Wake up

>wake up
>see this
>wat do

Tell her to get out. I need my REM sleep.

What is this pedophile bullshit?

Ask her who Ted Williams is.

id piss myself if a skeleton came in my and tried to bribe me with shit

tell her to get the fuck out since she didnt bring me any sips

>this is the woman Jim Carey married for a year in the 90's
Has he no shame?

Twas a different time. We didn't decide that sex is evil yet

lick her speical place

>wat do

Ask Aunt Diane what is happening.

I'll take the GameBoy, leave it on my bed and gtfo.

>so get we go
Christ, close the door first my parents are in the other room.
Also what Gameboy game?

you have it backwards lad

Just your typical hollywood double standard. They would never have done this with a grown man and a little girl.


How is a baseball card that she pulled from her ass mint?

Hey ads smells minty

It's "What's going on" not "What's happening".

Please correct your mistake before you post here again.

Shut the fuck up you little bitch

>implying the ass sweat doesn't add value to the car

She didn't bring me batteries for my Gameboy so I would probably smash that cake into her face and throw her down the stairs

so where's it from

Wtf, I love child molestation now

tie her up and blast the money store while whipping her

is this picket fences?

Holly was my first fap

Like you didn't already

That's cause women can't dominate a male of any kind.

How many child emperor's? Plenty. Child empresses (with lead power)? None.

i wish this was a porno. Anything similar to it that I can wank to?

Little boys think girl's have cooties, but are fascinated by naked ladies.

Little girls think boys are gross and just want to play with barbies. They don't think about sex of any kind. That's why the ideal fantasy is between a boy and a grown woman.

when i was 6 years old our neighbour invited me in their house and asked me to lie down next beside her. she was naked. i really felt uncomfortable during that time, i kept making excuses to get up but she won't let me until her sister heard the commotion and knocked and i managed to get away.

that was a weird experience


Reminder that if you hate how women are allowed to get away with being sexually intimate with young boys. That just means you're a pedophile because you fucking wish you could get away with doing the same thing to young girls. Women should be allowed to be sexually intimate with young boys, it's beautiful thing and it teaches them how to be an alpha early in life. A man and a little girl on the other hand is absolutely degenerate. Double standards exist for a reason.

Personally, I fucking wish I could've experienced the love of an older woman when I was a kid.

i was just 6 years old you fuck how am i supposed to know what to do

If older women fucked young boys there would be no male pedos.

most pedos are the way they are because they never got laid

Is this movie worth watching? She fulfills my fantasy of having a woman take control of the sexual activities and fun.

>People think this

>Personally, I fucking wish I could've experienced the love of an older woman when I was a kid.
You would have grown up with psychological problems believe me. Fantasy and reality are two separate things, friend.

>Having this embarrassing of a sex life


way to generalize famalam

Child molestation trauma is caused by society
If people would say wow cool when a little girl said a grown man licked her cunny she would be happy and there would be no trauma and issues

You're the one that posted the your fantasy is simply women actually wanting to have sex with you, not me.


honestly, the only people who use the projecting buzzword are the ones who've hit a brick wall in an argument

Why does this turn me on? Help?

it's called /ss/ my good son, and it's the true patrician's fetish

>lel ew cunni

All these autist tards looking for a circle jerk validation for their sexual repressed Oedipus complex.
>bu bu bu its NORMAL
It only implies that you didn't have a strong motherly role in life, thus need sexual compensation.
>bu bu bu PEDO

If you condone this you condone pedobear you filthy hypocritical niggers, so go masturbate to Bates Motel and wallow in your post fap while the hollyjews openly flaunt their sexual deviancy to the plebeian serfs.

nigger did I ever deny that I don't fap to milfs? No. kys, eat memes , die.

I vaguley remember my aunt babysitting me while she lounged around in pretty much nothing but big shirts.
While my mom and the rest of my family freaked out when I accidently walked in on them in the bathroom, my aunt would leave the door wide open, and didn't seem mad at all if I looked or walked in on her.
It was never anything sexual, it just seemed like she didn't see what the big deal about nudity was, though she warned me that my mom would get mad if I told her.
Thanks to her, I pretty much already knew in extreme detail what tits and vagina looked like before the other boys in school, so I never got nervous around girls who wore tight clothing and started to grow boobs.
Thanks to her, I had confidence growing up. Shame many other boys never get that chance.

fuck off actual pedophile
go post pictures of little girls since that's all you enjoy in life

>mommyposting OP
>7 images

>surmised all of that from my post

Stay mad nigger, remember where you're posting cuck.
>fuck off
kek kys

hOw in the platinum fuck did this go anywhere without being banned

you know how Trump always says america used to be great?

I didn't answer user's question, but checked.

Holyshit, never saw this. Season 1, Episode 14 of Picket Fences entitled “Bad Moons Rising”.

1993? Jesus.

lel. she was a cop too

>pulling a "mint" card out of your ass
>putting a plate of cake on the bed
shiggy diggy

Stop pretending you aren't a massive newfag

Oh..didn't know they made a macron biography movie already.

Wow, calm down. Why did you get triggered by that post?

thank you god

rub cake all over her body and lick all that off


>mint card
>full of her butt sweat

Same scene with a grown man
>"I've have something else to show you"
>drops pants
>"here we go"
Yeah nah

Fuck that, I already have one. Leave the chocolate cake though.
Also, get out of my room. I am sleepy.

I'm guessing we don't actually see her tits because TV.


that young man has a nice smile

It's not the same.

The greatest hitter of all time.

I don't think I was attracted to women yet at that age, so i would just want the choclate cake and gameboy. Also fuck sports of any kind so that baseball card can get shredded. Also would take the mint she said she had as well.

What movie?

Sjw were not born yet

I'd pick me

are you sure ?

A little boy or girl being raped by a man is more damaging.

well of course millionaires are going to get away with it but he was talking about something that the general population will see on tv

Could Sup Forumsshit get any more cringey


Starting Strength?



Requesting webms from that one Eva Green movie where her son is her boyfriend and she's horny around him.