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The Man in the Velvet Mask Edition


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The Doctor should always be played by someone who is male, white and British...

So apparently Big Finish's The Lives of Captain Jack came out today. Has anyone listened to it yet?

>still ironically making TD a racist


Stop, you'll set off the Gallifrey Base twat.

was gonna post this

"Strawberry blonde!"


I'm the only straight person here.

doctor who more like ded show

Reminder that in about a year Doctor Who will be back on mainstream media and everyone will love it


Ohh, he's a comin'.

Lads, why is Terrance Dicks such a racist? Is he /our guy/?

Reminder that Chibnall will complete the job Moffat started and kill the show off for good.
The RTD era will be widely remembered as the only time NuWho was successful.

How can you justify watching this garbage tier funded shite? The acting is awful the storylines are rank and you all lap it up like prepubescent faggots


Wrong thread, leave.

You are wrong.

Only wants a white male British Doctor? Definitely /Our Guy/.

RTD era is the only good era. It makes sense.

fuck off

Not gonna happen
I would rather have Michaela Cole than some floppy hair yuppie

>Been there Done That with 5th and 6th Doctors

Rumors are
Michaela has already been picked as the 13th


Slitheen return when?

It's a shame she's illiterate.

Hopefully soon, they were the best episodes of the RTD era.

She's a writer, producer, director and actor

A better C.V. than you, sunshine


It's incredible she can do all that without being able to read or write.

When's the next DWM out? What are the chances of the cover having the new Doctor on?

Terrance Dicks wouldn't approve.

next month


So was Gallifrey in the last years of the Time War

She's also the ugliest person I've ever seen so she can add that to her CV

Doctor Who? More like Doctor Poo.

Literally SMACKS LIPS: The Actress

You're so brave, we get it.

Ummm sweetie

doctor poo

Nice thread /who/.

I would be genuinely happy for Kris Marshall to be the next Doctor. Especially after watching Death In Paradise.

reboot bias aside, what did /who/ think of Eccleston?

She looks like Jimmy Walker in drag.

Is Kris Marshall ginger or blond?

I rank him second favourite of the nu who Doctors. He was fantastic.

Severely underrated

Isn't the whole SJW theme this season a bit troublesome? Whitewash history, muh blue racism, I like girls, Capitalism is bad, and all that. Aren't we tired of those SJW lies and isn't that kind of propaganda disgusting in every case?

yeah I've been rewatching his series and appreciate him a lot more. Nailed the character without being obnoxious.


he couldn't fucking act

Kris Marshall is the Doctor. He will play the Doctor for 3 series. Chibnall will oversee two doctors in total for 6 series. The 14th Doctor they want to be Irish and are in advanced negotiations with Dylan Moran to play the part. After Chibnall leaves the BBC are considering a POC or a woman for the role of the 15th Doctor. Patterson Joseph was suggested by both Chibnall and Moffat to the BBC.

As for what series 11-13 will be about?

Series 11: Is about an ancient Time Lord Prophet ( played by Tom Wlaschiha from game of thrones) he believes he is god leading an apocalyptic cult made up of many species who convert the population and then destroy the converted planet. Chinball is using the four Horsemen of the apocalypse as the theme for this series. The difference? the Horsemen are good. The Doctor, Master, The Monk and Corsair are the four Horsemen who band together near the end of the series to defeat the ''God'' The Corsair is female in this incarnation and survived House, she is introduced early in the series in a guest episode by Gaiman and is being played by Rachel Hurd-Wood, The Monk is played Matt Ryan from Constantine, while the new Master is being played by Stuart Townsend. Not in the literal sense but more of a metaphorical sense.

Series 12 and 13 are still in the early plot mapping stages.

He can, he's an old school stage performer. Hard to compare his ability to someone like Matt Smith though, like his portrayal or not he's got some serious talent.

No. This is never happening. This is a meme.

The Doctor has to be able to demonstrate a variety of emotions in 2 seconds
Tom Baker, DT and MS could manage it

Eccelston and Capaldi simply can't

>no Romana

The Doctor was the worst performance of DT's career.

Why do people make obviously fake leaks while trying to pass them off as real? Do they just have nothing better to do with their lives?

True, I have enjoyed Capaldi's term though. A Doctor that cynical, stubborn and borderline arrogant yet with the same moral values was interesting.

I'm sure that was the intention when they selected him when it comes to scriptwriting etc. Everyone knows he's not the most versatile actor in the world

So does "rose" take place directly after the war doctors regeneration? If not why is it the first time 9 sees his Face?

