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Who do you think taught Dany Valyrian if not Viserys


What is his endgame?

Reminder that Drogon is the best character.

bestboys edition


Why doesn't Dany have a saddle?

still on team dany
so still shit

im more exsited for jonsa tears than the season

reminder that Cersei is the best ruler Westeros has ever seen

because saddles are gay dildos

Iron Bank & Faceless Men


still not an argument

shut up d&d

reminder that sandra is wearing smirkfu wig

Any porn of him fucking his mommy?

Of course it's an argument. Anyone following Dany is a shit character, because she's a retarded leader.

Drogon follows her, makes him shit. If he leave her side (or kills her) then he might become good, but hasn't happened and likely never will.


3 of the 4 Stark actors believe Ned Stark would be proud of Arya.

I mean from Sophie I'm not surprised she's literally retarded, but 3 out of 4 ( at least )? Yes Ned Stark loved assassins. He probably would've sent all his kids to the house of black&white if it wasn't for the need of marriage alliances and all that.

This user is completely right.

Maybe Dany isnt the real Dany

>want to get a bearded dragon
>wanted to name it Balerion or Drogon
>realize that the lizard is not black
>might name it Viserion

>Maybe Dany isnt the real Dany

Maybe she is the Blackfyre imposter or some Lyseni whores child

House of Black & White
Jaqen H'ghar would be proud

(Many-Faced God intensifies)

A man

Is the book theory that he is in Old Town confirmed? What is in Old Town that Jaqen would want?

these a blackfyre

Yes it is, Jaqen = The Alchemist = Pate, he is searching for a book so he can know how to kill a dragon.

Maybe he has another reason why went to Old Town.

you forgot = rape

I am really looking forward to how the Oldtown plots are going to play out. I really hope Sam can make it out alive with Euron on it's doorstep, and what the hell is up with the Alleras? Is she there just to learn shit like Oberyn or maybe there is a deeper reason for her to be there? I find it hard to believe Aemon would dream(or have visions) about her if she is the sphinx he talks about but had no other purpose for training as a maester.

Isaac gave the diplomatic answer so please leave him out of this.

Why did they turn the Thenns into cannibals

Why not?

D&D think it's funny to take away any nuance possible.

It's boring

That sucks

PC bullshit doesn't make it any better. Thing is Ned wouldn't be proud of any of his/"his" children.

Arya is an assassin
Bran has great power and use them to find out retarded shit about Jon Snu while the world is at an end
Jon deserted the Night's watch (regardless of him being legally allowed to do so, Ned would 100% disapprove)
Sansa killed Ramsay in the least honorable way possible, she endangered everyone/didn't give a fuck about Rickon, etc..etc..

Ned would be ashamed of all his kids.
Of course no one could come up with such a lengthy explanation I guess. But one could've went with soemthing like "None of the Stark kids abide to Ned Stark's principle of honor and righteousness".

Then again this would've been challenged by jontards.

>tfw someone saved my shitty picture
someone who isn't art-autistic (or full-autistic) should do something like that but you know... With skills and all.

I save all pics user

>None of the Stark kids abide to Ned Stark's principle of honor and righteousness
What about Brandon?

>What about Brandon?
yeah what a great guy mind raping a guy into becoming a retard

why do normies like the starks so much
can never relate

That was out of his control

he was the cause of it....


If Gregor Clegane was born a peasant. How the life of Gregor look like?

>What does the word accident mean

>upset jon sansa and arya tards by saying Ned wouldn't be proud of them
Isaac gets enough shit already he's not dumb enough to do that

Probably short after his first psychotic freakout.

>that whole channel
Is this peak autism?

Reminder bran literally did nothing wrong


ashara dayne is jons mother. this makes the jonfag reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

name one thing he did right

Angry peasants bring him before their lord and he's put to death.

well, show bran doesn't do anything but being a camera for jon snu.

One might say that Bran didn,t do anything wrong becuase he didn't do anything at all... But not doing anything at all (anything useful that is) when you have god powers is kinda wrong anyway.

Where did this guy go? What his final destination?

Repeatedly using hodor and summer to singlehandedly save himself and his friends from the wights


He literally just got a hold of his powers in the very last episode that aired you dumbass bitch

Is that Jon and Dany?

Why does Jon choke him?

>the littlefinger is a faceless man plot twist will never happen

I figured that he wasn't doing anything because he hasn't received any training of consequence

>tfw sunburn
drogon turns on her confirmed

I mean that's literally what d&d said in the EW article so yes


Gregor was taller/stronger than most men at 13/14.
No lord with any brain would let him in the field. He'd be offered a post as guardsman or something like that, and would probably end up being a soldier.

