If Rick and Morty is Reddit and Steven Universe is Tumblr then is Aqua Teen /ourshow/?

If Rick and Morty is Reddit and Steven Universe is Tumblr then is Aqua Teen /ourshow/?

I mean yeah, at one point it was

Our lot in life is to pretend to hate everything to keep certain people away

After things get to be like 10 years old, they get kinda lame. But, once they get to be able 20 years old, they become cool again. Wait another 10 years and people will blow their load for ATHF.

no, Venture Bros is

Tie between ATHF and Samurai Jack.

It's SA

I can agree with this

Das it mayne


hello rëddit

Sup Forums the show is Xavier: Renegade Angel
intelligent, nihilistic and a wicked sense of humor

I thought plebbit creamed themselves over Samurai Jack?

I mean, I know Sup Forums had a great time judging from the Jack stickies for each episode bringing in tons of people from other boards. I have no idea what reddit thought though.

Sup Forums is shake. Reddit is Frylock. Meatwad is YouTube comments.

Metalocalypse is

>this is reddit, this is Sup Forums
fucking STOP

t. Voat

>reddit popular, Sup Forums loner meme image
no...just no. if anything the 4channers were the loud obnoxious popular ones at my school. "BASED PEPE KEK"(they would literally say kek out loud), "REDDIT IS CANCER AHAHAHA". Half the fucking cafeteria is browsing Sup Forums and Sup Forums and their phones at lunch time.

Underage leave

graduated two years ago, I'm 20. Fuck you

Real mature

Probably like assy mcgee or something

Carl is Sup Forums.
Shake is Sup Forums

samurai champloo is /ourshow/

great, great show

me in the right

No, that's Family Guy. Crass, vulgar, tasteless, politically confused and hasn't been good in a long time.

It was before Season 5 where they started buying into their own myth and started treating itself like it's the most epic and serious saga ever told on TV.

lol wtf.

Sup Forums is the table full of fat spergs who act out and make shrill noises but shut up as soon as one of the jocks tells them to

by the way, you made fun of yourselves by choosing to see "reddit" as an insult, something OP didn't even imply.

>someone said the nigger word and hurt my feefees

Damn this is spot on

This picture was taken at a recent Sup Forums related event. Notice anything about the people there?

Yeah as an oldfag c. 2010 I can confirm it's /ourshow/. Back then I thought "Rubberman" was the funniest thing ever but they really get better every season.

They literally all look autistic?

lol holy shit

>frylock goes out into the world and leads a successful life while shake turtures himself listening to meanwad sing
yup,the analogy is about right


I am from Boston and demand you delete this thread and delete your account.

there's a nigger

They look way better than Reddit, and more diverse

no one is white

Only one CN show qualifies.


>the only decent one is getting fucked by the dog

jesus christ reddit

They all deserve to die?

holy shit gas these cretins

Nervous but self-aware.

No self-awareness whatsoever.

holy shit classic man dano?

wtf? I hate Sup Forums now

>Problem Child 2
I get it


I used to watch this shit. Good times.

Only certain people would be attracted to this sort of thing.

No. /ourshow/ is Moral Orel or Venture Bros.

Isn't MDE:World Peace was "/ourshow/"?

Anyone who says Venture Bros is a retard, there was a crack about uncircumcised penises which is like the most un-Sup Forums thing possible.

more like shake is reddit and carl is Sup Forums

even the poor dog is overweight



Rock bottom is when you actually decide to go to a Sup Forums hangout

Is Killface /ourguy/?

you're a bunch of hideous deformed freaks

I have no pity for these people.

is that moot below the guy in the white hat?

oh my fucking goodness
is there a stronger word than gunt?

No, this is.

No, that's Sup Forums.

most of them look alright desu.

Only fucking faggot name/tripfags ever go to these.

The most recent seasons of South Park are "Sup Forums's show"
Unnecessarily political, cringeworthy, and should have been euthanized 5 years ago

tfw I enjoyed problem child 2

>3 of the inbred retards brought their spawn to a Reddit spergout

Fuck me, this picture just keeps on giving.


4channers can't get laid, but redditors can't afford birth control or babysitters.