Gotham can't be ki

Gotham can't be ki

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>Barbara, did I ever tell you about the time I 1v6'd a warehouse full of ninjas and won?


she's dead

>schoolgirls chasing cops

Ah my perfect world

did anyone ever make a webm of Alfred sticking that knife in that woman's hand?

can somebody give me a quick rundown on these scene? please say those are scarecrow shenanigans

>lifts and throws a guy at least 10 feet

What the fuck is he on?

If this show was on CW

>My Name is Bruce Wayne and for Five Years I was stranded on Nanda Parbat. Now I will fulfill my father's dying wish... to find the Court of Owls, to bring down those who are poisoning my city. To do this, I must become someone else. I must become something else.

Tetch virus

A super powered virus

this is some rertarded fucking shit

Wouldn't be any stupid baby Batman shit though, Bruce would be late teens early 20s and built like a train, not some smarmy jew kid.




who watches this? it's so campy and poorly acted. the dialogue stinks too. the most distracting part is the costumes. they look like cosplayers.

>inb4 turn ur brain of an have fun :)

yeah I tried. i think I might have watched the first season, I can't even remember it was that bad. I watched Jessica Jones which wasn't particularly great but it was leaps and bounds better than this.

>Everyone on the train is ok with a couple shooting up drugs and then passing out.

I do. It's fun and entertaining. Much better than JJ






>Selina's black latex outfit in the last episode

>She took Tabitha's whip




>Jessica Jones

Back to Tumblr, cancer.


the rise of the camren catwoman !




you arent very bright are you? they are both made by WB productions.....

Anons, I have an important question for those of you who watched last nights episode: Did they use cgi cleavage on Selena? I'm referring just to that last scene where Selena uses the whip.

If you still have a copy of of the episode then please take a look. Just the enhanced cleavage area looks like cg to me. Thoughts?

Fox and CW are two different channels


holy shit what the fuck is this power rangers nonsense


That's fucking ridiculous. Like even Batman would have a harder time.

>Agents of Shield
Who unironically watches this shit? Who is the audience?

Can someone post a pic or webm of this scene please? The cgi cleavage was really odd.

some dudes pay for this exact treatment. now i suddenly think i may be one of them.

>a fucking normal cop like jim gordon can somehow physically fight and beat what i can only assume is league of assassin members, elite ninja fighters
This is ridiculous. It's bad enough seeing shit like captain lance punch a league member in Arrow but this is even worse.

He was on something similar to Venom. It was the season finale. I didn't like the scene either though. The league of shadows should have gone full "nothin personnel, kid" in their first proper appearance.

don't put gotham in that list

They did that to two of Fish's goons.


Goons aren't worth shit in this show unless they're kidnapping a love interest. I miss the mob shit from season 1.


Why do all these WebMs have time stamps?


Need webm of Selena before she plays with the whip, help a brother out pls anons.

It's just as shit as the rest of them

because the guy is a dumbass

Do people actually think that's a good fight scene?

My sides were on orbits from infected Gordon in previus episode


Both Gordon and the actor that plays him have cucked her husband.

So when will we see proto batman pop up and kick the shit out of some villian for the first time?

Bruce needs to be older. And proto batman means still batman but not quite batman. Not his current "black mask" mode.

Also how is the Joker in this better than Leto by a fucking mile? Kids actually fun to watch (though the face being ripped off was kinda dumb)


Does anyone else miss when Ed old, qt, riddle telling nerd instead of a fedora wearing edgelord?

You can't tell in this webm, but in the lead-up to that scene you can tell they used CG to make her cleavage look bigger than it really is.

That same type of semi-realistic CG used in Tron2 (young Jeff bridges) or Logan (logan clone).

Post it.

I actually shed some manly tears when Bruce killed Alfred.

This has only been increasing as the show goes on. A fair fight against a level 60 Gordon is now a full military invasion.

Gotham is fucking kino. It's the perfect pleb filter.

y u kil all my favorite characters yo

Fucking hell, this show is so bad it's offensive.

I was thinking the other day about how cool it would be to see a show centred around Gordon and the GCPD dealing with Gotham before Batman shows up.

Then I remember this cancer exists and felt actually sad it's praised.

Are there any WebMs by someone who isn't a dumbass? This is the only one I have.

you've never been to Grand Central Station

In which year this shit happens? Looks like 70s and seconds after there are 10s cars.

I'm a dumbass!

Come on it's not that bad, one of the better capeshit shows. Does excellent stuff sometimes, sometimes bad.

They've taken Gordon in a bit too much of an action hero way but in the end they have to write a story for these characters in the Batman world.

How the fuck do people watch tv shows? This looks like shit next to any even moderately budgeted Hollywood production.

This thread proves that Gotham is the greatest pleb filter since the Prequel Trilogy.

It's shit, like Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and any superhero TV show that isn't on Netflix.

That's the style of Gotham you plebeian piece of shit. It's camp noir, there is not set time period for this show, it's a mixture of old ass tube TVs, modern vehicles and old blocky phones.

which proves you didn't watch it...

>that's for killing my drug addict friend that was going to kill Bruce, you little bitch

Arrow and The Flash are soap operas for teenagers. Gotham is kino.

>and any superhero TV show that isn't on Netflix.
How did you fit bait this big into a post that small.


JJ, IF and LC have their low points, but are still ten times better than any of that aforementioned shit.

Does anyone have webms of Mr Freeze fucking shit up?

1)babs comes back but electricity made her good and she gets back with Gordon

2)babs comes back. Still crazy , rapes Gordon

3) babs comes back. Lee is pregnant with rage virus baby. Babs kidnaps her

4) babs comes back, now good. Lee is pregnant and Babs dies saving lee and/or baby from some villain type

How will they give Gordon a daughter ?

>inb4 Batgirl is Gordon's niece


Iron Fist doesn't belong in any sentence with the words 'better than'. You could sit me down for a marathon season of Neighbours rather than force me to rewatch an episode of Iron Fist. What a fucking waste of time for every single person involved that show was.

What episode?

>ywn be Jim MOTHERFUCKING Gordon
>ywn get to say that you banged both Babs and Lee while kicking arse with your bros Harvey and Alfred

Gotham> Breaking Bad

Does anyone have Alfred in the bum fight?

Gotham > The Wire

but people told me Gotham was embarrassed of being a comicbook based show and that it was just a generic procedural crime thing

It is, everyone overacts and even then it's piss poor acting.

It's basically a soap opera.

You were told that by Batfags who never watched the show because not muh Batman.

You are just describing the first season.

It's a common misconception that Gotham is shit because of season one. Season one is procedural killer of the week shit. They drop the killer of the week format immediately with season two in favor of an actual story. Season one can be a drag because of KotW but it becomes instant kino with season two.

Even though the KotW stuff is boring, you should be able to recognize the amazing production values. The fantastic sets, excellent lighting and use of colors, kino cinematography, great acting, casting and chemistry between the actors. The actors are campy without being obnoxious. Then you get shows like The Flash and Arrow which look and feel like soap operas, both boring, bland, colorless sets and flat cinematography. Gotham is less the budget of Flash and Arrow yet it feels like a fucking movie.

season one is killer of the week shit then it becomes instant kino with season two

>Not liking Balloonman
>Not liking mob wars
>Not liking Penguin's huge ruse cruise
>Not liking Bruce and Harvey buddy cop fun times