/lbg/- Letterboxd General

Constant tinkering edition

Previous thread: >Not sure what letterboxd is all about?
The mission of /lbg/ is to promote the intelligent discussion of film as art by providing members with opportunities for intellectual discussion, by recognizing patrician taste through examinations and by calling out embryos as they arise.

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Post profiles and discuss what you have recently watched, if you dare.

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Remember the following:
>Patricians occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Patricians may pretend to be normal users asking for recommendations and when you recommend something, they laugh at you for your plebian taste
>This is a thread for patrician purposes only don't offer or expect frivolous discussion.

What do you think about filmmakers who release multiple cuts of their films?

Other urls found in this thread:


give me one example of a kino or i will surely die



>What do you think about filmmakers who release multiple cuts of their films?
depends on the context. when it's someone like Michael Mann, who genuinely just likes to tinker with his work even after release, i'm fine with it. even like it, actually, because it can be fun to compare the different cuts. but when a director's film is chopped up by the studio and they're forced to (maybe) release their intended version as a director's cut? not so much.

>What do you think about filmmakers who release multiple cuts of their films?
Like Ridley "7 cuts are not a lot" Scott? Fuck that guy!
But as this guy says, sometimes it's not even the filmmaker's fault, just the studio fucking things up. Even Welles had problems with that.

Rate and recommend

dogshit > steakbro



The coffret meme is such a good meme


Mr. Chinese Doggy gives The Lady from Shanghai a 2 star rating

Why haven't you watched Intolerance yet?

he'd rather watch cartoons

i fucked that chick


wow she legit looks like a frog in this pic
get a better waifu
which one do I get? the kino version has the longest runtime so i'm assuming that one right?

No, you didn't.

one fucked up loner

>spoonfeeding babbembryos
Ha ha, nope!

ok sorry :/


Who is this tripfag and why should anyone care about his or her posts?

>rates Orson Welles film a 2/5
>loves mass effect series, favorite game is Andromeda (this is not a lie)


ut-oh, steak is catching up with my film count
my only saving grace in plebness is slowly vanishing

>Citizen Kane 4 stars
I tend to see this as a recurring trait among /lbg/. I've seen it with Emma Fogarty, PTABro, DPIW, and Amaranth. Pic-related says its because it didn't invent anything new, so why is megaautist dismissed for his mode of thinking?

more like emily jean
who the fuck is emma fogarty bitch
nobody cares about your wafu, faggot

>Friend doxxes my Letterboxd account after I casually mention using it in passing
>Gets massively butthurt over the fact that I have seen more films than him, watch more films than him regularly and watch far more classic and arthouse stuff than he does despite the fact that he's a film studies major
>Tries to make fun of me and calls me a pretentious weirdo who watches films to appear intelligent
>I say he's being an insecure bitch and he needs to get over himself
>He blocks me on normiebook

Why are plebs so insecure? Why do they feel the need to lash out at others over their own shortcomings?

you called him a bitch, fire doesn't tame a fire m'man
next time use the latin word for generosity.

You do.

>28 year old
>works as a code monkey
>only hobby is film

What should I watch tonight lads?

I do.

Easy A


wtf this is me in a few years...

Honestly it's because Welles is a pretty shit director. Not only did he do nothing new, most of his filmography is complete shit that just gets worse as it goes on. Citizen Kane is alright but nothing special unless it's the first film you've ever seen. Nonlinear story structure was already done in DW Griffith's Intolerance, shadows and low angles in sound already done in John Ford's Arrowsmith, invisible cuts and whippans in DW Griffith's Abraham Lincoln, deep focus in William Wyler's stuff as well as Jean Renoir's, and Citizen Kane's script is literally Power and the Glory which Preston Sturges wrote. Power and the Glory honestly looks a lot like Kane visually and was directed by William K Howard, who is a far better director than Welles could ever hope to be. But really what makes Welles shit is he lacks any subtlety whatsoever. He makes use of long takes and multiple events happening in the frame well, but his mise en scene is turned up to 11. A lot of his shots look like they were done by a film school freshman shouting for attention (which he kind of was since he was schooled on film history before directing Kane). Really, he's just a name easily impressed plebs that don't know their history lap up.

>20 year old
>studies to be codemonkey
>only hobby is film
how's life treating you?

It must suck that you dedicate all your time to looking at a screen. You must watch movies since you don't get any longform social interaction otherwise. This is why film will never be art. The self-described "patricians" don't even know what life is firsthand.

Link are you alive?

>it's not about what looks good visually it's about who did it first even if it looks bad
Use a tripcode pls

Steakbro knows Citizen Kane and Orson Welles are shit He's got Jeanne Dielmanne and Certain Women in his favorites because he prefers subtlety and complexity over flashy overexpressive images.

Oh don't worry about that, my social interactions are fine. Your argument is shit.

