Thoughts on the mindy project?

Thoughts on the mindy project?



stinky thicc pussy

I think it's down right despicable


There was an entire episode about her boyfriend wanting to stick it in her ass

She's so ugly in 90% of her pictures but then other times she's cute. Like that little 2 second clip of her dancing in that hulu commercial.

She literally is the quintessential definition of shitskin. She looks like she rolled around in some faeces and she'll never get clean. I still want to fuck her though.

>those stretch marks on her arm
holy shit I thought I had it bad. fuck stretch marks so much, never let your children get fat, they will have scars for life.

That's cellulite, m8, even worse.

Kek you wouldn't even know what to do with those stretch marks if you had the chance son.

Project Weight Aquisition : Successful

>le female Aziz Ansari

I never watched it, but respect why it exists

Mindy created the show about herself, with her own fucking name, to set herself up to date and fuck white guys (who she obviously ended up fucking IRL too)

Pretty impressive if you ask me. Not even males can be THAT transparent in the reason for even having a show.

She was on The Office while he was on Parks and Reddit, so she's better.

pretty diabolical

She is oddly attractive.

What would you do with those stretch marks? Put coconut butter on them?

But his character was better than her character in their respective shows.

Fun fact, Mindy is the producer of the show and it pains her as some massive sex symbol and literally all her former boyfriends on the show and incredibly hot guys who are totally above her.

I can dig Indian women, the problem is, like Mexicans, 99% of the women get obese after 18.

But that 1%.... DAMN

I unironically want her to sit on my face.

No poo though. I ain't German.

The only ones who reliably don't are Japanese and Scandinavian because they seem to give a shit about being able to climb a flight of stairs into their 30s.

I don't know what he meant by that, I assume it was something sexual like rub his semen on the stretch marks

Fuck off weeb.

I'd introduce her to a light strength training and cardio program that would add muscle tone and improve circulation thereby minimizing the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite wait what were we talking about?


Blacks and Amerindians (outside of the jungles of Brazil) get fat pretty much before 10

Indians and Mexicans around high school

Whites and Asians if they are going to get fat they'll go it early, otherwise its pretty much clear sailing*

*results may vary after marriage.

I dated a thin Amerindian in high school, that's rarer than a unicorn. She was full blooded and didn't even own one XXL wolf t-shirt.

>like Mexicans and Whites and Blacks

Tons of skinny whites past 18.

Blacks make their move well before 18.

Don't kid yourself, redditspacing poster. Asians are pretty much the only ones who don't get fat around college. White women balloon up due to all the nigger cum, junk food, and shitty beer/liquor they shove down their gullet.

>source: I exclusively contract to colleges

>Tons of skinny whites past 18.
Maybe 15 years ago, sure. Nowadays? Not in America or the UK.

Disgusting wax whore.

Any Amerindian or black American could stay thin if they wanted to, they just tend to eat tones of calorie dense crap and all their relatives tell them it's normal to get fat so they go with it. It's happening to most whites in the west now, too. Two-thirds of the USA is fat or obese. That's just normal now regardless of race. It's kinda sad.

Maybe in the midwest.

On the coasts to anyone middle class or higher there's a lot of thin white women. Not as thin as the average Asian or as much, but its there.

Contrast that with Mexicans or Indians. Seriously, by 18 less than 1% isn't over weight. By 25, less than 1% isn't morbidly obese.

The places they live in are known as food deserts. They don't get fresh fruits and vegetables. Also they usually cant afford to feed themselves

They also come from pre-agricultural societies. They are meant for one meal a day, mostly protein and to be moving around.

black women don't exercise because they have all kids of shit in their hair and can't get it wet. Or they don't want their wig to fall off at the gym.

Amerindians don't because they live on the res and get government handouts.

>Maybe in the midwest.
No, you stupid redditspacing child. I've been seeing a steady revolving door of college girls for the past 15 years now, and there is literally no sense of moderation or self-control in today's white """"women"""". They're too fucking degenerate and lack way too much self control to eat a healthy diet (and/or cut back on the booze) while exercising. White women (and women of any other race if she isn't poor) are being raised and coddled and spoiled in this culture of degeneracy, lecherousness, and gluttony. They literally do not know the definition of the word "no" or the concept of moderation.

If you've ever been to any bar in any college town that isn't an impoverished shithole, you'd know what I'm talking about. You can deny reality all you want but I actually see more of America and more women of college age than you see in your backwater flyover shithole.

If that bitch wants fame and money, she can fuck off back to her street shitting sorry excuse for a nation.

>They don't get fresh fruits and vegetables
You can get thin eating crap. It's harder because less satiating = needs more willpower, but eat less crap and pop a cheap ass multivitamin will work for anyone as well as eating fewer calories than you burn while consuming nutritionally valuable whole foods. And most people who grow up in food deserts hate the taste of fresh fruits and vegetables so even if you put them in front of them they'll just choose to eat the crap. Hell, most people in food deserts can get frozen vegetables if they want, but learned behaviours and being told 300lbs is what a woman looks like is a bitch.

>two thirds
yeah and 50 percent are non white.
fuck you Sup Forums retards and your le ebin banter XDD
You don't care about facts or statistics unless they help you. Read a book and learn the correct numbers or don't say shit

she could've been smokin' if she wasn't lazy.

Didn't she get some weird work done in her face btw?
ruined her potential

Live in San Diego, went to UCSD and worked a bit at SDSU.

Went to grad school at Columbia University in NYC.

All less than 10 years ago. I'm not saying there's no fat white women, just that there is far far far less than for brown women.

Also I've never been to reddit, so I don't know how they space their shit. Tell me what else they do over there.


She's so fucking cute!

*make up is so fucking cute

looks like Aziz used that face app

yeah that just looks sickly

Fuck off faggot

Get ya fucking eyes checked mate

cuter without the butch dyke haircut.

I think she's cute but also an unclean whore

I'm not racist but it's like her skin is covered in poo

Ok whatever you say reddit, I'm sure you really visited all those hip cool places you saw on TV! If you redditspace, you're a redditor. This is not up for discussion.

Same as if you're a spic, then you're automatically fat.

The USA is 77% reported white and 63% white when only using citizens of European descent.

66% of whites are fat or obese. It's over 75% for blacks and hispanics but asians, indians, and arabs balance that out because as a population they seem to care about their health more than white people something something Sup Forums?

I mean whites are the ones who invented deep fried sticks of butter

well only asians are skinny because take care of themselves, the rest because they don't have food.

She's very unattractive, actually. You have poor taste.

I'd tongue her big phat ass.

Pretty much. The lead in any Bollywood movie is way better looking. Or the Indian in Sense8. The only reason anyone would be attracted to Kaling is as an ethnicity fetish thing.

I say post pics of her butt

Fuck me.

Shes fat and poo in loo, my favorite traits in a woman. Shame about her face, but it looks kinda good in some lighting and angles.