Nightmares about a movie scene

Does anyone else have nightmares about a specific movie scene they've seen as a kid?

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I don't anymore but I was real fuckin traumatised by the eye popping suffocation shit in total recall as a babby.

a dream i had recently saw me drinking wine out of a dirty dog dish and my family and friends admonishing my base habits. i didn't care enough about their opinions to stop.

then i woke up and realised i might have a drinking problem

I once had a nightmare about the velociraptors from jurassic park chasing me around my yard

Like inviting your uncle back into your racecar bed.

I keep having the same nightmare. I haven't watched that scene ever since I was a kid. But it's from a scene in that Bond film Licence to Kill

Why did he kill the preacher kid in the end

Because the preacher kid was a fraud and humiliated him publicly

This scene fucked my brain up. I saw it when I was like eight years old.

For some reason one of the Amitiville of Horrors. I think 3 with the lamp, some grandma at the end with white eyes or something. Ages ago.

Yeah the grudge, the english one, even, I watched it as a kid and shit traumatized me for like two weeks, I avoided mirrors and dark corners of my room thinking shed be in there crawling, even had sleep paralysis hearing her croak on top of my bed

So many nightmares from this corny shit.

Which one? Maybe if you see it again you'll stop having that nightmare.


No, because I'm not a fat pusy

This is pretty random but I remember being very terrified by the episode of south park where a monster stops the schoolbus in cartman's dream.

You're just a fat pussy.

i want a sip

This !!!

This one is EW !!

I have a distinct memory of being woken up by my sister because I was screaming in my sleep. All I remember about the dream is that I was sitting in my living room, the doorbell rang, and when I answered it, there was a guy standing there, and just started screaming while his face melted. It was just like the melting Nazi in Raiders, which is weird, because I didn't see Raiders until I was almost 20, unless I just don't remember watching it before then.

I also remember another one where I was lying paralyzed on my aunt's kitchen floor, while a guy with no skin was crawling toward me. I may have picked that one up from Hellraiser. My uncle used to watch a lot of horror movies when I was a kid.

I think night terrors and sleepwalking must run in my family, because I did it, my brother did, my nephew did, and we all eventually grew out of it.

Fuck. You identified the source of a series of terrifying South Park nightmares that I only now remember having.

I hope you get the help you need, user. All the best.

This shit.

I've seen this fucker's face so many times in dreams where I can't run or escape a situation and I could never nail it down until a couple months ago

No u pusy fat