Question: How are there so many child porn posters here? Can't you go to jail for a very...

Question: How are there so many child porn posters here? Can't you go to jail for a very, very long time for even possessing it on your computer? Why would people throw their lives away for memes?

it's just a couple of gooks who get their dick swallowed whole by real women

Most of them are from backwards third world countries

>How are there so many child porn posters here
What do you mean, OP? I rarely see CP here.

Decrypted drives and gozillions of proxies, the ones you hear about on the news getting caught are just the dumb pedoshits

What CP? I don't like these cunny posters either but none of them posted any CP from what I've seen. Is it racy pics? Yeah sure but not CP.

Honestly, the clothed stuff is better. Leaves more to the imagination. Hoverboard girl was primo cunny.

I've often wondered if they are just underage fags who are technically not pedos.

It's still considered possession of CP even if you're an underage kid.

no shit moron, welcome to Sup Forums

no difference in penalty

There is almost no cp on Sup Forums. There are a ton of the suggestive "cunny" photos though

non-nude is not illegal therefore he/they can keep doing it forever

There's a term for child nudity that's 100% legal to save on your computer. Forgot what's it called but there's hundreds of kids 'nude' on google.

there was literally just CP in the Cesar/Holly thread

>There's a term for child nudity that's 100% legal to save on your computer
Yes. It is called "nudism".

There aren't "so many." A different board on this site recently attracted the wrath of a clutch of deeply vile people who, among other things, are known for collecting images of children. One of them has been written up in local lifestyle mags for the disturbing images of children that he proudly displays in his home. They lie to spam or post the internet hangouts of enemies wth ... pizza ... to incriminate the enemies. They did this several times to various targets.

>tfw you searched for 'child pornography' when you were 12 thinking it was easily obtainable and legal
My dumbass would have got v&

There's just a few, they're from Sup Forums and their objective is to "keep reddit out"

They'd go to jail if the mods decided to do something about them, but they won't

This thread made me truly realize how young and retarded the average user here is now

>almost no

You just now realized this?

what board? Sup Forums?

White people don't get charged for CP because there's so many whites who consume it

omg halp us quick, we've been discovered

mfw when consuming pc

i dont open webms on Sup Forums anymore unless there are a few replies indicating it's okay

Reddit can't into cunnykino

they're definitely not from Sup Forums you cancerous faggot. cunnybot is an officially certified oldfag, whose only allegiance is Sup Forums. cunny is anti-Sup Forums, anti-reddit, anti-cancer, pure, and one of the best pieces of board culture next to baneposting. anyone who actively posts against it basically outs themself as a triggered newfag. I wish you were here when /l/ was alive, you would've left and never come back

Hi cunnyfag

imagine being this person

it's really nothing special desu

more sad than anything

hay guys check out this cp


le risky click xD

That looks awful. Gag worthy.


I've seen actual stuff get posted here late at night. It hasn't happened in a while, and it would get deleted almost instantly, but it was a huge problem for a while on this board.

Cunnyposters from cripplechan literally declared war on Sup Forums a year or two ago though

I must be the only nibba who finds the cunny threads hilarious. better than bane posting.

But baneposting is at least tangentially related to tv and films, cunnyposting is just some Sup Forums level garbage that gets posted here by buttfrustrated edgelords

first of all fuck you
secondly Sup Forums has zero good memes