Jesus Christ, Favreau. It's just a grilled cheese

Jesus Christ, Favreau. It's just a grilled cheese.

What's the white cheese he spreads first?

Favreau looks like he finally settled on a body type......for now.

It's called butter you fucking simpleton


Butter or some kind of butter substitute, you fucking ingrate.

It's mayo, because of the high oil content it can substitute for butter and gives the bread a sort of tang.
Butter doesn't spread that easily

I keep hoping he burns his fingers by touching the grill

>Butter doesn't spread that easily
Softened butter does you retard, that's why most people keep a stick out


Softened butter does you retard.

>most people keep a stick out
Please don't trigger my ocd

have you never seen a butter dish? They're not meant to be stored in the fridge you know

You joke, but it looks like the pus from my ingrown toenails.

you can see the butter on a plate in the top left at the start

Jesus fucking Christ just stop

I think he meant "keep a stick out" like a gay thing with his dong

haha I was just kdding

why does he put it on the table to cut it

why not just cut it on the plate and not make a mess?

he has the cooking down to an exact science, cutting and plating and serving included

because it's the apex of pretentiousness
