I'm confused. Are we woman-hating misogynerds or aren't we?

I'm confused. Are we woman-hating misogynerds or aren't we?

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It's just tumblr revenge

i know i am

Sup Forums isn't pushing the "stronk womyn" meme on this one because they know the movie is popular. But Wonder Woman is the ultimate "we don't need no man" story, look at where she comes from.

i know you are but what am i?

>ultimate "we don't need no man" story

You obviously never saw a ultimate "we don't need no man" story.

Is that why she has Steve Trevor and is always paired with Batman and Superman as the trinity?

The answer is: You're not actually confused. You're aware that Ghostbusters failed because it was a bad film, and that it was bad because they replaced any and all jokes with "wacky improv" performed by undirected, unedited comedians. You're aware that the movie was cynically marketed to the SJW crowd to try to position consumption of the film as virtuous and abstention as sexist and misogynistic, in part to try avert the PR disaster that was the audience's reactions, and in part as part of a monumentally stupid ploy to guilt people into seeing the film.

You're aware that Wonder Woman is a superhero movie with what is most likely an unjustified level of hype because critics and bloggers are afraid to properly address its flaws as a result of the climate of fear created by the SJWs, and that it is a) probably not feminist, and b) probably not great either, but because it has super-punching and quips, it was always guaranteed to do Marvel money.

im rubber you're glue

People didn't like Ghostbusters 2016 because it's a shitty film that attacked the main audience for Ghostbusters and was shilled by news outlets as an attack on feminism. Wonder Woman is just a well done movie that everyone could like, with the only preaching being done by the media, Warner Brothers, Patty Jenkins, etc. didn't play up the feminist or misogynist angle when advertising and making the film.

Wonder Woman is set to be the top grossing film directed by a woman in history. We did it reddit!

She needed Batman and/or Superman to tap her G spot

>You're aware that Ghostbusters failed because it was a bad film
Did you even watch the new Ghostbusters? It's fucking great. They shoot a ghost in the dick. Women are funny, get over it.

>Steve Trevor
numale jew
>Batman and Superman
Showed as much weaker than WW. Afflec's batman in BvS totally useless since he is usual human and not very smart

>Jealous coz Marlel dropped the ball on this one

Your tears are delicious

No, we don't hate women, we just hate pandering to them for no reason and men paying all the costs and absorbing the fallout from retarded mentality.

Regarding the movie, we wanted an Amazon, hot girl with squat ass, and all we got was a jewish nepotism skeleton trying to look tough.

Confirmed for never read any comics

comparing a comic book hero to ghostbusters?

Next do a female blues brothers and see how well that does. why are you paid trolls so shitty.

>WW was shown to be stronger than both

No she wasn't. Super got fucking nuked and still came back to take care of Zodsday. WW wasn't doing shit against it

One was a soulless cash grab based off of sexism which insulted the original, and was the last ditch effort for another film in the series. The other was standard fair capeshit movie which is a component of a larger mythos.

Wonder woman failing at the box office would be like expecting the latest Marvel movie to fail, it wasn't going to happen.

Maybe you should do good movies like WW if you want them to do as good as WW

There were some funny moments, none of them involving the main cast. Andy Garcia was great in it.

the world doesn't revolve around Sup Forums

But Ghostbusters was legitimately a sjw ridden unneeded and unfunny remake though, with an aggressive sjw marketing. No wonder it bombed.

You're wrong. The women were great. You're just threatened by them. Every critic said they have wonderful chemistry. Objectively incorrect.

>Ghostbusters started as dudes
>are women in Ghostbusters remake
>Wonder Woman started as woman
>is woman in Wonder Woman movie
Huh, it's almost as if remaking a classic with altered gender roles is a bad idea.

Real feminist hate Wonder Woman.

>Every single time Diana Prince (aka- Wonder Woman), shed tears on screen over the children dying at the hands of merciless German soldiers during her trip to the end of World War One, I kept whispering, “but Gal, what about the children in Gaza?”


Are there any examples of originally female characters being remade as male? We need to be sure the rule works in both directions.

>Coming to theaters this Christmas.

