the penitent man

of course not

And my mother's ears.


Am I in the wrong for thinking Spielberg's Wife was the Superior Indy Girl?

I mean, Raven was kind of annoying (and just dumb without being funny in Indy 4). And the Nazi chick was too oblivious and unfunny

>Am I in the wrong for thinking Spielberg's Wife was the Superior Indy Girl?
Probably, she does nothing in the entire movie except either shriek or whine

She was the hottest (which is an impressive accomplishment going up against a hot brunette) but she was mostly a dumb bimbo. Marion was tougher and more independent. The nazi girl was a traitor so she was the worst.

But she was funny and cute

to be quite honest Temple of Doom is my favourite, because it is the funniest and less serious

>The nazi girl was a traitor so she was the worst.

>temple of doom
>less serious

>Marion was tougher and more independent
Who cares?

You have shit taste. Nazi chick is EASILY the hottest one

Wow, some slave kids make it serious!

What I meant is that it had the most jokes and funniest characters, like my nigga Short Round

Sorry, I thought this was an actual discussion. I won't make the same mistake twice.
Oh, you haven't actually seen temple of doom.

She's the only one that can really go on adventures with Indy. She has the experience and knowledge. They have similar personalities.

and your other ears

Oh, come on! Name me a character funnier than Spielberg's Wife and Short Round!
Not even Sallah in Raiders and Marcus in Crusade are as funny

Marcus? You dragged poor Marcus into this?

I'm just saying it also has the sacrifice/Indy being mind controlled scene.

So what? Sure, it was dumb, but it doesn't ruin the film

I'm saying it makes the movie more serious, dickhead. Temple is well known to be the darkest one.

>Marcush? You dragged poor Marcush into thish?

>tfw since Mike said that Temple of Doom was his favourite and the best one all the redditors parrot this opinion


Slave kids, human sacrifices, mind control and people getting almost crushed to death doesn't make it more serious. I mean, Raiders has a head exploding and people disintegrating. Crusade has a guy that turns old by drinking from a cup

Serious question, how old are you?


was getting old and senile part of your plan?