IIRC there's a line somewhere about how it sucked that hodor was retarded because he would've made a fine soldier.. And Hodor is nobody, just a stableboy.

They would've given Gregor a chance, and when they see him BTFO everyone...

reminder the original sword of house stark 'ice' sits at the bottom of the godswood ice pool. only people with stark blood can wield it

They literally don't consider anything about what kind of a character Ned Stark was. It's kind of shocking to read. These actors are just completely distanced from the story.

Ah, ned is a clever one, he brought his "other" two-handed valyrian greatsword in Kingslanding.

I think Ned would be pretty proud of the fact that bran is literally unironically one of the gods of Ned's own religion

that was a sit in sword you nub. the real ice has been missing since old times

this pretty much.
they read the question and interpret it as "Am I like totally super badass cool?" and they think the answer is yes, so Ned would've been proud of them.

Well I guess it's hard to fault them from not understanding a different character when the showrunners who write the parts for said characters don't even understand them in the first place.

If a Christian was to learn that God exist and that he uses his omnipotent powers to spy on girls in the shower, I don't think they would be proud of it.

Even if said god happened to be their brother or father or son etc..

That was just sandra and maisie who did that, women aren't humble. The two guys gave much less eye roll worthy answers even if they weren't as critical as /got/ wants

Since when the fuck did bran do that

Beric Dondarrion

But it's so blatant. They never considered any other possible answer about how a character who resigned his handship over assassinating a child would react to his own child becoming an assassin.

Themes, characters, moral dilemmas... it's all fucking gone.

>missing the point
gonna have to spell it out : Bran isn't doing anything god-like. He's just using his god powers for """curiosity""" ( I mean that's the in-character explanation, but obviously the show-explanation is that Bran is useless so they just have him tell us more about Jon snow ).

So basically what I mean was that someone learning that a family member is literally is god wouldn't make them proud UNLESS they're doing good god-like things.

I don't see how Ned would be proud to find out Bran is a god who spends his time watching him kill Arthur Dayne and promise stuff to Lyanna for no reason at all.

Either he would think
"Welp, my gods are fucking shit I guess" then he wouldn't feel so great about them anymore...
"Welp, my son is the worst and most useless Old god the world has ever seen".

well, assuming they're not just being retarded (sophie does not apply) they might've just been answering question lightly without much thoughts into it and taken the question as who has done most stuff to be proud of? which can translate as who is winning the most?

They just don't consider that winning wouldn't be the only thing that matter for eddard.

OR maybe option three, the option any rational person would use
>Wow its amazing that my son is a god but obviously he needs more time to actually use his godlike powers like an expert since he's clearly not had enough experience to rationally judge whether or not he's shit unless I'm autistic Sup Forums poster

does jon now have black blood after his resurrection? berics blood turned black after his

Euron will be king in the end, on a throne made of dragon bones.

He will defeat Jon and Dany after the two are exhausted after vanquishing the White Walkers. Their heads will be on spikes next to him at the final scene of the series.

Euron also sexually enslaves Sansa, Yara, and Melisandre.

He uses Tyrion's skull as a footstool and chamberpot.

and Cersei has the best armpits out of everyone in the show

>TFW Jon Snow and Sansa are the most boring characters
>Their stories are the only interesting ones and the only ones that actually matter since this shit is basically a pre-apocalypse program right now.

No jon stu wasn't affected by it at all except for being a little bit sad :( poor perfect jon

>Sansa's story

She's tied to Jon now so yeah.

>He didn't read the leaks

Someone make an argument for Arya's importance to the story. Asking for a friend

Girl power

She killed Walder Frey

If that were the case then all of them should have picked jon by a fucking landslide.

Boy george and Areola picked themselves because they're vain and narcissistic and only care about their own characters, and this is obvious from all of their other interviews. Kit and Isaac aren't nearly as obsessed with their own characters and just gave a generic nice answer by picking someone else (in kits case) and/or saying Ned would be proud of all of them equally. It's not rocket science.

That's like when you watch some shitty comedy about some guy discovering he has some powers and he uses them at first to do stupid fucking immature shit, you call him a retard.

You don't say "Wow it's amazing that bla bla bla but he will learn to do better!"
You just call him a retard.

No one is expecting him to save the world on his first day on the job. But watching into the ToJ shit? Utterly pointless and a waste of time

Hell forget about the imminent threat for the world... BRAN HIMSELF was in an extreme situation there, the north was lost to them, Winterfell gone, Jojen died to wights literally a couple feets from where he is.

There are time to fool around and try to spycam your aunt giving birth, and there are times to be serious. This was the latter.

i-is this age appropriate?

Stop samefagging

But the victory against the Bolton was all Sansa tho :^)

She wrote a letter and mindtricked Jon, Ramsay and LF!

both me

who /stark/ here?