Are there any movies about the virgin walk and other weird behaviors of male virgins?

Are there any movies about the virgin walk and other weird behaviors of male virgins?

if you can manage to install hardware and software and torrent your entertainment but cannot manage to get your willy inside a woman then you are a failure and should burn yourself.


The only movie about virgins over the age of 18 should be a documentary about them being sent to labor camps and gassed.

Star Wars A New Hope

Most coming of age films deal with the complexities of social rites of passage and shared difficulties of accepting the responsibilities of adulthood.

Been a while since I saw it but Perks of Being a Wallflower stuck with me for some reason. As did Swiss Army Man but that's a bit more abstract in it's coming of age themes.

what is literally wrong with walking fast? I'm literally always walking fast because I'm running late everywhere I go.

incel detected

Schedule your time better, virgin.

Can't have sex with everyone you meet if you get there late, cherry boy.

I'm a 27yo KH virgin and that OP picture does not represent me at all, I do none of that shit.

>translation: I do all of those things

so tell me honestly, how does a boob feel like?

no I really don't

whats wrong with running shoes?

like milk and coins

t. virgin

I don't slouch and i'm not a virgin, but the rest is spot on.
Who /fast-paced,low key, avoidant type/ here?

A wet sandbag

what are running shoes

Why does this shit upset me so much. I've never been triggered like this.

These pics are made by former virgins who just had sex two days ago for the very fist time with some fat bitch, and now feel like they finally can parody their older selve, right?

>tiny beetle-like strides

Every fucking time


Shoes that you put on when you run. Its illegal to run in America without them on.

Eh..I have lordosis+ knocked knees.

This form is slouched and beta though.

"Jason the Pedophile Gets Fingered" [2017]

It's not even real, I have better posture than most chads. Get the fuck over yourself.

The Wicker Man?

>I'm fucking dying

F*cking right click on this image and choose delete NOW

Chad looks like a JoJo character.


Lmao I doubt there's anyone past 18 who's still a virgin bro


What the fuck? Why? Why not virgin/chad/wizard which makes far more fucking sense

Wizard and Chad is the two extreme end, between them is the virgin

Whats the secret to finding a mexican girl that wont get ugly after 21?
