mad Max in a single movie and rehashes the events of the past 3 movies for asslords like this.

>5:00-5:25 - Furiosa is a she-man because I said so it's a good joke I promise


Also he thinks that the War Rig contains only water, while it also has a massive fuel pod.


Other urls found in this thread:

>5:40 - Mocks Immortan Joe's name

idk how to respond to this other than watch the rest of the movies, dickshit.

>5:52 - joke about Miller being anti-american because of Immortan Joe's badge

Takes place in Australia. Also Joe is a former army man, and "hero of the oil wars". This is meant to be a joke, but it's also a bad one and further shows that he shouldn't review this as a standalone.

>6:00-7:30 - Talks about how Joe's water rationing and general caricature makes him evil to the lowest common denominator

This is going to move into "he rations the water which is optimal", but let's look at Australia's groundwater resources. Joe is probably drawing on the Great Artesan Basin:

Other aquifers are here: with the smallest hitting 4200 gigaliters, or about 4 cubic kilometers of water. Let's be generous and say that each person gets 4 liters of water per day. For 10,000 people, definitely more than the 3 dependent outposts in the movie, that's 0.0146 gigaliters per year. That's almost 300,000 years worth of water. It'll go up for food and such, but aeroponics are the obvious solution here.

So what this comes down to is that even using the smallest aquifer in Australia, Immortan Joe is a stingy prick that uses water to keep control and there's no way he's running out anytime soon. Get fucked.

He goes on about this and it's all bullshit. He has more water. He's not doling it out. It's implied. It's also factually true. All his other "they make him look evil" points are icing on the cake. This fuck happens to be a complete autocrat as well, which isn't hugely endearing.

>7:35-9:00 - Also he has sex slaves but they have a great life why would they leave oh my god I'd totally do that over living in the Wasteland

Well, conclusive proof he's a faggot at least. idk famalam, you try being part of a rape harem for your whole life and let us know how great it makes you feel when you get sweet books and a piano as consolation for being force fucked and then made to spit out disgusting midgets forever.

>10:00-10:05 - How did they get out?

Their nanny tattoo thing was working in tandem with Furiosa, among Joe's most trusted. Not that complicated. This is the smallest leap.

>10:15-10:30 - Leaving to go to Green Place which is made up, this is dumb

Furiosa came from the Green Place. Anywhere is better than rapeville with an autocrat leader that purposefully holds back water

>10:50 - Why did they try to escape when surrounded by Joe's military escorts

She's on a war rig. They're not. This minimizes suspicion. No other way to do it without making Joe know instantly. Very simple.

>11:15-11:50 - They leave the Citadel undefended, shit makes no sense

Right. Who exactly is going to launch an attack on the Citadel? No one remotely nearby has the necessary logistics or force required. This isn't funny anymore, say something reasonable.

>12:20 - War Boy shouldn't have put blood bag on the front of the car

He legit doesn't give a shit, they're all retarded hopped-up freakoids. Max's death literally does not factor into it, it's entirely a macho thing to drive the car with the bloodbag, and he makes that point when he intimidates his co-dude and gets the steering wheel.

>12:30 - After bloodbag detached, War Boy is fine and functional without him

Yeah, he needs to be topped up. Doesn't mean he always needs to be connected to bloodbag. He clearly got enough, and this movie takes place over like 2 days. Not remotely unrealistic.

>12:52 - Flame guitar is stupid

No that shit was rad and peak-Mad Max.

He "reviews" things just to make people triggered.
He makes this obvious in most of his videos.

You fell for the bait.

>13:35 - Girls wash themselves instead of war rig, bad prioritization

Nah, Furiosa bangs the war rig vents to get sand out, squirting water at it is A, a waste, and B, not nearly as effective.

>13:54 - Why are they wearing chastity belts if they were locked up in a vault

Because Joe is the most paranoid person in the 3 settlements and that pussy is his.

Oh he actually mentions that. Good for you, lad.

>15:40 - Max choosing to bring along Furiosa and girls after war rig stops is a poor choice

No, it's not. Only she can restart the rig. She demands he take the girls. He has the gun. Joe is close behind. He's low on blood and not thinking straight. Furiosa + Girls are not inherently aggressive, but only because of circumstances under which they met. Not really a criticism.