>>Every single time Diana Prince (aka- Wonder Woman), shed tears on screen over the children dying at the hands of merciless German soldiers during her trip to the end of World War One, I kept whispering, “but Gal, what about the children in Gaza?”

Woah woah, the superhero movie starring an israeli jew takes place during the first and second world wars?


Gal "Gaza Gunner" Gadot

You should've read the waves of butthurt when Chris Evans congratulated her.

The cognitive dissonance this movie is causing is hilarious. Both Sup Forums and feminists can't decide if the movie is feminist or not, meanwhile everyone else doesn't give a shit and just enjoys the movie

Or it's simply not as bad and forced as Ghostbusters or any other SJW bullshit, and Wonder Woman was already an independent superhero in her own right?

I've talked about movie.
>No she wasn't
It was even comfirmed in interviews that WW>SM in DCEU

$223m global is shit though

>implying pro-ISIS hated Israel
Dude they are fucking allies

Only when it fits the narrative.

>feminists angry she shaved her armpits

Lol, their butthurt is palpable

Keep telling yourself that... n-nigger

Muh 6 gazillion Palestinian kids

it's still a bad movie



Fuck off idiot,
>Wonder Woman has to block bullets. Superman eats nuclear blasts to the face. Couldn't take down Zodsday so Supes had to. She has done nothing to prove your statement is correct.

>B-but muh cast and crew interviews

Yeah they're totally not pandering to the liberal fucks out there.

Get the fuck outta here.

>Yeah they're totally not pandering to the liberal fucks out there.
It's no matter, these people creating DCEU including power-levels of heroes.

>if hamas kidnapped and killed people, id hate them too
>hamas has kidnappedn and killed thousands.

Sheltered white liberals are full of irony.

Did she really show up at a house fire just to take that pic?

>>hamas has kidnappedn and killed thousands.
Jews aren't people.

White people

And she has not yet displayed any feats more powerful than Supes in that universe as of yet. So no, she is not. And it will be further proven when Darkseid serving evil Supes one shots the rest of the Justice League at the end of the year. Lois will have to save them by getting through to him with love before he wipes them all out

>Sup Forums shitposting

>And she has not yet displayed any feats more powerful than Supes

So you're retarded. Right got it.

Why are white people so triggered over dumb shit. You were at the top of the world and destroyed from within.

So after Ludendorf and Ares were showed as BBEG in movie, does it mean that in sequel main antagonst will be Isoroku?

Feminists are as fickle as jews

Jews pretend to be white when it benefits them, and no white when it benefits them.

>Israel is an aparthide state
>Palenstinians want an apartheid state where they are in control
>b..b...but muslims are the oppressed so they deserve to ve the dictators.

They've kidnapped and killed plenty of Christians as well. They practically destroyed Maronite Lebanon.

>. They practically destroyed Maronite Lebanon.
Lolno, it was destroyed by Israel.

The Israelis invaded in 2006, retard. The PLO mass migrated by force to Lebanon with some ~400,000 military-age men when the King of Jordan expelled them. Then they started a civil war and began a genocidal campaign against Christians and Druze. The entirety of the time they received weapons and money from Hamas and its supporters. By the time Israel invaded in 2006, Lebanon was just a smoldering shadow of its former self, once the 'jewel of the near east' and now another victim of Islam.

And stormfags/alt right SJWs are more guilty of this than anyone else by far, so you have no right to complain.

*mass migrated to Lebanon in early 1970s

Triggered so hard, lol

But it's sjws who call jews like Gal "white" as a pejorative.
Can't believe that sjws and Sup Forums found finally something to bond over.

Except everybody said Ghostbusters 2016 would fail because it was obviously a cash-in remake with no talent hacks behind it. Nice to see that shit swept under the rug again because of "muh misogyny".

>The Israelis invaded in 2006,
Yeah, but before it Israel told friendly christian Lebanon "take refugees" from Israel borders, OOOOPS, in XXI Lebanon is muslim country
The only good thing that there were a lot of Shia muslims to build anti-Israel-SA resistance

>mad people arent hating it because of "muh-sogony"
>gotta be mad at something to justify existence

Lol the progressive left are no better than Nazis

Kek, my sides

Gal "Leaving Gaza Children to Rot" Gadot strikes again!

