‘Cowboy Bebop’ Live Action TV Series in the Works

cast them

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Idris Elba as everyone

they are really going to fucking do this.

Who is this for?

>The live action version will be executive produced by Sunset Inc. — the studio responsible for the original animated iteration

mite b cool

Also hope they do the Silent Hill thing and instead of hiring a composer just use the music from the original. Bebop's soundtrack is GOAT as it is

Spike - Idris Elba
Faye - Beyonce
Jet - Shaq
Ed - That kid from Blackish
Ein - A pitbull

Justin Long as Spike
Adam Copeland as Jet
Olivia Wilde as Faye
Millie Bobby Brown as Ed

>EDM version of Tank!

Faye Valentine would be Catherine Zeta Jones if she were a decade younger.

Nah, Rob Schneider or Adam Sandler as everyone

>Not Erza Miller as Spike

a pitbull ha

too young


I thought they already made it and it was called Firefly.

Yeah exactly what gaps need to be filled here?
The anime+movie is a fairly closed story with a start middle and end. It doesn't need to be remade with all the limitations of B-online-TV-budget live action.

The only thing I'd improve with Bebop is the kinda weak first episode.


Oh Brother

10 years too late like meme in the shell.

Leave my chinese cartoons alone

Not awful actually

>Sunset Inc.


No, It's all good
>the studio responsible for the original animated iteration

Why? What's the point when the show exists and it's probably going to end up being complete trash anyways? It's 20 years after the fact and normalfags couldn't give a shit. All they stand to do is piss of fans of the show.

It's guaranteed that make Edward black along with Vicious or Julia

>Chris Yost will write the adaption

>google him

Uh oh

Hulk vs cartoon wasn't terrible and Ragnarock coudl be good

It could be EMH Yost and not shitty TDW Yost

what's this user, don't you want capeshit chris to write your japanese animes

Well Ed was originally suppose to be dark skinned boy before they flipped it to balance out the gender equation. Also, the studio doesn't have the balls to make a dude named "Vicious" black. Julia's up for grabs though.

what gender will the dog be?

I actually think Idris Elba would work as Jet though...

Yeah, no shit. Literally who do they think this is for?


no please stop. don't do this please

Why would you turn an animated movie into live action? I can understand doing the opposite, but why adapt a story for an inferior medium?

Animation is THE story telling medium. You can invent characters and worlds and make them look exactly how you want. There are no visual limitations like in live action. No famous actors that you've seen in other movies to ruin your immersion. The creators don't have to compromise their vision at all. You're creating a world out of nothing.

Live action is literally shit.


What's the problem? You Sup Forumsedditors always want this garbage

>‘Cowboy Bebop’ Live Action TV Series in the Works

literally why?

The only one who is allowed to be black is Ed. Other than that--we riot.

It's being written by the guy that wrote the Max Steel movie.

I won't be mad if they made Jet black.
Same with Ed being latina or mixed.

Don't dare to touch the rest in some way or another.

>Sunset Inc.

>a partnership between ITV Studios and Marty Adelstein.

Every fucking time

Space dandy is better anyway. Let the normies run bebop through the dirt

This is the passive attitude that allows them to fuck up series after series.

Wait until they make a live action of that. Im sure youll be fucking angry

He would be a good Jet tbqh

It's not popular enough. Bebop is heralded as a passageway for normies to get into anime at the height of a big anime boom in America. Dandy doesn't even have a handful of the popularity bebop has despite being superior

Just wait. Theyll be scouring the depths for something. Nothing is safe.

Then hopefully I'll be dead by then. Let me know when they decide to do live action space adventure cobra

Cara Delevingne as Ed
Lakeith Stanfield as Jet
Zendaya as Faye
Scarlet Johannson as Spike

>‘Cowboy Bebop’ Live Action TV Series

Why would anyone even care? All anime fans do is laugh at this shit. It's not like how good or bad western remake is affects the original in any way.

Anime is a 20 billion $ industry with over 10% growth every year. Those western live action remakes are absolutely irrelevant.

I remember when Madoka got nominated for Oscars and when they asked the main writer what he thinks about it he replied with something like "what are those and why should I care?". His series made 400 million $ on a budget of 2 million. What some jews thought about his work meant literal shit to him.

/ourguy/ Keanu is too old to play spike now. So what is the point

I still want keanu to play spike. I know hes old as shit now but spikes pretty much an ageless character anyway

It should get Berserk treatment

Yes this was aired like this

He'd be terrible for it. Get a better actor, not someone that does embarassing performances like in Dracula or Devil's Advocate.

Nobody asked for this.

I did.

Then refrain yourself of doing it again with other animu

Definitely Idris Elba as Spike, Samuel L Jackson as Jet and have them BLACK some white bitch playing faye in a 20 minute extended scene.

I think he could do it. The jump from voice acting to live acting can't be that big.


Spike - Keanau Reeves

Jet - Bruce Willis

Faye - Thora Birch

It's funny how Faye is literally from Singapore but she'll probably be the white in this series

>casting literal whos in big projects

You didn't learn anything with ScarJo in Ghost in the Shell? No big name, no money you dummy

>Thora Birch

user, I...

Aubrey Plaza might do a good Faye she could pull off her silly side.

>Aubrey plaza

Literally what the fuck. Elizabeth Winstead you absolute autist, Aubrey is boring as fuck.

I mean there are white people in most countries

Is it a Japanese production?

>being born in a certain country means you cannot possibly be from a certain race


Faye should be Asian. It's fucking autistic tv cries over blacks being casted in white or Asian roles but no one else.

Faye is supposed to be a woman, not an eternal teenager.

Vicious would be a good name for a rapper.

>but Idris Elba isn't British according to tv

No, British (ITV Studios, which is worrying)

She's literally East Asian

Depends on the country, really.
Have you ever been to Singapore?

hi globalist cucks

Yeah but Faye looks white.

Doesn't she talk about being Romani?

Ed is the worst character, so I hope nobody plays her.

The Vicious episodes are the only really great ones. Everything else is okay-good.

So the protag will be Spaki?

..honestly it would be. Wouldn't be surprised if a soundcloud rapper already took the name though

unpopular but I agree

Then Tom Hardy for Jet

This is being made by ITV studios, the same people who make Coronation Street and Jeremy Kyle...

How would Ed work? I always thought she was there as a joke making fun of most animes which is why she is barely involved in the serious episodes and they get rid of her before the finale.

>implying asians aren't pale with dark hair

Fuck right off.

Great. Another diverse sci-fi filled with ugly people, all we needed.

Doesn't she say she's Romani

She's obviously lying, user. Even the characters roll their eyes when she says that. And just incase you didn't know, Romani aren't white either

bruh, even white kenyans exist, what's stopping white singaporeans from existing?

The vicious episodes are terrible and trivialize Spike's past, which turns out to be fucking nothing after a long build up. He ends up with the shittest backstory and a shit conclusion to top it off.

I'm romani and I'm white.


>ok 1, 2, 3, DROP IT

Genetics, mostly.

no youre not

Even with a big name this anime shit doesn't make money. I don't know why they're even bothering to do this after Ghost in the Shell.

I mean that a white couple could land there any day and have their baby there.

Faye - Eva Green

Spike - James Kyson

Jet - Jason Momoa

Ed - the girl from stranger things
remaking anime is terrible and should never be done

No, they're not. They literally come from northern India so you're either lying or some stupid shitskin that's in denial because you think being born in Europe = white

I look no different from an italian.