>17:20-17:30 - Blue filter is garbage

This wasn't due to an inability to film during nighttime. This was extremely purposeful, they intentionally overexposed, it's a stylistic choice. Offers contrast with oranges of daytime scenes, loads of other shit etc etc fuck you.

>17:40-18:00 - Couldn't pull war rig out with rickety tree, Mad Max can't shoot, Furiosa can

That tree shit is so god damn inconsequential. You can't do the math for it, no one can. The rig's on the verge of leaving the mud pool anyway, tree is just a bit of extra leverage. Fuck this complaint is so pathetic.

Mad Max isn't a super great marksman, Furiosa is a trained soldier since she was kidnapped as a child, and has become possibly Joe's best officer.

>18:40-18:45 - She doesn't look injured but apparently is

Head trauma, the top half of her head is covered, stop peppering this with bullshit comments. Like 5 seconds later he's like "how is this necessary to the plot" when they do the c-section and like come on mate his whole deal is that he wants his baby makers, this just doubles down how pissed off he is fuck.

>19:20-20:00 - Vuvulani squandered green place, they're shit

It was due to environmental changes, and it's stated. FUCK.

>20:16 - Criticism of plan to bike across salt flats

Yes this is a terrible idea. They're desperate. Max points this out and brings them back

>21:40 - War rig wreck left by Nux won't stop the war boys from catching up because the rocks didn't at the start

Bullshit, this buys so much time and gets them back to a nigh-impregnable fortress with near-infinite supplies of food and water. Whoever gets there first wins, and this clinches that for Max, Furiosa, and the girls.

He also says they return to the Citadel for some ill-advised reason - maybe because it's self-sustaining and impregnable?

And then complains about how everyone "just accepts it". Yes, Joe was a vile autocrat who held back giving you what you people needed to live even moderately more comfortably. Now he's dead. Now we'll lead and we're beautiful and we'll make sure you all live comfortably. Why the fuck wouldn't they defect?

>22:00 - Then they open the aquifers and waste it all

Nope, I did the math, not something that will happen. Fuck you.

whats your blogspot page

The rest of this review talks about the movie's lack of story and character. Max is meant to be part of the setting. He always has been. He's not the main character ever, he's just out there to provide a counterbalance to the absolute hopelessness that the rest of the world impresses on the audience. If you've seen the other movies, you know "it doesn't get better". Mad Max is just isolated vignettes of a guy who understands the post-apocalyptic world so well he's practically a part of it, and the way that people live in this world after encountering someone that represents an iota of hope.

There are ten trillion other interpretations, but this "review" (which he puts in quotation marks at the start of the video) is absolute garbage, I'm glad he's literally who tier, and I can't believe there are people here that take him seriously.

No one should have the patience for this troglodytic macrocretin. What a pathetic attempt to contravene the popular opinion.

What he tried to do was trigger people by calling it a feminist movie. People were genuinely backing his points and videos yesterday, so the whole "nah he's intentionally being retarded" bit doesn't hold much weight.

I love when people fall for this fucker

they legit are wasting water tho.

I do think the guys legit retarded tho

>E;R making people mad
this is why I love hime

wish he'd make more than 2 videos a fucking year

>I-I was only pretending to be retarded!
>Makes 25 minute long video
>Has retarded fans who defends his points

Kill yourself fag, you can't play the "I was only pretending to be retarded" card when you waste hours of your life making a 25 minute video.

how much of your life did you waste making your posts?

me too. quality over quantity I guess.

None. Baiting people only takes me 2 minutes. It doesn't take me the hours, if not days, to edit and make a video, make a script with arguments, upload it, shill it on here, then claim I was only pretending to be dumb.

Once again, kill yourself fag.

Nigger, you are the one getting assmad on Sup Forums over a youtube video. (YOU) are the idiot in this situation.

Stop shilling ER.

Nigger, you're shilling for a dipshit youtube e-celeb who spams his shit here and steals shit from here. (YOU) are the idiot in this situation

honestly your butthurt makes it very much worth it

>you will never be a z list e-celeb with nasal reddit voice
>you will never spend hour upon hours on shitty youtube videos even though you don't have knowledge of film whatsoever and you are pretty retarded(watching anime and all)
>you will never shill your video on Sup Forums

>The former goods get consumed, no one eats cars you cephaloid baby.
Car still get "consumed" in the form of gas, deprecation, and replacement parts. unless all of these are still being produced in plentiful supply having so many cars is unrealistic, even in our present time cars are still considered scarce goods.

