Any good theories around?

Any good theories around?
Film was pretty dope


Theories about what, user?

I thought the film was great UNTIL the final few scenes. The whole "cult in the woods" shit was dumb imo, and them getting chased by the zombie-like cultists was dumb. When he killed his gf the entire movie dropped in quality in imo. It was literally a 9/10 until that final act, after that it dropped to a 6/10 for me.

The first 90 minutes of the film were absolute kino. I just wish it had a better ending.

Same as soon as i saw the hump backed person i knew exactly what the twist was gonna be. The first half is gritty and realistic and then it just turns stupid with the ending.

Well, OP. Notice how many people say "thank you", I think the main hitman got into a deal with the cult before he was sent to kill the priest, the pedo, etc. I don't think his friend was in on the whole thing, but he did say "thank you" too, so take that what you will. His wife, in my opinion, was in on the whole thing, considering her fucking cackle at the end.

>The first half is gritty and realistic
Agree. If they'd kept it as a gritty-thriller with a mystery it would have been one of the greatest brit-flicks ever made. The whole ending just felt rushed.

Exact opposite for me.

The first 90 minutes were like any other generic thriller released in the past 10 years. (Not bad but like, not all that good.)

So the crazy cult stuff felt like a breath a fresh air, even if it was kind of stupid and silly.

my theory is that it was some kind of cult

This part was kino

Really? Wow, interesting.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.

That was hard to watch. Looked proper realistic

yeah, when you have watched enough movies this shit doesn't do it for you anymore. There are so many flicks about assassins going around doing gritty assassin shit so i was actually pretty bored with it until the cult shit came in. I am just happy to see something different. The ending was predictable but i don't think that is a problem the last shot with him wearing the crown is amazing.

I watched this, the original Oldboy and the Road all in one day. Made me lose faith in humanity for a couple of weeks

A guy kills a lot of people to get a silly hat. The end.

>omg so deep
I feel like I got memed on with this movie. There were some creepy parts but it's mostly just a boring slog until the nonsensical ending.

>his wife was in on the whole thing that's why she killed several cultists
Go to school, fucknut.

If you didn't work out roughly what was going to happen within the first ten minutes of the film then you're stupid. It doesn't come much more blatant than "woman puts creepy satanic symbol behind bathroom mirror"

>then nothing happens for 85 minutes BANG watch out for the cultists! they're here now!
This movie sucked so bad.

It was 85 minutes between that and him getting hired by a creepy, obvious cultist?

The cultists didn't seem to care about dying.

I'm saying that there's little set-up to the climax of the film, especially that retarded hunchback part.

one of the best examples of how to build an unnerving atmosphere. Was more unnerved by this than any other horror film of the past few years

You could be right. Maybe I've just watched too many horrors. To me it was a clear and consistent chain of events (although I guessed he was going to get sacrificed at the end) that all made perfect, internal sense.

What are you talking about? The film is continually building dread through it's whole run time. Maybe you are just a fucking retard and didn't notice it or something because you were to busy browsing reddit.

>internal sense
Now see I think that's a bit of a cop-out. The movie does absolutely nothing to be sensical on its own, it entirely relies on your interpretation.
I think it's just so fucking lazy, like the director thought he didn't need a real ending since we'll just interpret it however we like.
I'm talking about how almost nothing shown in the climax of the movie is established beforehand.
I think it's funny that you're calling me a Redditor when you're the one defending this pretentious pile of wank though.

well how would you have wanted to have had it set-up my friend?

One theory was that the main character fulfilled what was required for him to become the antichrist. I thought the movie was great too.