Memes aside, what are your honest opinions on Steve Harvey?

Memes aside, what are your honest opinions on Steve Harvey?

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he looks really weird

Name a movie with an unlikable main character.

a nice guy

>a nice g-

His award blooper cemented the notion that he's a complete idiot. Didn't the envelope he was carrying with him read the wrong category, but he tried to play it off and read it out anyway, although he already knew it wasn't the right name?


A male diva.
Problematic personality disorder. (endorsed Trump)

he ruined Black Kings of Comedy or whatever it was, just the worst most annoying person ever imo

Memes aside I honestly want mods to ban one-line script-following surveying writing-prompt one-posts.


>these thing don't happ-

Why we still got monkeys?

Two special snowflakes with a superiority compex wrapped around an inferiority compex. No wonder they get along so well


I find him funny on Family Feud

That's about it

totally reasonable though

>*hands multi-page legal document of 'conditions'*
>totally reasonable (not autism in the slightest)

Jump to 2:38 for cringey fail goodness

He makes me laugh when he triggers people with his views on women, creation, et cetera.

my honest opinion is of steve harvey is memes
his job on family feud is 'make funny reaction faces when you hear an answer from an intentionally sexually suggestive question'

he's a piece of shit that's single handedly causing the downfall in sexual strategy in impressionable single black women.

Also he's a bigot, racist and ignorant as fuck, but I think that was a given....just look at him.

>everything is about "leave me alone while I'm getting ready for the show"

Uppity nigger who was raised by white people


>totally not autism in the slightest
That just further confirms he's /ourguy/ my guy.

The George Soros of r/asianmasculinity

I'm biased because I'm black and from Atlanta,but I think he's based. Dude is just a natural alpha, he's sort of the epitome of a certain type of person I've always had respect for. He says some uninformed stuff sometimes but I think that's part of the charm. Faggot atheist redditors and cucks hate him because he's religious and anti-degeneracy.

There are actual niggers on Sup Forums?

>calling me a nigger over the internet
Bet you won't go out and call the first black guy you see a nigger. How cowardly. I've been posting on the chans since you were in diapers, kiddo. Nothin personal.

Are you really buttblasted over being called a nigger here? You know this would happen if you mentioned you were black.

Obviously I wouldn't call a nigger that in real life, niggers are violent.

Not butt blasted at all desu, everyone gets called a nigger, it comes with the territory.

>leave me alone while I'm getting ready to do the show

This is the same kind of piece of shit that will argue racism is basically non-existent in the US and there aren't laws needed to counter people who think like him.

he's a christfag


explain dubsbro

Um, how?

No clue what that user is on about, but he does write self-improvement books to sell to lonely black women, like "How to think like a man". It's kinda predatory but whatever, he's just making money off a market that was previously untapped, can't blame him for finding his niche and profiting off of it. That's the capitalist way.

He made a bit about nobody wanting to date Asian men which caused a shitstorm


>“Family Feud” host Harvey has been slapped with a $60 million lawsuit by his ex-wife Mary, who alleges that Harvey engaged in “prolonged torture with the infliction of severe mental pain and suffering by acknowledging three years into the relationship that he was still married to his first wife.”

>In the suit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday, Mary Harvey claims that the alleged torture compelled her to “mutate her identity, her ideals and her principles began to crumble.”

>The suit says that things became so bad that Mary “attempted suicide by self-medicating in an effort to stop the pain.”

>The suit also claims that Mary’s “severe emotional distress” was added to by the “acknowledgement of a nine-year affair with a woman that produced a child.”

>According to the suit, Harvey also conspired to oppress Mary, removing her from a behavioral health facility only three days into her treatment following a suicide attempt.

>“The Plaintiff was threatened, arrested and placed under gag order, to keep the information she knew from becoming public to protect the defendants [sic] public image.”

>“The intentional infliction of emotional distress went well beyond emotional anguish and concludes with anxiety, heart attack, stroke, hypertension, immune system disturbances, ulcers and degenerative neurological disorders,” the lawsuit continues.

It's not his fault Americans can't understand that something was funny without a loud black man over-reacting to it

He's playing the role he was hired for, nothing personal

>really makes you think....

I dont understand why he has like 10 shows. And now he has this new thunderdome show coming out? What the shit? Why do black people and stay at home moms love him so much?

This is fine tbqh, and it's pretty common too

He's familiar

you should see some of the riders your favourite bands submit to their venues. Harvey isn't asking much by comparison

Got any examples?

Didn't he just get hacked?

Cool moustache and master troll

The conditions are simply "don't talk to me"
He says it a bunch of different ways, but it's just different ways of saying "Don't talk to me"
This was a classic thing on it

the first 6 minutes is the relevant part, if that wasn't clear