>Maintaining functionality of most of these vehicles just requires mechanics
and spare parts, gas, replacement tires, etc.
>which are in plentiful supply.
source: your ass

>Clearly not listening to the lil radio voices n shit talking about water wars.
this has nothing to do with the narration that Max is making himself which is the actual point of contention

>This nigga legit goes "explain how shit got so fucked". Evidently audiomentally impaired.
it is never explained in ANY Mad Max film "how shit got so fucked" so I don't now why your assume it just did. evidently retarded

>I, too, hope that Miller manages to destroy the character of Mad Max in a single movie and rehashes the events of the past 3 movies for asslords like this.
but we already saw how Max thought and interacted with the world in other movies, why is this something that shouldn't happen in this film. also the other movies don't explain the events leading up to the capture so I don't know why you brought them up

>Also he thinks that the War Rig contains only water, while it also has a massive fuel pod.
it does contain water, they use it to wash themselves in one of the scenes. the reason the War Rig left the Citadel was to trade water for fuel.

Are you done sperging out?

>s-s-stop shitting on me guys!

Who are you talking to?

>All these leddit spaces

>idk how to respond to this other than watch the rest of the movies, dickshit.
why immortan and not immortal? toecutter wasn't called toecutte

>Takes place in Australia. Also Joe is a former army man, and "hero of the oil wars".
he has an American war badge, thats the point. there are american troops in Australia right now.
:00-7:30 - Talks about how Joe's water rationing and general caricature makes him evil to the lowest common denominator

>This is going to move into "he rations the water which is optimal", but let's do a lot of autistic assumptions and calculations that the characters in the movie wouldn't know.

>He goes on about this and it's all bullshit. He has more water. He's not doling it out.
he is giving water out for free though. he doesn't seem to get anything from the guys at the bottom.

Imagine being this butthurt over some kids opinion.

kek at your life


blogspot is how they got bin laden

Yeah they are, but it's not really that much of an issue.

Guy you responded to isn't OP, that's me.

I just get upset when E;R insults my favorite ensemble cast of incomprehensible victoria's secret models and misc. pro grunters

>Car still get "consumed" in the form of gas, deprecation, and replacement parts

That's the reason they're using patchwork vehicles made of mostly old shit. It's far less scarce than vehicles.

>and spare parts, gas, replacement tires, etc.

spare parts are plentiful, as it's shown they have patchwork vehicles, tires aren't hard to come by either courtesy of Michelin Australia. Gas is a scarce good, which he mentions.

>source: your ass

Source: Junk yards, scrapyards, extant vehicles, literally all of it is fair game, and it shows. It's a lot harder to set up a bullet refinery or an oil rig than it is to use extant mechanical knowledge and massive loads of scrapped vehicles.

Also consider that during the apocalypse, gas ran out, so there should be loads ofabandoned vehicles that were only usable for spare parts or if people managed to find new fuel sources.

>it is never explained in ANY Mad Max film "how shit got so fucked" so I don't now why your assume it just did. evidently retarded

It is. Water wars, war over last drop of oil, increasing power of street gangs, eventual nuclear war. It's all in the first one + the intro of Fury Road. It's not the best explanation, but it is one.

As for the Citade;, they did some comics to explain how those came about, though I didn't read them and I don't think people need to to get an idea of the story.

>but we already saw how Max thought and interacted with the world in other movies

I'd argue that we saw how the world interacted with an entity like Max, which is the same thing that happens here.


>idk famalam, you try being part of a rape harem for your whole life and let us know how great it makes you feel when you get sweet books and a piano as consolation for being force fucked and then made to spit out disgusting midgets forever.
you try living in an apocalyptic wasteland your whole life with no food or water and a high chance of getting raped anyway.

>Furiosa came from the Green Place. Anywhere is better than rapeville with an autocrat leader that purposefully holds back water
even from the beginning of the movie we aren't sure if Furiosa isn't making up the Green Place. it's more surprising to find out she was telling the truth.

>She's on a war rig. They're not. This minimizes suspicion. No other way to do it without making Joe know instantly. Very simple.
Joe did instantly know, honesty any other way would have had the same result - they would be found missing anyway.