So a doctor similar to the first Doctor?

As a fan of The Thick of It, I thought Malcolm Tucker would be a supreme 12th CAUSTIC Doctor
Spinning and threatening to save the Universe. I suspect that Moffat thought along the same lines but the powers at be at the BBC decided to have him SAVAGE but without the wit.
Caustic but without a clue. This is shown in the 12th Doctors persona

>Clara, am I a good man?

Fuckin hell Doctor you've spent 1000 yrs defending Trenzalore and 1000yrs keeping Earth safe

I get that it's family entertainment, but Capaldi's role feels like he's playing it in a coffin. He's restrained to the point of bondage. It also made 12 out of place by restraining the actor

Most of the words in this vid were adlibed by Capaldi himself and not the writers

It can't, otherwise Clive wouldn't have anything to find about the 9th Doctor.

That could have happened any of the times between the doctor and roses meetings though

Why wasn't Rose in any of them then?

>powers at be

The term is "powers that be"

Because she didn't go with him those times at least once you hear the tardis taking off and at least two times they separate in the episode it could have happened at either of those times

>I get that it's family entertainment, but Capaldi's role feels like he's playing it in a coffin

Ehh, I think he expressed that bullishness as much as he could get away with. Plus you don't want the Doctor being a complete cunt, however fantastic Capaldi is at playing one.

>le memes xD

Nu Who is trash.

Makes sense, It could have taken place then

>the powers at be at the BBC

read the full line of text, you fucking cum bin

Gimme a bit of ruthlessness without the threat of cancellation

Lets have an adult Doctor Who but without the needless sex that was shoe-horned into Torchwood

I know what you're playing at user.

>Not in the literal sense but more of a metaphorical sense

What do you mean by this?

Also, this is silly. Who's the companion?

The term is still "the powers that be" yours doesn't even make sense

Bad wolf

What did he mean by this?

Can someone explain to me how the Master returned as Missy? Did they ever state how in show?

From what I remember in the RTD episodes he refused to regenerate and died, then they did some weird ritual to revive him but he couldn't sustain it and was going to die again.

How did he come back and regenerate?

>Moff era is the first time that America gets same day broadcasts of new episodes
>RTD more successful

What would an "adult Doctor Who" meaningfully look like? We had a political satire with asphyxiated zombies this season

Never explained, but it definitely won't might be answered in the S10 finale.

>Bill was a good interesting character
>MOFFAT!!!! Looped her into being another chosen one because lord knows the companions can't just be normal people what kind of crazy person would want that?

How did they miss a trick this badly by not having the war incarnation in his room?

The crack didn't even scare him, it intrigued him

The War Doctor wasn't thought of when S6 was made

We'll probably find out in the Doctor Falls.

Exhausted by battle. A wounded and Pregnant Missy slips back to Gallifrey during the early Rassilon era and gives birth to her grandfather

It wasn't revealed until much later was it? Also you'd think the only thing that truly scares him is the part of him that "destroyed" Gallifrey regardless.

He said it quite affectionately, with a pause while looking into the distance

12 is bi

This is what greeted him when he opened the door to Room 11

worst characters edition?

fuck this guy, did nothing but slow the pacing of the show with his whinging

I would hush he might be the next doctor

Idk about you guys, but hes definitely /my guy/

Is The Waters of Mars the most kino special?

She doesn't even look human

I liked Danny more than Clara

>I hope the bigots on this board wont hear me say that

He ruined a bunch of episodes, and for an ex army soldier, he is really shit at shouting commands.


I just don't get what they wanted to achieve with the "struggling relationship" arc

who gives a fuck, that's not why we watch this show.

It's a mirror of real life relationships today
Awkward with hidden motives and needs but without the confidence to explain in the early days of hooking up

I thought their relationship was sweet but without the need of going into RTD era soap tier focus
Moff wrote it well

It doesn't matter if the writing is ok if it's delivered by a fucking plank.

>Played Carlisle in Blackpool
Certainly not the worst

Ehh.. Danny's funny. He's actually a really good character — for a Moffat character, he has a surprisingly large amount of substance to him. The only reason we don't like him is because of the situation he was dropped into; he did ruin the pacing and he did ruin what could've been good episodes. Still, as a character, he's actually one of Moffat's better works. Better than Clara, anyways.

just went on and on though

I like the idea of a relatable human character being freaked out by the doctor as a reminder he isn't idolised by everyone, but not every bloody episode

The Velvet Mask story was so FUCKING GOOD