Watch american college movie

>watch american college movie
>tfw you never had that same experience

>being a collegecuck

I pretty much experienced everything that happens in the college movies except the casual sex

>watch Dear White People
>Sam bitches to this white guy in her film class about racism
>cut to Sam fucking the white guy

what did Simien mean by this?

>watch american college movie
>realize you dodged a liberal brainwashing bullet

Me neither. I'm currently a junior and don't have any friends and have never been to a party.

You better be getting one hell of a degree or you're literally wasting your life.

>american college movie
>no one ever studies
>all they do is party
>will spend 90 of the 110 minute runtime trying to come up with a way to avoid studying and still get good grades

>not wanting the borgia experience complete with patricide and cannibalism

dear white people the movie was about how silly college kids act and how they contradict themselves and don't need to be so militant.

Never seen the show and frankly don't want to.

>Watch American retirement movie
>everyone is having fun except for you

Not him, but I'm getting a free BA in psych since I hate math.
No clue what I'm doing afterwards. I'm trying to minor in theatre too.

Same boat, but there is not really anything I can do about it, mexican colleges are just lame and boring unless you live in a big city, which I do not.

If you didnt get to have the college social experience tou better have graduated top of your class. If not what the fuck you doing with your life?

He means I banged Sam.

That sounds like an awful idea. Do you at least have great connections that will land you some sort of field-relevant job when you're done?

>watch american college movie
>tfw had the same experiences so i relate to it and thoroughly enjoy watching it

is college parties and the casual sex being fake a meme? because its all pretty much true, you've got to be a true beta to get through college without going to parties and having sex here and there

>watch movie about faggot who gets conned by Sup Forums into joining the skilled trades rather than going to college
>laugh at them

>tfw watched american movies and tv shows with scenes in high school, what with all the socialising and vibrant community atmosphere and memories being made
>anticipate and look forward to my high school years because of this and think high school is going to be a great time
>graduate into high school
>everyone is detached and avoidant and only spend all their time on their phones sitting in a circle doing nothing
>there is no community or vibrancy or 'feeling' about the school, just emptiness and a cold lingering sense of detachment from each other

I hate smartphones. They denied me a pleasurable 'high school experience'.

>watch Skins UK
>feel some truly feely feels
>think about my own group of friends at that age, all bursting with energy and optimism and reveling in the novelty of new experiences like young love, trying drugs and going to concerts listening to music that would still resonate and stir something in me
>youth is a fading memory that is rapidly diminishing and part of the reason for that is I don't want to remember how happy I was for even a brief period because I doubt it will ever occur again

Ooh baby baby it's a wild world

Big Brother already happened and not only did we let it happen, we brought it on ourselves.
All of those smartphone/tech corporations are terrible and people like to pretend otherwise because their whole life is on a screen now.
Not a single one of those Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg people should be trusted.

>Psychology with a minor in theater


Agreed, well said.

>went to an Agriculture/outdoor activity based college
>most students were redpilled farmers sons/daughters

Someone once stole a sheep and let it loose in the halls of residence.

>tfw Murrikans think their drinking "culture" is not retarded

Same here. But that's the only part people really care about.