Cast a better Spike Spiegel

Cast a better Spike Spiegel

Pro Tip: You Can't

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>le funny name British guy
Only teenage girls like Cumberbatch. Spike with his accent would be dumb.

>actors can't do accents to sound differently.

Steve Blum

What that looks fucking terrible

Unironically Sacha Baron Cohen

Looks perfect to me

I honestly would rather have anyone else.

It just wont be the same without the Steve Blum voice, it's what makes Spike, Spike.

Spike needs to be played by a proud woman of color.

I'd go for Adrien Brody, but it would absolutely have to be a Jew.

Virtually anyone else. Even Idris Elba.

ayy lmao eyes ruin it


that's a photoshop of a cosplayer to put the funny sherlock man in

See you space cowboy


Original pic

Fuck he sucks at everything he acts in.

His looks and mannerism do not suit spike in the slightest, how retarded would you have to be to think it would. Fucking Cumberbatch fanbois are the worst.


Ben Schwartz


He looks like John Raulphio

Freddy Mercury biopic when? he kinda looks like him

Scoot mcnaire if he was 6ft tall

I don't see Spike in this guy.


They were in talks for one, but he backed out over disagreements with the band.

Cumberbatch sucks when he has an American accent, immediately loses any range he has

Pic related would be much better.

Are these set pictures or something? Are they shoops? Please be shoops. My heart can't take much more disappointment this year.

He's like 20 years too old dude

I always though he's the best fit all-around

Until your guy changed my mind, it's almost perfect

Who's this semen demon?

Fuck no.

Fucking KINO

how could even adapt bebops style into live action
i just cant see it translating at all

Ezra sucks and WILL ruin the flash

Joseph Gordon Levitt

GOAT anime, even my being an insufferable contrarian and how entry-level this came to be considered can't dissuade me



he doesn't have the face.

he doesn't have the voice.

he doesn't have the personality.

too tall.

doesn't have the frame in general.

he's been in too many movies lately.

and he doesn't give off the right vibe

spike is a cunning, sly troublemaker who has a backround in criminal violence, and he does it in a way that makes him seem harmless.

nope, cumberbatch is overly intense for spike's happy-go-lucky attitude.

Also he is too much of a fag to ever be convincingly in love with a woman

Can't ruin the Flash because the Flash is a shit character. He'll be the best thing to ever happen to a B list superhero.

t.butthurt ezra cockfondler

they'll immediately fail if they try to recreate the series

they need to follow the formula but allocate more time for action.

just like the movie.

create environment
create bounty
throw the characters into it and let them be who they are
and at the end the win is sort of a grey area that happens to be laughable

that's all they have to do.

if they try to meme in a story they'll just fuck it up.

>too tall

I agree with you 100% otherwise

This faggot right here

i should have elaborated

pengwings is both lanky and wide, and his face is oblong and also wide.

he just looks like a goofy tard once you give him the messy hair and the clownshoes.

He could do jet, though.

i can take this

Keanu has my first vote but runner up I think would be Joseph Gordon Levitt, he might be short but they can fix that

>B list superhero.
Flash might as well be S rank because he is always the "key" to some shit,

what about ed?

He is shit.

My MEW-se, my flame

Alison Brie but she has to take the inflection out of her voice.


Faye should be at least half Asian

I agree but i don't think theres an asian/halfie as tall or with a husky voice like faye has/is.

this but i've seen one movie with him and i don't know if hes that good of an actor

Yeah, that's challenging. I don't even know who to pick. As long as as they don't make her black or fat, I'll be happy.

He is a huge fag too.
I have no issue with that but julia is an important influence in spikes life and i doubt ezra would be able make us believe he cares about her.

>tfw waltz for venus

Same.I wish MEW was little younger otherwise i think she's a good pick.

>I fucking hate niggers. Can't stand the bloody black bastards. Wish they were genocided, the lot of them.
-Bendydick Cuminhersnatch

fucking when?

Not this particular actor. His American accent in Doctor Strange was pretty off putting, imo.

>Casting based Elbows as a character who's name is literally Jet Black

I actually really like this casting choice, but it's still pretty fucking hilarious.

Literally any skinny Jewish guy could do it.

This guy is so ugly

This desu. I honestly wouldn't mind it and have a good chuckle.

No anime character works in an IRL adaption
They always just look fucking ridiculous

Nah, THIS is who should play Faye.

If she's white or black it would be shit. Faye is Chinese ffs.

This is a tv series not a flick. They don't need to cast big names for it. I'm sure there are plenty Asian/halfu actresses that could go for the role. Like the one from guardians of the galaxy

For me, idris elba

Levitt with Rian Johnson directing please.

Danny Avidan

This. I can admit this anonymously but i'm a gigantic elitist/contrarian and will shit on people who bring it up on Sup Forums but the truth is it's a perfect series start to finish.

Spike is 5'9" and so is JGL

Never mind he's 6'1", I must be brain damaged