Lebanon didn't take in the Palestinians willingly or because Israel told them to, idiot. The Palestinians physically got up and marched from Jordan into Lebanon and set up shop before starting a war.
Shi'ism is even more warlike and ritualistic than Sunni Islam, the only reason they're not blowing us up all of the time as well is because they're too busy with their neighbours. No Islam is good.

You're why God hates us.

So SJWs hate her and the reviews were genuine. I thought so

>You're why God hates us.
Weak bait? I agree, and we deserve it.


>are the crystal gems

that was quick

That's not what your mom said when I came on her last night.

>Lebanon didn't take in the Palestinians willingly or because Israel told them to, idiot.
Israel literally send all their refugees to Lebanon.
>Shi'ism is even more warlike and ritualistic than Sunni Islam,
And it's still more civilizied and at least they respect all religion.

you came on an urn?

Hell yeah.

It's more that Wonder Woman isn't just remaking a movie with an all female cast as a dumb political statement "durr wymen can do it to". She's been a character for over 70 years.

The movie is probably still bottom of the barrel capeshit.

Its above average capeshit. The onlything that sucked was the ending

>Shi'ism is even more warlike and ritualistic than Sunni Islam
>the only reason they're not blowing us up all of the time as well is because they're too busy with their neighbours. No Islam is good.
The only reason they're busy with their neighbors and not living peacefully is because the US instigated the Iran-Iraq war

>with an all female cast as a dumb political statement "durr wymen can do it to".
Yeah th WW statement is different it's "men are evil and weak, womyns are only good guys"


Except for that woman who was evil.

but you have no dick

Oh trust me Sup Forums is out in full force over this one too. This movie is pissing off both sides. Mostly bc it's shattering their frail understanding of reality.


And she was showed as victim of ebil warmongering mens.

Women were pushed in a remake where men were the original characters. NO ONE wanted to see females shoehorned into the movie. This is why it failed.

Wonder Woman, inherently, has a female lead; nothing changed.

It's Obama all over again
>But Muh assumptions

The movie was high class capeshit though, it was fun and well thought. Better than GotG2 for instance

>trust me
Why should I?

>Israel literally send all their refugees to Lebanon.
If you mean displace Palestinians in the hope they would fuck off from Gaza and the West Bank and go to Lebanon, absolutely they did. But they didn't cause the first and biggest wave of Palestinians into Lebanon.
>And it's still more civilizied and at least they respect all religion.
ahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA please tell me you don't actually believe Iranian propaganda.

>It was all geopolitics man, Islam dindu nuffin
They still hold the Koran as the literal word of God, they still believe Muhammad to be the perfect man and wish to emulate him, they still believe in the garbage of jihad and martyrdom, and they still practice an iron-age extremely-violent totalitarian religion.

One was womanwashing a previous male franchise.

Other was a proper superheroine character from decades.

This is retarded and you all should hang from the tallest tree you fucking faggots

>They still hold the Koran as the literal word of God
beats following the Talmud tbqh
also not long ago Syria for example was a peaceful country where people of any religion could live in, until the globalists fucked their shit up
Shias and their Alawite spinoffs are bro-tier, I wouldn't even Deus Vult them
now the heeb deicides...

>But they didn't cause the first and biggest wave of Palestinians into Lebanon.
Yeah they just started expanding their borders and ifnored all UNN agreements
>lease tell me you don't actually believe Iranian propaganda.
Except I've visited in Iran, and not as tourist, unlike arabs they producing all what they need, not just buying from US for petrodollars.
>They still hold the Koran as the literal word of God, they still believe Muhammad to be the perfect man and wish to emulate him, they still believe in the garbage of jihad and martyrdom, and they still practice an iron-age extremely-violent totalitarian religion.
So just pro-Israel ISIS and Saudi Arabia

It's not. I don't know why you're so desperate to spout anti-DC memes against WW when Justice League looks to be a trainwreck.

>Every single time Diana Prince (aka- Wonder Woman), shed tears on screen over the children dying at the hands of merciless German soldiers



>It's not.