Why do many movies have the old bearded mentor trope?

Why do many movies have the old bearded mentor trope?

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what movie is bottom right?

Count Dooku

>Corbyn'sfirst conversation with the US President could prove more prickly. Hesaid he would ask Mr Trump to “kindly reconsider” his comments towards Mayor of London Mr Khan
>It comes after Mr Corbyn told The Independent only "winning the election" will be a good result for Labour and indicated he may delay Mr Trump's state visitas one of his first acts in office.
This guy thinks we should sit and talk with terrorists and work things out peacefully, with islamic maniacs who want to kill us but he wont have a meeting with the president of the USA because he insulted a terrorist sympathiser

Name some more of these mentor type roles, I want to replace Dumbledore with someone better

>old white men are evil and run the world
>lets vote for this old white man
Really makes you think

It's a popular way of storytelling as it gives the protagonist a person to take instruction and grow from. It also gives them an emotional impetus to continue the quest or even be thrown awry if said mentor dies.

What's with this old white dudes larping as commies to fool the dumb youth?
first bernie and now corbyn


>Fight the forces of evil by surrendering your nuclear arsenal

Wise Asian>white beard white guy>magic negro

At least wise Asian will teach you karate

>hurr durr unilateral nuclear disarmament


>I want to replace Dumbledore with someone better

But Dumbledore would BTFO any of them

fuck off weeb


I don't know but the old magical negro mentor is used a lot too.

Every time it's Morgan Freeman though.

It's not just movies though, it's an obsession western culture has. Especially with fantasy and in literature


>old people tend to be wiser

Wow who came up with this shit?

>a terrorist sympathiser
How stupid are you?

Because it's a central part of the Hero's Journey and it's been around forever.


>How stupid are you?
Do you watch the news mate?

Not your mate

Not yer buddy

Because 90% of stories and movies follow the same formula since ancient Babylon

fuck him. Trump is based and was treated quite kindly by our based Israel and Saudi bros, why won't western nations treat him with the same dignity?

>We need to accept terror attacks as part of our daily lives
>No need to be alarmed people of london!
Genuinely stated by Sadiq Khan, the Muslim Mayor of London

That's not what he said. He said that terror attacks have become part of living in major cities like New York or London and people need to be prepared for them.

If he's a terrorist sympathiser why do you have to provide misquoted sentence fragments out of context to support that? Why not provide me with something he said that indicates he sympathises with terrorists?

>That's not what he said. He said that terror attacks have become part of living in major cities like New York or London and people need to be prepared for them.
>terror attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city


And you've managed to extract terrorist sympathiser from the observation that terror attacks happen freuently in major cities. You were never top of your class, were you?

The full quote is:
"Part and parcel of living in a great, global city is you’ve got to be prepared for [terror attacks], you’ve got to be vigilant, you’ve got to support the police."
From the Evening Standard, September 2016.

Now was there anymore evidence that the Mayor of London is a terrorist sympathiser or are you going to continue to spew rubbish?

>That's not what he said. He said that terror attacks have become part of living in major cities like New York or London and people need to be prepared for them.
yet no terror atacks in cities without muslims
mmm makes me ponder


The last big non-muslim terror attack I can think of is Oklahoma and the Tokyo gas attacks.

color me surprised

he doesn't blame islam

>global cities have terror attack
>multiculturalism is strenght

>Tokyo gas attacks
yet no one said not all Aum Shinrikyō
they got crushed as it should've

stop calling cliches tropes
>cliche: actual age-old term
>trope: popularized by feminist frequency

Why should he blame Islam? He should (and I believe he does) blame gulf states for financing terrorist organisations and western states for displacing people and creating power vacuums that create the preconditions for radicalisation and power consolidation. That's what causes terrorism. And it just so happens that the MENA region has a very high muslim population, so a lot of terrorists will be muslim.

But since Islam is a very large religious group and the majority of muslims do not and will not commit any terrorist acts, it is utterly unfair to villify and attack all muslims.

An essential or basic element, as in Traveling is part and parcel of Zach's job. Used since the 15th century as a legal term, with part meaning “a portion” and parcel “something integral with a whole,” this idiom began to be used more loosely from about 1800.

>terrorism is an essential and integral charactersitic of living in a big city
>terrorism being part of living in a big city in the first place
>what we need is an exchange of ideas
youre in denial


>it is utterly unfair to villify and attack all muslims.
you can blame islam wihout that moron

>Why should he blame Islam? He should (and I believe he does) blame gulf states for financing terrorist organisations and western states for displacing people and creating power vacuums that create the preconditions for radicalisation and power consolidation. That's what causes terrorism.
Then can you tell me why terrorist only attack civilians and not goberment?
It's not like it's imposible, look at the oklahoma attack
The reason is that they aren't waging war for those reasons you stated.
It just a war on heretics, kill and convert.

