It had a lot of potential and was pretty good to start...

It had a lot of potential and was pretty good to start, but we've all got to agree that it's terrible and nothing compared to the books now.

I lost interest about halfway through season 2. Season 1 was really good though

>we've all got to agree that it's terrible and nothing compared to the books now.
The books weren't that great which is why the show will fail. The books get progressively worse and worse.

post that one picture of bobbi where she looks attractive
but not the webm, you know which one

First book is pretty much as good as the series gets which is why they're milking it as long as possible in the show by staying with the first one. Once the portal and purpose of the protomolecule is known it takes a steep dive ever further into the pile of horseshit. There is no recovery.

it was never all that good

The first 3 books are great, the problem is that the authors are obsessed with aliens actually existing and keep pushing the alien plot that the story doesn't need.

If the protomolecule just stayed on venus and never made the gate the series would've been better off. The human factions are a lot more interesting than "muh ancient alien race"
It's weird too, one of the authors was the assistant of GRRM but he somehow missed all of George's good ideas about story telling and jumped back into cliche.

I totally forgot about the chase/fight portion of the books in the ancient alien base/mine/structure. It was so retarded.

Holden's povs are the worst in every book desu

He does nail the whole egalitarian meme with white middle class college kids though. Imagine that's why he's so hard to like or get into if you possess an ounce of critical thinking.

>It's weird too, one of the authors was the assistant of GRRM but he somehow missed all of George's good ideas about story telling and jumped back into cliche.

That makes perfect sense because that's exactly what George did. The first few books of ASOIAF were great but he slowly fell back on the same old fantasy cliches that reviewers and fans praised the earlier books for avoiding. Nobody seems to notice that nearly every single character has at least one fake-out death.

I'd like to see this as well

>the portal
I've never read the book, but this is the worst spoiler i can imagine and the worst plot twist that could happen.

Absolutely loved the first few episodes. Fantastic world building. Main dude is just a boner and can't for shit though. Still loved it.

*can't act for shit

also indian milf's voice gets me hard

1st book
>I want to experiment with the protomolecule because if we understand it we could change humanity forever and make us perfect beings
2nd book
>We kidnap children and turn them into monsters with bombs attached so they can kill our enemies and then be destroyed to protect ourselves
3rd book
>I want to destroy the gate so no aliens can attack our solar system, I will sacrifice the hundreds of people here to protect the billions back home
4th book
>im a comically evil earther, fuck u belters *pew pew*
5th book

shitty actor

the fuck cares about the books? if you read, read cult, or educative, not pulps

eeeh I 'm liking the books so far (3/4 through book 4 right now) but mostly because I was starved for some neat pulp sf and nothing more, flaws of the narrative are quite glaring but it so far it werks for me
show is ok though s2 was mostly shite. I still watched it and probably will watch the next one

I hate fucking belters

Yeah gotta agree, first 1.5 seasons were top notch. until Miller died its not that fun for me anymore. Amos still pretty based tho

the only problem i had with the books was in book 3 with fucking anna. holy shit what a worthless character. i hope they completely drop her if the shows get that far (probably around season 4). book 4 has been my favorite so far.

it's not as lame as it seems. it's actually kind of neat how they handle what's on the other side.

>didn't like my waifu

elvi is best expansefu

I actually liked book 3 the most so far
anna was pretty useless but that was her character
I wonder if they introduced Drummer as Fred's XO as early as they did to have her be basically Michio Pa on the Behemoth

>not Sam ;_;

You all realize they don't have to follow the books exactly right? They may very well cut the alien station and shit to 1 episode and not draw it out. Just saying, it's book to tv adaptation and they can adapt the book by cutting the shit portions out

>he didn't like the slow zone incident

slow zone was the best

>"I'm in love with holden but all I really needed was a good hard dicking"

Just was using it as an example. I liked ghost miller parts a lot. I wouldn't mind the entirety of Cibola burns condensed to 4 episodes though.

yeah it's really dragging A LOT
I would rather Holden just went where Miller wanted right away instead of the skippy and slugs part

the only thing i don't understand is

is proto miller dead? i get that he shut down the protomolecule on ilus, but is he...gone? also why did holden take apart the roci and throw the small protomolecule sample into the sun? was he just pissed off at miller or did he think he was just dead?

Season 2 post-Eros was mostly a boring mess. Picked up slightly in a couple of episodes but I kinda hope it doesn't get renewed.

season 2 ends in a weird spot. it's like 80% of the way through the second book. the last 20% of it get kind of crazy though.

whoever is structuring the season isn't doing a very good job tbqh. they're adding in stuff that wasn't in the books and then they're cutting the story short so the finales don't really feel right.

>tfw no nauvoo shipfu

He's gone for good user, the protomolecule arc is over, it's all about belters being retarded space niggers now


Future has christians, jews and mormons, but no muslims, at least on season one

>we'll never see a future like this
Why even live?

