What does Sup Forums think of him and WWYD if you had his powers

What does Sup Forums think of him and WWYD if you had his powers

Sup Forums*

Best part of JJ.

consensual rape

Is that what you think of him or is that what you would do with his powers

his only fault was being in love with a trainwreck of a girl


He has to fart pheromones on you to control you, it isn't psychic power right?

No it's not psychic, he has to tell you and you have to hear him.

I wouldn't do anything if I had his powers then, I want better powers than that

You can tell anyone to do anything and they will do it, how is that not a good power.

It wears off when you walk away, right?

No, he maintains control for 24 hours, and learns to do longer.

it takes time to wear off, at his weakest it took 12 hours for the control to wear off when he got a certain distance away

I would be a Washington Lobbyist and get every bill I wanted passed. Between that I would just make money gambling and save lives as i can.

So it does wear off. Yeah, that's a shitty power that's only going to get me into trouble. First of all it's 2017 and I'm being surveilled everytime and secondly I don't want to drag around a coterie of mindrape victims just to prevent loss of control nor do I want to have to rerape them every 12 hours or whatever. Fuck that stupid power, I don't want it. Would rather not have a power.

>I don't want to drag around a coterie of mindrape victims
Who says you have to?
>I'm being surveilled everytime
So? how is anyone going to prove you have mind control?

>he doesn't understand deep data analysis
The IC would figure out I had mind control probably the first day I used it. No thanks.

>he doesn't understand deep data analysis
Explain it to me then.

Give me a few minutes.


Is it possible to turn it off?

Could I just hang out with friends or family without controlling their minds?

Could I ask someone a favor or ask a girl out without the power so I know if they really want to or not?

In the show he has to actively try not to control people and choose his words carefully so he doesn't accidentally tell someone to go eat a dick.

Nope, it's impossible to turn it off, of course if your a sociopath like he is then you won't really care.

And yes I'm aware that I should have used you're instead of your.

I'm assuming you left this thread since it's been almost an hour

I'm still here, give me a few minutes.

Damn is it really taking you this long?

It's in his breath

it's getting pretty late and I don't really care anymore so you can just win whatever this was.

Why, I'd do exactly what he did to JJ in the comics: Tell her she wants to fuck me desperately, have her stand naked next to my bed while I proceed to fuck a different gorgeous college girl every night to the sound of her desperate pleading for my dick. For nine months. And never so much as touch her.
I'm sure she's gonna come out of that as a well adjusted person :^)

1. Excellent villain, Marvel's only genuinely scary one to date

2. I'd use my power very sparingly to avoid being captured by the CIA and experimented on.

...were the comics written by a man or a woman?

Jessica Jones, Kilgrave, and his storyline were all created and written by Brian Michael Bendis.

I do not know how BMB identifies.

fuck me, Kilgrave was actually created by Stan Lee, but his role in the Alias/JJ comics was by Bendis