>islam has nothing to do with terrorism

>why should we blame communism/nazism?
> the majority of communists/nazis did not commit any genocidal acts, it is utterly unfair to villify and attack all communists/nazis.

At its core? Because of Odin.

I'd say the old mentor is more pronounced in Eastern stories and general mindset where elderly are treated with respect for their wisdom.

>he thinks the average mudshit doesnt ant him and all his friends dead

these attacks arent in the name of x country that is being oppressed by the big bad west, its all in the name of allah and islam, so that pretty much shoots down anything you said in your post

>At its core? Because of Odin.
lol nordicist believe people gave a fuck about their old gods

>just an inevitable part of living in a global city
>meanwhile in Hong Kong, Beijing, Tokyo, Shanghai, Dubai, Sydney, Los Angeles

this sven sure is carrying them

You're putting more thought into his remarks than he was and reading it up as a result. The fact that he calls for vigilance and heightened counter terrorism measures in the following sentence shows that the intent behind the prior sentence was merely observatory to justify the insistence in the following sentence.
It's jihad. The goal is to create global jihad, a holy war. To accomplish that they need to make non-Muslims hate Muslims, and Muslims hate non-Muslims. A great way to do that is to senselessly and violently kill without warning, and let non-muslims alienate muslims by retaliating in the ways that people on Sup Forums call for every day (round them up and deport them all is one I've seen doing the rounds more and more lately).

That is literally the goal of IS, a global caliphate that issues from, like you said, kill or convert. Don't play into it.
Islam has a strong connection to islamic terrorism, regardless of what certain liberal commentators might claim, because islam is the ideology that animates islamic terrorism. Islam is not the animus of terrorism generally though.

The proof of that is pretty clear - plenty of muslims are not terrorists.
False equivalence. The ideology of the NSDP mandated anti-semitic action, the ideology of Islam does not mandate anti-non-muslim action.

because how else would you pass knowledge around when you didn't have education systems or even basic writing, user? some shit just stuck around.

>Islam is not the animus of terrorism generally though

it is to the people who commit it

But every white beard white guy is far superier to wise asian.
Plus, they're white.

>this faggot thinks he's so smart because he's posting about hero's journey
>literally Lit 101

>To accomplish that they need to make non-Muslims hate Muslims, and Muslims hate non-Muslims. A great way to do that is to senselessly and violently kill without warning, and let non-muslims alienate muslims by retaliating in the ways that people on Sup Forums call for every day (round them up and deport them all is one I've seen doing the rounds more and more lately).
>That is literally the goal of IS, a global caliphate that issues from, like you said, kill or convert. Don't play into it.
Jesus, people like you exist

ITT: 19 cherry-picked twitter posts represent 1.8 billion islam adherents

I don't think you understand what I'm saying.

Islamic terrorism is a subset of terrorism. Islam is for the few muslims who commit islamic terrorism, the animus of that. Not all terrorism is motivated by islam, because oklahome or tokyo sarin attack or whatever. Therefore Islam is not the animus of terrorism generally.
What IS wants is every muslim on earth to turn against every non-muslim, kill them, and create a global caliphate. A great way to do that is to go to war. A great way to prompt war is to make us hate muslims.

Literally common sense.

Why exactly gives the right for muslims to invade europe for the fact that not all of them put bombs?
Islamic demographic invasion is the problem, not le terrorism, terrorism is just a method of warfare.

This, we can't let a few million bad apples ruin the bunch.

Because infidels are not innocents in their eyes. That's basically the crux of the entire problem .


ISIS are just tools of higher powers.

>A great way to prompt war is to make us hate muslims.
>Literally common sense.
no that's not true, they make terror attacks to make the people weak, afraid and make them defeatist so they accept islam
they don't want europeans to hate islam, they want europeans to convert
and it fucking works, we already have blasphemy laws in western nations thanks to terrorism
look at the charlie hebdo, that wasn't make so we hate islam
that was so we became afraid of drawing the prophet
and it fucking worked, no mainstream news put the drawing
as I said, we are already converting
and also paying the jyza, wich is the welfare to muslim refugees

>dat feel when thinking about regular Muslim people who legitimately escaped the shithole that is the Middle East only for it to follow them wherever they went


because jews fear the corbyn


the same powers that allow third world inmigration to europe?

And why do you think that's happening? Do you think it's a big coincidence that it all goes according to plan?

Is not random, they are using terrorism as an excuse to promote more wars, which only creates more refugee crisis and more terrorism.

It's 2017, not 1984.

Sick beats pepe

Do you know where you are? Why are you fighting?

Nice sources. It's as if that whole pic is 100% bullshit.