>John Ford is shit and Orson Welles is good
sup reddit

If your social interactions were anything decent, your only hobby wouldn't be watching flickering images on a screen (not even a hobby to begin with let alone an art)

not an argument

Explain what makes Citizen Kane or anything by Orson Welles beyond decent because it's not. Most of his flicks are trash. Magnificent Ambersons and Citizen Kane are probably a 2/5.

Why explain anything to a minor

And that's saying Magnificent Ambersons and Citizen are his best but as already stated that's not saying much

I don't need a hobby to share with other people. I have friends if I want to interact. Your argument continues to be shit and is based solely on the fact you call film an inferior art form, which subjective, and irrelevant.
But yeah, go on repeat art is inferior and therefore I have no friends.

If you're gonna cry that I called your favorite director a hack, just come out and say it don't beat around the bush


>film an inferior art form
Should've stopped there. It's not even an art form to begin with

Tell me why you think Citizen Kane is anything above a 2/5. Tell me why anything directed by Orson Welles is anything above a 2/5

There's not point in watching films when cavemen's paintings did it first and better thousands of years ago.

Ahh no arguments again. I figured so.

There's no point in watching flickering images when theatre, opera, and corporeal mime already exist.

Bought any good coffrets lately lads?


Why would you buy any of that garbage when you could have spent that money on actual art adornments for your home or going camping

Andy Warhol>Walerian Borowczyk

Not saying much though since they're both shit

Hi, I'm new to /lbg/. I just saw this movie for the first time. I wanted to ask is there one more complex than it and if so, what is it

Star Wars Prequel Trilogy

Croatian cinema>Polish cinema

Do you have a letterboxd account? Post it

Sorry, I don't watch toy commercials. I meant an actual adult film. And when you suggest it make sure to explain why

You post yours so I can follow you

3 is rated PG-13

Sorry, I don't watch toy commercials. I meant an actual adult film. And when you suggest it make sure to explain why.

>there's a blackhat directors cut

Guess I know what I'll be watching for tonight

No, the cinema equation was basically solved at this time and later attempts have tried to ape it unsuccessfuly

3 is rated PG-13

People like Mann and other VA's for their formal reasons. What did they formally do new


Would you say cinema is a stinted medium compared to theatre and painting then?

Sorry, I don't watch toy commercials. I meant an actual adult film. And when you suggest it make sure to explain why.

What's a socially acceptable hobby for 30 somethings that is not bourgeoisie as fuck?

carpenting and mechanics

talking to yourself in an anonymous japanese cartoon board

they're fucking hipsters, that's why

>tfw you realized your a 30 year old kid
>tfw it don't get easier
>tfw love and art are lies
>tfw the bourgeoisie has won

Does anyboy know why Amaranth gave Intolerance 4 stars

Does anyone know why she gave a Manoel Oliveira flick 5 stars but hasn't seen Isn't Life Wonderful

Is Amaranth Wikipedia and get her watchlist off of the "Essential Soviet" list on letterboxd? Does anyone know if she is well-versed in historical film theory?

If they were hipsters, they wouldn't give high ratings to any canonized films apart of historical movements or on lists. If they were hipsters, they'd be megaautist

>If they were hipsters, they'd be megaautist
I'm not a hipster, I just have taste.

taste is not an argument


>Nothing by Orson Welles is above a 2/5

You accidently made that factual statement a greentext.

I hate it when people use movies as a political platform so I was holding back on seeing Wonder Woman but now I'm so bored at home and there is nothing else to see. Should I just go see?

Manoel de Oliveira > Griffith
slept, have some dignity

giving a high but not so high score to movies like citizen kane is very indicative of hipsterdom

a low score would out you as a straight up contrarian or cinematically illiterate
very high or perfect score is the expected rating for "the best movie ever made"
what does the self-conscious hipster do? a high but not so high score meanwhile focusing specifically on the drawbacks of the movie
it's insincere and meant to provoke a reaction (it works). check out the kind of innocuous trash those users award 5 stars and lmao with me at their pretense

Seek help

Watch Godard

I don't mean political in that way. Anyway, I just want to go out....

You meant to write that on your to-do list

Why do people that hateee hollywood love Godard. Always seems contradictory to me. Have they ever read any of his theoretical writings?

What's the significance of Manoel Oliveira

Griffith already did neorealism, Robert Flaherty already did poetic documentaries

Also there are far better Portuguese and Brazilian directors in the 20's, wikipediababby


>lso there are far better Portuguese and Brazilian directors in the 20's, wikipediababby
Brazilian cinema was basically inexistent until the 60s

Griffith already did jump cuts. And there were plenty of jump cuts and conscious breaking of 30 degree rule in James Whale and Rouben Mamoulian's stuff in the 30s


>Brazilian cinema was basically inexistent until the 60s
That's how I know you never got a degree

try making an argument next time, boyo