>Right. Who exactly is going to launch an attack on the Citadel? No one remotely nearby has the necessary logistics or force required. This isn't funny anymore, say something reasonable.
there are two towns right next door who have no supply of water, why shouldn't they take an undefended bottomless supply?

>Yeah, he needs to be topped up. Doesn't mean he always needs to be connected to bloodbag. He clearly got enough, and this movie takes place over like 2 days. Not remotely unrealistic.
his illness is completely ignored for the rest of the movie. it's just a contrived way to get both Max and the War Boy in the centre of the action. honestly he could have just topped up at the Citadel and left Max behind.

>No that shit was rad and peak-Mad Max.
yeah you're right

> also the other movies don't explain the events leading up to the capture so I don't know why you brought them up

They show flashbacks, and from the end of Thunder Road it's not hard to piece together a Road Warrior type situation occurred, but ended in failure.

>it does contain water, they use it to wash themselves in one of the scenes.

Yes, which is why I said "only water".

>why immortan and not immortal? toecutter wasn't called toecutte

Because it's supposed to be queer and excessive

>he has an American war badge, thats the point. there are american troops in Australia right now.

While I hadn't considered he'd be with US forces in Australia, the background comics apparently say he's with the Australian army.

>This is going to move into "he rations the water which is optimal", but let's do a lot of autistic assumptions and calculations that the characters in the movie wouldn't know.

Why would we assume that he's not keeping more water for himself? Why would it every be assumed that he's actually benevolent?

>he is giving water out for free though. he doesn't seem to get anything from the guys at the bottom.

Not nearly enough given how much he has. No people at the bottom means no labor force after the war pups die, means no population to draw on for military and otherwise.

>Nah, Furiosa bangs the war rig vents to get sand out, squirting water at it is A, a waste, and B, not nearly as effective.
you're right that spraying the War Rig with water is useless but you ignored the main point that the girls where still wasting the water on themselves.

>This wasn't due to an inability to film during nighttime. This was extremely purposeful, they intentionally overexposed, it's a stylistic choice. Offers contrast with oranges of daytime scenes, loads of other shit etc etc fuck you.
it still looks unrealistic as shit.

>That tree shit is so god damn inconsequential.
so is half he shit you whine about

>Fuck this complaint is so pathetic.
the fucking irony

>you try living in an apocalyptic wasteland your whole life with no food or water and a high chance of getting raped anyway.

This is ultimately going to be very subjective, but I don't really think they were unjustified in running away is my point.

>even from the beginning of the movie we aren't sure if Furiosa isn't making up the Green Place. it's more surprising to find out she was telling the truth.

That's really not what I got at all, but if you're willing to run away from Rape Joe, you'd be willing to believe that.

>Joe did instantly know, honesty any other way would have had the same result - they would be found missing anyway.

The alternative is that they try to sneak out, which is harder than tricking everyone imo.

>there are two towns right next door who have no supply of water, why shouldn't they take an undefended bottomless supply?

Because they sent all of their forces too, the elephant foot dude and the bullet farmer and their contingents are alongside him.

>his illness is completely ignored for the rest of the movie.

Rest of the movie is less than two days, so I don't find it unbelievable that he wouldn't need major topping up.

>yeah you're right


>but you ignored the main point that the girls where still wasting the water on themselves.

If the water is held in that massive tanker, then it's really not a major concern, that's a fuckton of water. Even if it's only a fraction of that, the Green Place is supposedly only a a day or two drive, so it's theoretically not a big deal.

>it still looks unrealistic as shit.

I mean yeah, but it does look nice. There are scenes where the CGI for the terrain is complete garbage.

>so is half he shit you whine about

Yes which is why I don't think that most of his shit is remotely valid.

>the fucking irony

idk I'm surprised someone managed to muster the critical mass of next-gen autism necessary to respond to all this.

I'll admit your right about all of these points but the last part but that's debateable and I'm too tired to be bothered now.
I really like Mad Max and I disagreed with E;R's review but that doesn't mean he wasn't right about some things. honestly there's no reason to get so... mad :^)

>there's no reason to get so... mad :^)

fuken got me

This is Saganfan1983 levels of autism OP, I'm worried about you

I can only aspire to that :(

>being this assblasted

>OP gives detailed arguments
>redditors can only respond with "hehe le u triggered? XD"
friendly reminder that anyone who dislikes fury road is a butthurt MRA