This one has sources.

And there is more evidence, even Clinton herself admitted that Qatar and Saudi Arabia were funding ISIS.

And if you wanna go deeper you read these two articles:


And Israel links to ISIS are also well documented.


no but that doesn't mean we have to accept muslims

>mfw weak tiny dicked cuck muslim pussymen need to dress their bitches in trash bags and stone them to death to keep them in check

Well you are already accepting Muslims and that's unlikely to change either way.

>False equivalence. The ideology of the NSDP mandated anti-semitic action, the ideology of Islam does not mandate anti-non-muslim action.

They literally murder you if you don't pay a tax for being non-Muslim, and regardless if you do you'll always be treated as inferior.

Neck yourself, you troll and / or Islam sympathizer. Don't reply unless it will be to address that glaring hole in your shitty "logic".

God I can't wait for this election to be over and he's forced to resign for losing despite all the shit pretty the tories have had.

>Getting owned by a tripfag so bad you have to move the goalposts entirely

Actual person born into a Muslim family here. Muslims aren't as strictly adherent to the religion as you lot expressing anti-Muslim sentiment seem to think. What you see on TV and the news are (obviously, from how they're described) the radical extremists, kinda like Pentecostal Christians or the Westboro Baptist Church, except given weapons. My family and the other Muslims I meet are pretty relaxed in practice, with just prayer, preparing food to make it halal, and celebrating the holidays being the emphasis when it comes to embracing the religion. My (female) cousins and aunts don't cover their heads unless it's a special religious occasion/inside a Mosque. I always question those polls that go around and indicate what Muslims think because it seems they're passed around so often yet they never fucking come to ask us anything. The only person who actually comes is the census taker every some years, and my dad talks to him.

do you have a choice in being muslim

Yes, I'm atheist, which is why I said I was born into a Muslim family.

Sunni or shia? And what subdivision exactly?

My family doesn't use those labels nor do I know anyone around here who does either, but probably sunni if it had to be one or the other since iirc it's the less strict one.

>This guy thinks we should sit and talk with terrorists
well Trump arms and funds terrorists

lol what?
the borders of europe have been sealed to the max with walls and boat patrols

>the borders of europe have been sealed to the max with walls and boat patrols
ngo boats resuce a thousand per week in italy

Alrightey. But I would say shia is the more relaxed one but it's whatevs since you don't use them.

If you believe in God I urge you to question it. I've no quarrel with secular Muslims, but I pity theists.

I mentioned in the other post I'm atheist, but my family is Muslim and a lot of people I know are, so I have that up-close exposure. And I asked one of my (Muslim) friends and he said probably sunni is correct since they're like 90% of all Muslims anyway -- he's sunni too. He said not to quote him but that shias are primarily from Iran/Iraq and Afghanistan.

I've met plenty of older Asians. None of them taught me Karate. One gave me some tea though. It was pretty good.

Alright I'll take your word for it and sorry for my bad reading comprehension in missing you already wrote you're atheist. I knew the Shi'a were mostly Iranians and I had the perception that they're more laid back for some reason, groundless by what I can recall.

I really do intensively wish the wars and conflicts is the middle east would end along with Arabia as well as ME becoming secular. What a culturally and historically comfy region it could be.

I still don't understand muslim sympathizers. Explain it please.

No problem, and yeah a lot of innocents get caught up and die in the crossfire of people who wrap their lives around violence without regard for other lives, or rather, probably deflect it as being a noble sacrifice despite the whole idea that you're not supposed to be doing any kind of attacking at all given it's the holiday season/Ramadan. It's all selective contorting of the religion, with brainwashing by these militant groups to make it seem justifiable. I'm pretty sure the majority of the Muslim people in other countries that do defect and go for training or whatever were deadbeats that felt like their lives were either going nowhere or that they were wronged, and figured they could get some kind of retribution by going to ISIS, the equivalent of an international gang recruitment.

>communist cocksucker
>helping fight evil

Only if he kills himself.

islam is so huge and have such a high fertily rate that globalists know they have to be a part of it
they want one goberment and don't care if this is islamic as long as it's global

The koran I've read says all sorts of shit about killing non muslims. It seemed pretty straight forward to me.

Wasps are part and parcel of having a garage. Just accept them and certainly don't try to remove the nest you fucking racist.

t. Wasp Mayor

I get it you've replaced terror attacks with wasps
If we swap back we get the original statement

"Terror attacks are part and parcel of having a garage. Just accept them and certainly don't try to remove the source of terror attacks you fucking racist.

t. Terror Attacks Mayor"

Seems about right yeah?

>That's not what he said. He said that terror attacks have become part of living in major cities like New York or London
What about terror attacks in Tokyo? How many of those happen