Was this peak Jackasskino?

Was this peak Jackasskino?


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They went too far here

I couldn't believe this first time I saw it, my sides were in orbit

Oh uhm wow sweetie, we don't find stuff like that funny anymore.

It was a different time.

>Knoxville>Pontius>Steve-o>power gap>Dunn>England>weeman>Preston>>>>>Margera


Put England back with Bam and this list is solid

Knoxville is legit insane

rather be insane than a little bitch like bam

The whole bit of locking him in the trunk and banging the bricks together was great. The pube beard was the icing on the cake. If it were just the pube beard it wouldn't be that great. Glue is pretty easy to get off with rubbing alcohol. I'm still not sure if it was fake or not. I mean shit I recognized Chandrasekhar instantly and I was 15 when Jackass 2 came out.

Bam was great because he was such a fucking dick it was fantastic every time they made him cry like a bitch from snakes. That snake pit skit might have pushed it a bit, though. Amazed he didn't shit himself.

absolutely. Jackass 2 was the best movie they did

>underappreciated Steve-O

He did so much & asked so little.

Mutherfuck a Bam

Elegant in its simplicity. I always liked the shorter bits with good concepts over the more drawn out stuff.

i look like a more masculine bam magera when i'm going to the gym...right now, 11 months out of the gym i look like jack black with downs.

>God didn't invent the circumcision, I DID

Car Ram Rod.

Raab Himself > everyone else.

Based sweetieposter


>Bam>Dunn>Steve-O>Party Boy>Knoxville>Weeman=Preston>>>>>>>>england=ehren

Did you hear the creator of Wallace and Gromit is dead?

>liking Bam. At all.

You must be one of those sycophantic, pussy types.

>forgeting deco.
wrong wrong wrong

you may as welll but in Raab then,

Strickly main cast Jackass

god yes Bam and snakes were the best

This thread is just too reddit for me.

The most kino moment in Jackass was Knoxville getting fucked up by Butterbean, lying on the floor bleeding, his nasal passages all fucked up, asking, "Is Butterbean okay?" while he's getting stitches in his head. Even the woman operating on him laughs.
Any chucklefuck in the world with more balls than brains can get knocked out for a cheap laugh. Johnny Knoxville was the only one who could make a little joke afterwards, that was supremely hilarious in light of what he had just gone through.
Every other answer is wrong, someone /thread me right fucking now.


>are you some kind of actor?!
Yeah that kind of gave it away as fake

it was the voice of Wallace

>all those people defending him when that dude starts a fight
best member

Guys I have a problem. I'm thinking about becoming an earth rocker but I'm not a musician

>Seriously, was the dick hair really necessary?

Fuck you queer he did most of the dangerous stunts. He was the backbone of the entire fucking crew and Jackass wouldnt have been nearly as successful without him.

What did he mean by this? The fact that someone still hasn't edited this over the Hatred intro saddens me.


Bam beating his dad while stealing his clothes was the dumbest shit ever. I hate that guy with a passion.


>used to do this to my dad when my friends were over as teens
>I ballooned up and he lost weight
>He does it to me now

I deserve it and I guess its a good memory we can share.

Is this a burger thing? My dad would pull my ass inside out if I tried that on him.

no its just a white trash thing

Knoxville was my favorite after this skit

>everybody started shitting their pants when they saw the demonstration, saying they won't do it and shit
>knoxville starts persuaiding them telling them it's more laud than it hurts
>after they got hit, everybody is rolling across the floor and crying like little bitches, knoxville laughs like a retard
>didn't even wear a full face mask

>a white trash thing
That's literally what I said, a burger thing.

You guys have reminded me just how bad this show was. It really did suck.

Well fuck, looks like I'm watching jackass now.

remember when people were bullied for being sensitive little queers?
those were the good days

What's knoxville doing these days anyway?

He recently had a movie with Jackie Chan

is it good?

>Knoxville is legit insane
It's funny, because Knoxville is literally the sanest person of the bunch, wanna see legit insane, go look at Bam, he's off the fucking rails.

Gromit's voice actor is still alive.

Ehren is the biggest faggot in Jackass and everybody on the set hates him

yeah it was

Ape > everyone else

I love johnny but he must have some sort of disorder right? I've never seen him take a beating without a smile

This is, by FAR, the funniest thing ever on Jackass. Nothing else comes close.


He's literally inbred.

Dunn should be higher. Otherwise good.

I feel sorry for Ehren.
He's clearly the member of the group that no one actually likes. And you can't really blame them; he's unlikable. But still, when they mess with him it's just a little more mean spirited, because it's not a joke.

Damn this show was never good.

>can we get Bam some water? Maybe a Shirley Temple?

Knoxville is the best.

My all time favorite is the branding a dick to Bam's ass. Just the whole segment was hilarious.
Bam was like "The original segment was me having a dildo just rammed up my ass, but than I thought why not just brand a dick to my ass" and how they branded the dick all wrong and gave it a 3d effect lol. and then he shows his mom and it's like all gross and bruised. My favorite all time and brings back good memories of when I was out of highschool with my friends doing stupid shit like that and trying to get laid and having a good time and dressing and acting like skater punks. Times were better back then. Fuck now and the whole adult life and working. Fuck man...



is the funniest

who gives a shit what you look like, fucking hell

>He's clearly the member of the group that no one actually likes.
that's Bam

never realized it was the broken lizard guy

>People still don't realize MTV saw how marketable and awesome bams parents were so they had him play the mamas boy role to have a reason to have them there.

Its like none of you realize they all had roles and were acting the whole time. Knoxville was written to be the coolest so thats how he came across

greatest prank ever pulled