What does Sup Forums think of cryptic movies like Mulholland Drive,Synecdoche, New York,Lost Highway,Twin Peaks...

What does Sup Forums think of cryptic movies like Mulholland Drive,Synecdoche, New York,Lost Highway,Twin Peaks,Donnie Darko,Primer etc? Tbh I used to hate this type of shit because "muh too deep for you" but lately I really love it. This new season of Twin Peaks has been great so far imo and I'm really just looking for more recommendations of this genre.

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Donnie Darko doesn't fit with the rest lol
anyone know any non-jardowosky movies like this from 80s-70s?

Last Year at Marienbad

Celine and Julie Go Boating

And basically a shit load more french new wave surrealist films.

You listed a bunch of Lynch stuff but not Inland Empire, which is more like this than the others you did list.


You've listed two types of "cryptic" movies in your post.

The ones that are cryptic only because the complexity, subject and themes require a little thinking on the part of the audience, but they will be rewarded for pulling through at the end. See Primer, Synecdoche New York

The others (Donnie Darko, Lynch) is just cryptic for the sake of being cryptic. The director usually has no idea of what he's doing and just shoots a bunch of shit hoping to get a movie out of it in the editing room.

Embarrassing, honestly. Watch more films

It's only cryptic if you can't relate. Once you start to understand what the artist wanted to say or feel, then it all falls together.

But that's sort of the problem with art, is that we don't know exactly what the director was focused on, so sometimes it's hard to tell what he is trying to say.

>Mulholland Drive
No, I think you're either retarded or you have ADHD. Perhaps you should seek help.

Stoszek (has the full Twin Peaks tone, but is pretty standard as a story) and Even Dwarfs Started Small from Werner Herzog are 10/10s

Stroszek full movie. youtube.com/watch?v=ixb_OPiLPqY

Even Dwarfs full movie


Paris Texas by Wim Wenders is very Twin Peaks-y cozy as well.


The most kino cryptic movie of all time is Last Year At Marienbad by Alain Resnais from 1961. The entire film seems like it was filmed at the Black Lodge, but it isn't as creepy.


The only movie Lynch shot like you're saying is Inland Empire. His other movies were planned out and make sense and even IE wasn't shooting for the sake of shooting the entire way through.

I know Sup Forums hates, but I love it. Not exactly cryptic but probably fits what you're looking for.
Same with:
>The strange color of your body's tears
>Under the Skin

>The others (Donnie Darko, Lynch) is just cryptic for the sake of being cryptic. The director usually has no idea of what he's doing and just shoots a bunch of shit hoping to get a movie out of it in the editing room.

Yes and No. David Lynch very much works through intuition and isn't concerned about a coherent meaning, but he definitely plays around with film language and convention in order to create a resonant emotional atmosphere. He's not just being weird for the sake of it. In a similar way, a jazz artist may just be "making shit up" as he plays, he may not be playing a catchy pop tune, but that doesn't mean what he plays can't be beautiful.

Also you're just plain wrong about Donnie Darko, which not only has a concrete plot, with fantasy elements that are directly explained to you, but has easily comprehensible themes like sex and emotional maturity.

But Donnie Darko is popular so it can't be good or make sense, user.

One thing to keep in mind, there may be people have seen the directors cut and not the theatrical release, the directors cut full on spoonfeeds while a lot was left out of the original potentially making it more "cryptic"

if anyone truly wants to be KINO watch these 4 plus Stalker and Holy Mountain.


ADD to that Don't Look Now.



You're a god. Paris, Texas is one of my all time favorites. As well as Wings of Desire by the same director. Is there anything else like Blue Velvet out there?

Post Tenebras Lux, Horse Money/Colossal Youth, Hourglass Sanatorium are the ones I remember.

A History of Violence is the closest thing movie related to Blue Velvet.

Syndromes and a Century and Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall his Past Lives also fit your desire.

>Paris, Texas is one of my all time favorites

Stop pretending.

I'm not