‘The Witch’ Director Confirms ‘Nosferatu’ Remake Is His Next Film



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Why what? Why direct a movie? He's a director you moron.

Why this remake? Nosferatu is 5/5 and Herzog's remake (Nosferatu the Vampyre) is 6/5 so what's the point of doing a third one?

So it can be 7/5.

so it can be garabage like the witch you mean
I rate this rage 4/10 on a scale of 1/GitS live action adaptation

>so it can be garabage like the witch

>the witch
Kill yourself, whiny faggot

>doing a remake instead of another original

Doug Jones as Orlok is perfect casting

Nosferatu doesn't need a remake, it's a simple as that. Prove me wrong

But Herzog/Kinski already made that.

go ahead and debate me bitch plebs

Which one?

>Because something has been done well in the past, is it devoid of value to be recreated again by a man with a different vision?
Philosophical indeed, I for one think that there is much to be learned still from famous stories retold in different ways.

Remaking iconic movies is a terrible idea and every time it comes off as worse.

The Original

He could just make an original vampire film, you know. But of course Hollywood is too afraid to bet on an original IP so they'll just ride the coattails of classics.

Reminder: There will NEVER be a VVitch sequel.

Why even fucking live.

Seeing as Herzog already remade it the film is hardly hallowed ground

>trying to remake a perfect movie

welp. we'll never get vampire kino again

There's already a Nosferatu remake and it's fantastic, there's also a pseudo parody drama that's similarly excellent (Shadow of the Vampire)

Why would you want to make a movie using some hack kikes oc donut steel when there are already fantastic works and ideas to use?

none of them surpass the original for simplicity and achieve what it was trying to do. And it never will.

Anybody seen Herzog's version?
I thought it was just alright. Just a rehash of the silent movie with sound.

Provide an argument first beta bitch.

Plenty of reasons my dear user.

that's a perfect movie for him. can't wait

dropped, i dont care. im so sick of this shit.

What would the sequel even be about man? The girl partying with the goat devil in the woods?

giv ayylmao gf

But Nosferatu the Vampyre was a remake and became the superior version...?

So that I can meme about how it's the best version ironically, like what people here do with the middling Herzog version.

Because his sense of dread and control over mise-en-scene is expert. This should be great.

After watching The Witch, I couldn't help but want a vampire movie done in a similar style. A true period piece based on actual vampire folklore.

Not sure how I feel about a Nosferatu remake though.

this director is fantastic, so I'm confident he's found an angle into this story that will be compelling

I saw it this month for the first time. Liked it very much.

I even had doubts about Herzog's remake and I love his other stuff. The original is so well made and holds up weirdly well. At least Herzog put a very German romantic spin on it and he already had a bunch of stuff behind him by that point AND he's part of the culture that the story comes from AND his generation had always felt like it had something to prove about the worth of German culture after Fritz Lang said Germany won't be able to produce any more arts after the Nazis. At leadt Herzog's film is a tribute to the heritage lf German culture before the war, he had a good reason to make it. What does Eggers have to prove?

>make an above-average genre flick
>decide that you're now a big enough boy to follow that up with a remake of one of the most important films in all of cinema
>said film has already received a superb remake at the hands of one of the most important film directors of the 2nd half of the 20th century

the ego on this nigger...


stop remaking this fucking movie

Herzog's is better than the original. The original is a classic sure, but Herzog created something truly spectacular visually and in terms of atmosphere.
The witch is garbage.
Visually it is nothing special, some of the framing is decent but in other cases it is unremarkable or flat out wrong. It reeks of 2010's with how polished the image is. The earthly tones are there but it's all to waste when something looks like it went through a tumblr filter, there is no grit to it which would make it less scary if it was scary to begin with.
Except it isn't. At all. There's no climax or any other sort of movement. I can understand slow and brooding but the witch is a case of waiting for something to happen and it never does. There's really no story to speak of, only a very simplistic premise which could have potential if handled properly. There is nothing intellectually stimulating about it, no develpoment of ideas or concept on the screen, only a long drag to the finish line so it can fullfill its premise. It is lacking in dramatic impact as the relations between the characters are barely fleshed out or laid bare and by the time we have to watch the little girl go to town on her parents there's no established tension to relieve, it's more of a foregone conclusion.
I won't back and read what I wrote, I know it's not very coherent cause I'm jumping from one aspect of it to the next but whatever, just tell me why this movie is so great and I'll give you my piece of mind.