I just finished book 2 and am going to start book 3 soon....Do we think the show is going to mostly stick to the books or do its own thing? This show kinda seems like Game of Thrones in space to me, just with less factions to worry about

the book 3 starts out slow but once the shit hits the fan it turns into a real nail-biter. Strap in, you're in for a ride in the slow zone

I dropped it when Miller died.
Dunno whats the main appeal of the books, but the show definitely was carried by his acting and that noir vibe first season
Te ship crew is too boring for me

didn read the book but i bet he is alive somehow

cool, Miller at the end was a nice hook

he thinks miller is dead

spoilers ahead, but if you want to avoid spoilers, just don't read the thread, how did you even survive thus far

Anna is just fucking baffling until you realize the new direction the story is taking - and that's a ton of characters, everywhere, all the time. That an asskicking space lesbian nun is one of them is not that surprising.

Things are very padded and there's a lot of unnecessary stuff. There's even a near completely redundant entire fucking book where they go and fuck around on that planet. Dude, I can't even fucking remember which one it was. Third or fourth?

Now it's all about Naomi and god, what a boring character. Perhaps she'd be less annoying without Holden the Cuck orbiting around her all the time.

You know damn well she'll be a replacement for Pa. On Behemoth and beyond.

tfw no clarissa gf

>the protomolecule arc is over

Dude, do you remember the book or not. The space niggers are backed by Martian space dr. frankensteins who are busy creating protomolecule nightmares beyond one of the gates. That's the actual big bad right now.

>implying they'll go anywhere with that
It's all about Naomi now


>it's a naomi pov
>it's a naomi has a kid pov
>it's a naomi's kid is a terrorist pov
>it's a naomi's kid is a terrorist that kills tens of billions of people on earth pov
>it's a naomi's kid ruins earth forever by dropping meteors on it pov
>it's a reddit defends Nemesis Games and claims it is the best book in the series moment.

i skimmed through most of naomis chapters in nemesis games because they were so fucking boring. the only one i actually paid attention to was the part where she spaces herself to get on the other ship

Can't wait for that colony drop.

Naomi is literally the worst fucking character in the whole series, and that's saying something when there are so many retarded shitheads to choose from

leviathan wakes>cibola burn=abaddon's gate>>>>caliban's war>>>babylon's ashes>>>>>>>>>>nemesis games

>book one
>cantebury blows up, shed gets killed instantly by a stray bullet, miller dies

Nobody important has died or come close since. All the main characters have major plot armor.

>cibola burn is the second best book
It's literally just AG but worse, the antagonist has no real motive, the alien stuff is just out of the blue and Holden becomes a metaphor for jesus somehow making him even more annoying

please go touch a death slug

He's right though

>Mars fleet is smallet than earths
>Mars fleet gets divided between loyalist, rogue evil scientist that just fuck off trough a gate and belter scum
>somehow the combined fleet of earths, loyalist martians and less scummy belters is always stretched thin against just the belter scum side

Bullshit. The autors are just hacks

Yeah, NG was complete bullshit

>random very small radical faction of the OPA gets a fleet that can rival the martians and attack their prime minister
>they attack the OPA's HQ and steal their most valuable resource and pull it off
>They attack earth and completely destroy it without the UN fleet even firing a round to stop them

they're such snowflakes and it's bullshit how they could get so wealthy and powerful and not a single faction even noticed them, it also kills the entire point of having 3 factions because a fourth appears and is a huge danger to the original 3 and they are forced to work together.

You forgot
>one space nigger with magical charisma manages to convince a shitload of people to do his bidding when it's blindingly obvious his plan is utterly retarded

dude it's a metaphor for how all terrorists have terrible plans and somehow convince people to die for their cause :^)

Oh, when gates eat people- that's the guys that took out protomolecule creators


not done with the last book yet, but

in the epilogue of nemesis games a ship goes through a gate and everyone inside changes form into smoke (or something like that) and then some other type of life form appears and kills them all

It just felt like they switched writers. The last episodes started to feel really stupid and full of writing errors. It's a shame, it was my favorite show before that, but after I started noticing those stupid things, I could barely finish watching last season.

naomi is ugly in the show, she's a qt waifu in the books

she looks kind of like this in the books but with curly hair


I know all that, I just thought your post is a LOST reference

the thing in question will be some sort of transdimensional no-thing that will never be fully explained because that would take away the creep factor. yawn.

I can't wait for riding bikes and shooting survialist nuts in the face with Amos and Clarissa.

Literally the best part of that book, between when Amos goes into the Prison and when they land on Luna.

the amos and clarissa parts are pretty much the only good parts. alex and bobbie is alright. the rest is fucking shit

OK Sup Forums
you're in charge of casting the role of Clarissa Mao

i dont know why but she was my first thought

because you can't think of any other asians.

does idris elba count?

>people hating on Nemesis Games
it's legit the best book, though, if only for Amos's chapters
fact: Clarissa makes every chapter better

can't disagree

Naomi chapters are bad
Holden chapters are bad
Amos chapters are bad
Alex chapters are good until Bobbie shows up


she's a qt, but doesn't look like a crazy terrorist