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The Dark Universe is dead, bury it, consider this mercy

DC always wins baby, DC always wins

This critics retards.
Even first mummy movies have a very low score.

Manlets absolutely obliterated every time

>Roeper: "So wall-to-wall awful, so cheesy, so ridiculous, so convoluted, so uninvolving & so, so stupid."

25% now

Sounds like good family action-adventure movie.

That means it great. Action Kino is back lads!!

Is anyone really surprised by this? Not only was the marketing campaign straight up garbage, but taking a horror classic and turning it into a generic modern-day adventure romp was a terrible idea. At least the Fraser jam had enough sense to make it an Indiana Jones knock-off.

But then, this whole thing's been spearheaded by the retard who writes the Transformers movies so I wasn't expecting much. I feel bad for Cruise, though. He really needs a hit outside of the Mission Impossible series.

MCUcks still think this is going to take down WW?!

Hope it bombs.

The original Mummy is one of my favorite movies. That summer where Sup Forums was streaming it every other night together was comfy as fuck.

This shit looks like fucking humorless trash.

That's what those racist fucks get for hiring a white woman to play an Egyptian

I saw the trailer when I went to the movies for WW.
It looked like trash, but I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt.

>The original Mummy
you better mean the one from 1932

>Hope it bombs.
>The original Mummy is one of my favorite movies

Wait. I thought Dracula Untold is part of the Monster Universe they making.

But Wiki says this is the first movie

They are ignoring that movie because it sucked and bombed.

4.4 is legit awful. I don't remember the last time the Cruise missile misfired like that.

That's what you get when you fuck with based Brendan

This movie looks beyond retarded, absolutely none of the younger audience gives a shit about Tom Cruise or the Mummy, WW will dominate again next week

They should be ignoring this movie then.

They really can't ignore this one because it has Cruise as well as Russell Crowe, who is the continuous figure in all the Dark Universe movies.

They have to acknowledge it.

Not my Mummy.

I really want this to fail. Fuck these reboots.

I really hope people weren't surprised.

I bet that same cocksucker gives standing clapping ovations at Marvel/Disney screenings.

fuck the critics, its for the FANS



>mcucks thought pirates, captain underpants and this shit were a threat to /ourgal/
Hahah holy shit

Can't raze the Fraze!

>movie does well
>she's suddenly /ourgal/

fucking hypocrites

She was always /mygal/ as well. Fuck you.

every trailer I've seen for this used the most stock sound effect ever for the woman screaming and then reused that stupid WOOOAAAAAAGGHHH! Cruise scream from the botched IMAX trailer too

>took Brendan's place in the mummy
>became JUSTed
Like poetry

What did he mean by this?


But Captain Underpants is getting good reviews?

>its 24% now

>even worse than Knight and Day

Is Tom's career over?

You mocking the great one Jabroni?

>fucking Forbes

>Hey Benny! Looks like you're on the wrong side of the TOMATOMETER!


Will it at least be a raunchy good time?

It's the same fat neckbeard kikelovers that lick Trumpstein's balls. Ignore them, it'll be legal to kill these subhumans in a few years anyway.

the one thing JUST had and you took it away
deserves to bomb, didn't even know it was out

Only Brendan can save this franchise.

>It's difficult to make a persuasive argument for The Mummy as any kind of meaningful cinematic achievement

The Mummy's effect for it's time were ground breaking as well as it's general scale and scope.

Who fucking cares.

Every time I see an article about Universa's "Extended Monsterverse" I laugh for an hour then go punch a baby.

Dracula Untold bombed, this will bomb, Universal is fucking retarded if they think this was a good idea.

The worst movie Tom Cruise ever made was "Mission Impossible 2," though there were some 1980's movies that were questionable ("Losin' It" anyone?).

Knight and Day was fine.


>yfw this movie causes Tom Cruise's career to go downhill
>he gets divorced
>has to pay alimony

this series is cursed

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

No Brendan Frazier no mummy.

CRITICS just don't get it. This is for the FANS. Get #litty with the #mummy.


Holy shit

>you're not allowed to change your opinion and evolve

He's been divorced three times.

So are they just going to make a different Dracula action movie?

>It was the series itself that was cursed all along


I'll stick by my boy Cruise and watch the movie. Maybe Universal forgot to give out shekels to the critics.

let the unJUSTing for Brendan begin! Tom Cruise should have known better, The Mummy role is a literal curse.

only Kek can save the cursed ones. DIGITS GIVE ME THE POWER.

It's up to 4.6 guys! Can't bruise the Cruise!

>implying you'd outlast them in an apocalypse


>the curse has finally passed from brendan to tom

literally how?? I rewatched recently and it holds up quite well for a 90s flick (not kino)

This movie has a white male as a lead. Of course the ratings will be bad. Just go see it for yourself. Don't trust the critics anymore when they give Ghostbusters 75+ score and Get Out 100 or some stupid shit like that. They're actively trying to steer you away from good movies with white men in them so more movies will feature women and blacks.

this makes sense, fuck this world

This, giving low ratings to the Tom Cruise Mummy movie is just another strike against the White race.


Daddy Trump living in ya head rent free

Wow so surprising

Who should direct pic related, Sup Forums?


The reviews are being based off SJWs who want to believe she should have been a nignog. Tom Cruise simply does not make un-entertaining movies. Fuck you to those RT faggots.


So, apparently critics hate this movie. But the fans of the original are loving it! Apparently fans are LITERALLY shitting their pants, they are so scared. This movie is 100% #Litty and it's just SAD that the critics have to be haters.

Come check out this summer's hottest RAUNCHY PG-13 Rated Horror Film!

>Jack Reacher 2: TRASH
>The Mummy: TRASH

Time to hang it up, Tom. You're officially a has-been.

Who here /litty/?

Jesus Chrisr, the ads looked uninspiring but I was convinced that because Tom and Russ, who say what you will - don't do shit, both signed on.

Can't trust critics, especially today when reviews are basically a retelling of the plot and summation of any social issues from their perspective, but it's still disappointing.

Why is there such a huge disconnect between critics and the FANS?

Its really sad when you think about how fucking easy this whole "Dark Universe" nonsense would be.
>Victorian Era London was pretty much the center of the civilized world so there is plenty of justification to have all these monsters in the same place.
>Dracula and the Mummy both want to take over the world
>The Mummy wants to convert everybody into undead slaves to build massive monuments to himself/herself.
>Dracula is the slightly better option because he needs the humans alive and genuinely believes the world would be better with him in charge. His origin movie would establish that he thinks of himself as the protector of humanity.
>Lower power monsters are pawns in the game.
>Keep the atmosphere heavy and dark, keep capeshit in capeshit.
when does hollywood send me my check?

It's probably just retarded people that think she should be black. Niggers have no culture or history so they steal it from others.

>that one review that shills for Wonder Woman after trashing this shit
top kek, and faggots tell me DC shills aren't real.

So what attempt is this at starting a Universal monster universe? The Wolfman failed, iFrankenstein failed, Dracula untold failed, and now it looks like the Mummy will fail. Any I forgot?


Meh, I have a couple of hours to waste tomorrow - will see.

Obviously reviewers are intentionally shitting on every movie competing with WW.

>The Wolfman failed, iFrankenstein failed, Dracula untold failed

None of those were supposed to start a cinematic universe, though.

>Comics website shilling comic book movie


>Victor or some direct relative to Victor makes and sells obedient reanimated super solders to world powers as part of his scheme to build a global empire

Wolfmana nd Frankenstein weren't, but Dracula Untold was.

Dracula Untold was supposed to start off the Dark Universe.