that is fucking disappointing
we have seen too many fucking horror remakes already and witch was actually fresh change of pace

Yeah but the majority of the public doesn't know who Werner Herzog is by name. They know his voice. Many more people know who Nosferatu is now than when that remake came out. Murnau would probably enjoy a remake by Eggers of all the people who could be making it. An emphasis on atmosphere and misce en scene is what made The Witch good.


Not one of those guys but I'll try to answer.

I agree that visually it's not very interesting, despite a bunch of critics praising the visuals. The production design is good as would be expected from a director who used to be a production designer, but the actual camerawork is pretty blunt overall.

That said, I for one think the script does a good job of taking a simple idea and putting us in the mind of these people living in the 17th century on a continent no one had ever been on before. Compared to other period piece films (horror or otherwise), I think what it does well is how the 'movie logic' doesn't follow contemporary logic but 1650s logic. I find it hard to explain but the way people react, the way they seem to think is very of their time. It's an interesting depiction of people who just realized the world has another continent where the God they used to pray to back home may or may not have power. The family talks several times about their house in England where they even had glass windows, so going to America even for them feels like stepping back in time (the father has to build the house in the woods and so on). The horror aspects are just window dressing, a nice way to make the story go from A to B, but for me what it does best is try to look at the world through these people's eyes, how scared and uncertain they would've been and, given their beliefs, how easily they would default to 'this is the devil's doing'. The movie proves them right of course, but I really liked that too, an ambiguous ending would have ruined it as it would have felt very 'contemporary'. As far as the characters are concerned, the devil really IS real and DID do it all.

Not that other user, but literally none of that is interesting. It turns into a coming of age historical drama that doesn't know if it wants to be a horror movie or a half assed period piece. It was a falsely advertised movie and with a bold title like the witch, it did nothing but provide us with hours of painstaking dialogue that didn't go anywhere except establish what era they're in. The climax was also absurd and idiotic.

vampire films are for chicks and fags

To modernize it. And hopefully with this director, it won't be the kind of modernization you're thinking of

>putting us in the mind of these people living in the 17th century on a continent no one had ever been on before.
would have been great then for but a single, JUST ONE shot of their farmland from a respectable distance, to drive in visually the point that they are not just secluded from their community in a foreign land but also at the mercy of the elements around them, which in this case includes the metaphysical
this theme could have been developed in the film to great effect and it wasn't, at all
I appreciate also that they wanted to keep the witch mysterious and not turn her into an actual character/villain but there was much to be desired in this department as well
the woods in general were not utilized either (how about some scenes from the perspective of their property looking into the woods, to put us in their position and set up the woods as this sort of evil force that they inadvertently reckon with)
> I find it hard to explain but the way people react, the way they seem to think is very of their time. It's an interesting depiction of people who just realized the world has another continent where the God they used to pray to back home may or may not have power
I'm sure but it really didn't succeed on this front either. I recognize that this was another concept they went with, and the use of the old timey english contributed to that but none of the cast actually had the acting chops to uptake that challenge
if anything their attempt to depict common folk of that century was laughable and ruined (at least my) immersion constantly

anyway, I'd go on about the trappings of setting the film up to be ambiguous only to throw it away in the end (which is in itself not actually a bad idea and not something I hold against the film) but those concerns pale in comparison to my basic gripes with the film (that it is so ugly visually and with no narrative or dramatic purpose)

The supernatural elements were underwhelming and not even close to unsettling, but I thought the movie presented a decent family drama. The parents' failures made them compelling.


Its because you cant do a take on the classical vampire story (get invited to creepy castle whose owner turns out to be a vampire) without calling it a remake, or youll be done for plagiarism. I dont like remakes but I can see how it makes sense for old silent movies, and I really like the original too.

