Scully done got herself kidnapped again

>scully done got herself kidnapped again

Other urls found in this thread:

>its a krychek kisses mulder episode

>scully is unconscious or looking the other direction when mulder sees an alien

>Scully has turned into a bimbo!

What an episode.

>it's a mulder/krycek team-up episode
don't front and say those aren't the best

They should have made this into an entire ep,also evil/mind controlled scully would have been neat.

Good but not better than the dream team.

Skinner was the best

>ywn hit a homerun with Scully

Why is she so perfect, bros? She's been my waifu since I was 13 and watched the first episode of X-Files the night it aired.

>implying VR won't happen in our lifetime

>it's a Mulder and Scully go full operator episode

The goofy episodes were the best.


The double episode featuring Michael McKean were great.

I always wonderd what mulders doppelganger was like

>tfw theres no sequel ep where scully and him switch

Mulder: What ever video tape you found in the player wasn't mine.....

Scully: That's okay, I just put it in the drawer with all those other video tapes that aren't yours.


Haha it was a good shot

Favorite scenes?

I've always wondered if Mulder's penchant for porn was a reference to Duchovny's role on Red Shoe Diaries and his "sex addiction".



what did he mean by this?

love x files

Just downloaded the whole thing on 720p,
For a first time watcher, what am I to expect brehs?

A very 90s show


>It's a Mulder has a mid life crisis and starts cross dressing episode

It only counts if his mother is Jewish.

How can an acting robot be Jewish?

>how could someone possibly like him?
>i mean, look at him!

Toppest kek

>Scully finally has to rescue Mulder
>It's a shit episode nobody will ever remember

No, they weren't. They had their moments but they probably should've kept it in a single episode. It dragged way too much and it was fucking nothing at the end.

A show that's better than it should be. Keep going if you find the first season underwhelming. Seasons 2-5 are brilliant.

Everybody NOSE that.

This. It starts to go a little downhill after s5, and after s7 it takes a pretty obvious nosedive (with a few exceptions, of course). Still, excellent TV.

A shame Supernatural went the way it did. Early Supernatural felt like peak X-Files.

Based Mulder avoiding sex, despite being a good looking dude, in order to not pull women into his dangerous web of investigations.


I'm still not sure where to rank the revival. Probably between S8 & S7.

Strangely enough, S9 has one of the best episodes of the whole show, John Doe.

Stfu,It was great.

On that note,what ep do you guys always skip when you rewatch? For me its alpha.

>mfw I literally just got done watching that ep
I don't remember it very much, but wow.

It's all over the fucking place.

It wasn't just that.He's a broken person incable of forming any sort of real relationship.

Pretty sad tbqh

Many: Space, Teliko, Fight Club... Really, too many to mention but it's still got a pretty good ratio of good shows. I skip 3 or 4 shows per season, which isn't bad for 20+ episode seasons.

I swear to god that the first few seasons shot in British Columbia simply cannot be beaten.

They are by and far the very definition of comfy.

>Looks cold but not uncomfortably cold
>Everyone is a middle class white American
>Everyone dressing comfy af, long comfy jackets and jumpers and shit
>Those pine forests that just ooze comfy

Why did they change shooting locations later on in what seems like California or something equally as uncomfortable?

Teliko was pretty spooky. It had some nice atmosphere and shots.

Agree on space, though. What a terrible concept- it's like somebody saw the face on Mars and was like "LET'S DO AN X-FILES EPISODE ABOUT THAT". The worst kind of filler.

I can tolerate wacky stuff like space
and even fight club cause it has some decent banter,but jfc alpha is such a bore,same with el mundo gira.

This has to be the most unintentionally funny episode of the series.


Christ lmao

Teliko had some potential but it's a weak episode and I skip it most of the time. There's also that one with the writer that's so fucking pretentious.
John Shiban always wrote the worst episodes, I wonder why they kept him for so long.

>There's also that one with the writer that's so fucking pretentious.


Weird ep.Kinda funny thats the only "sex scene" scully ever has and its with notedwardnortan

No, some really pretentious and shitty one that I bet was also written by Shiban.


link please?
I need the two first seasons.

Yes, this one. And guess what? Co-written by Shiban.

I think he means the one where peoples hearts are removed and the writer living next to Mulder has a crush on Scully. It's one of the worst episodes.

Yeah,wouldn't say it's a good ep but a necessary one for her character progression.

That's some damn fine cherry pie and some damn good coffee

There are way worse.Even within that season.

I'm watching on spic netflix, on season 9 right now, pretty good but it gets a bit lazy on season 8 and seems to be staying that way on season 9

I'm rewatching only some episodes I got the recomendation here or I remember they're good.

Saw: Pilot, Ice, Beyond the Sea, Darkness Falls, Clyde Bruckman, Die Hand Die Verletzt, Detour, Kill Switch

Gonna watch: Humbug, Host, Peacocks, Rain King, Hollywood Ad, X Cops, Bad Blood, Flukeman, Hungry, Beggar Man, Tooms, Monday, Avatar, Post Modern Prometheus

Not at all. Same with the one Gillian directed. It fucking sucked.

You don't watch Tooms without watching Squeeze first. Wtf, man!

Also, that list is too full of funny episodes which will give you the wrong idea about the show and at the same time, will make them less fun because there's no contrast to make them funny.
That's why S7 is so shitty, way too many funny, self aware episodes.

It depends on if you care about the progression of Mulder and Scully's relationship.Yeah they could have been handled much better but they serve a purpose.

I don't really recall any episode based on Scullys characters progression being good aside from beyond the sea but it's been a while since i've rewatched the entire series.

>That's why S7 is so shitty, way too many funny, self aware episodes

Probably because they knew david was leaving and couldn't start up a new mytho arc until they figured out if they were going to continue the series.

But I'm REwatching these. I'm a fan of seasons 1-7.
I skipped 8 and 9... sorry hardcore fans.

These are the ones I wrote here as the anons goes recommending, but I'm open to hear new recs.

They could've just made MotW then. No need to cram it with so many comedy episodes.

Season 8 has its fair share of decent episodes and it's heads and shoulders above 7 to me.
S9 is just shit, mostly because of Reyes. What a fucking shit character.

Arcadia,Sanguinariam,syzygy,DPO,EBE,red museum

Are pretty good too,prolly more i'm forgetting

The quality is pretty good.

Thats what they were though

Sein un zeit/Closure,Sixth Extinction, Hungry,Chimera,Brand X,All things,Milleniuem,En ami and Requiem were all pretty serious eps of varying quality.

>been watching the show on and off for the past few years
>only in the middle of season 6
It never ends, think they've rebooted the show twice since I've started watching

I marathoned the first 7 seasons, half-assed Season 8 and haven't bothered with anything else. It just got so tedious by the end with Mulder leaving and the Mytharc losing direction.

I would've had a hard time watching it in its entirety if syfy didn't air it everyday years ago tbqh.

Wonder what the show would've been like if it always did the whole 10 eps per season like most contemporary shows do.

Wow did Scully chub up during some of the seasons?

Yeah,i did too though.

Worst episode is the one with the vampires and Mulder shacking up with that random woman.

>you will never cruise through forest roads looking for aliums and spraypainting Xes on the road

I want to believe.

Ill take those 3 over pretty much everything after Mulder leaves the show.

Hell I'll take those 3 over a Scully's Faith episode.

3 had Good ambiance but its dragged down by a really mundane story.

Toppest of keks

she just is

