Write a movie with this cast

Write a movie with this cast.

Other urls found in this thread:


check my repeating digits, filthy nigger

Can it feature the aesthetics of the webm posted earlier today?

A 26 year virgin Geneology student attempts to clone his dead sister, but along the way amasses an army of failed but cute little girls, who all want to marry him.

They all take turns sucking and fucking for all eternity

Reboot of Born Innocent

I can picture Woody Allen directing it, and it actually being funny without being too offensive.

Anal compulsion 6

They lure pedos to some abandoned farm and brutally murder them because they were molested by both father and uncle, because fuck why not? Protagonist starts to investigate disappearances. Shit happens. Finally detectives track them down but don't believe the girls could have commited the crimes and thus the protagonist is arrested and convicted for the murders based on circumstantial evidence and happenings. The girls all disperse to different corners of country still willing to dish out their sick sense of justice individually.

sick dude, just sick

I like it. Its like Children of the Corn... without the corn.

i want pedos to get the fuck off my board

Describe it so I can look it up on the arkive

Post the webm where shes looking at the Camera

>my board
>doesn't even know Sup Forums culture
hi readit

One girl licking another girl's pussy. I recognized the poster, because he/she always uses the same filename format. It was like, LS_(something).

But arent those clones of his sis

Lord of the Butterflies

a group of siblings who were all born to lesbian couples scattered across the UK via sperm donation receive a letter that their virgin lord biological father died without having any kids and they're the rightful heirs to his billion dollar estate; the only catch is that there can only be one heir. they all receive attached photos of the other girls names and faces and have to hunt eachother down across the country to murder each other. At the end when it boils down to the last two our remaining protagonists have a duel with rapiers in the foyer of the estate. Eventually one of them falls but it is revealed that they were using a poisoned rapier ala Hamlet style and both of them die after. The movie ends there leaving space for the sequel 'a lesbians engagement'

eat shit and die disgusting reddit cancer

Which thread?

reminded me of

japs invade america and kill these ugly little cumskins


It was deleted. t was either your typical "blocks your path" thread or "What are some films Americans (something). I just remember that there were a lot of posts for the amount of time it was up.

Oh thx bro

>blacked threads get deleted
>pedo shit is still up
glad to see what jannys prioritize



>"HELP user I'M STUCK"






>pedo shit is still up

nice projection senpai. can you point out the pedo post in this thread?


a group of 1000 yr old vampires that look like little girls comes out during Halloween to drink the blood of unsuspecting men. Each one tries to be as creative as possible in caputing and luring their prey to do unspeakable things to them


Fuck i always miss it

Kill yourself.

its not your board

but yeah, pedos must burn