What can I say, one man's garbage is another man's treasure. The way you describe it makes me want to watch it again, I found that autistic attention to establishing the era and the people fantastic, you can tell Eggers did a lot of research. I wish more directors would have that kind of very specific interest that they could dedicate themselves to for a film, because while it reduces the audience it might appeal to, that audience that likes it will really like it.

I agree that maybe it was advertised wrong, but from a distribution perspective of course you'd try to sell it as a full-on horror film, that's how you get that shit in the cinemas, parading it around as a genre film.

Dracula is in the public domain.

I agree with you. I love vampire films, I liked the original and loved the Herzog remake. I'm thirsty for a new vampire film that doesn't suck ass and Eggers+Nosferatu seems like a combo that could reach greatness. I only started this thread this way because it's the only way to kickstart a quality conversation on Sup Forums

t. OP

Yay, more remakes. Exactly what Horror needs.

Good. If anyone should remake it it's this guy. Herzog has already shown that a remake can be done and still be 10/10. I hate remakes but i don't see why you should be upset about this one.

I think the seclusion theme was clear enough, at least it came across immediately for me the moment the gates closed behind them at the beginning. After that the various shots of the woods were enough, I didn't need more.

About the acting, I think everyone does a good job, and the dad steals every scene he's in. I would have liked the mother to be less whimpering and more of a character, but considering the father's presence I don't mind that much.

I think it's the kind of movie that either sticks or doesn't, I agree that there's basically no narrative besides 'family goes to live in the woods, something happens, people die, maybe the devil did it'. If you don't get caught up in the atmosphere it's not going to work because it's so straightforward, and I can't argue about that, it depends person to person.

I think it's less 'upset' and more a question of why not make a vampire film from scratch. Eggers could make a fantastic vampire movie in theory, but even if the remake is good it's sort of going to be tainted by 'well it's good, for a remake' rather than being just good.

Might as well call it a remake if thats what youre making instead of misleading people by calling it "Count Razuvius" or whatever but keep the story nearly identical to the original Nosferatu.

I can appreciate movies as a product of their time, but I can't take most black and white horror movies seriously, so I have big hopes for this

Yes. She could go into the village that they were thrown out from and fuck with the people.

Tbh, idk. I'd just like to see her reprise that role. I thought it was a great movie and I WANT MORE AYYLMAO WITCH GODDAMNIT!

I think nosferatu is so old and culturally significant that it's basically mythic now. It isn't really a remake but a retelling that uses these ideas that are deeply ingrained in the public's psyche. Like an adaption of a Shakespeare play.

The Witch wasn't even scary why do this guy thinks he deserves to be the one remaking Nosferatu.

Dafoe> the rest

I don't think it tried to be scary, more unsettling. The Witch eating the baby, the kids getting possessed, the creepy goat etc Horror doesn't have to be in-your-face scary.

Blair Witch wasn't scary, but it's still a horror

They are remaking all the classic horror movies over the next couple years


Paste Bin that shit.

I can see where you're coming from, as I'm sure you can tell from my posts that I consider this wasted potential more than anything.
Maybe if it was made 20 years ago I'd like it too, just because it wouldn't have this super clean and mundane look to it.

Nosferatu is an illegal adaptation of Dracula. It's just Dracula.

yeah and both suck.

Count Bootleg

had a hearty kek, thanks

says the pleb who watches capeshit, amirite?

You a marvel or DC fag? I bet it's DC.

capeshit is for literal kids bro

hmmm ok I'll let you off with that one. Still, The Witch was decent man, why the hate? And Blair Witch was a 10/10 at the time of release. It's not as good now but at the time it was a phenomenon

Should I watch the English or German version of the 1979 Nosferatu?

no ti wasn't the trailer was the shit pretending it was the real thing but then you get a movie with a bunch of retards doing stupid and an ambiguous ending.
the only good scenes after they go into the forest are when they run of the tent and when they find the house(before going inside)

You can just google eggers+nosferatu


>an ambiguous ending
What? The ending could not have been more straightforward. The cute daughter sold her soul to the devil and flew in the air with her newfound witch powers.

annnnd I've lost interest in your stupid contrarian thread faggot op

s a g e

He's not the OP?

The character interactions in The Witch were nice, but I'm anxious to see how he handles a more present villain.