It's ok to beat up people for having different views than you

>it's ok to beat up people for having different views than you
Shit like this is why I'm a conservative.

>it's ok to invade people for having different views than you

I'm a conservative because I want to beat up people for having different views.

yeah, you guys just kill then instead

Conservatives are the most violent people on the planet.

>>it's ok to beat up people for having different views than you

It literally is, though? Let's stop fucking around, some views are legitimately retarded and objectively bad for the rest of the world.

Why should we tolerate that shit? Radical Islamists, xenophobes, national socialists, etc. this shit doesn't belong in the world.

Some people need to be punched in the face. And that's not just gaybashers, "nazis" and "facists".

Remember when conservatives at least kept of the pretenders of being the tough ones instead of openly blithering like the meek little bitches they've always secretly been?

You lost, lad.

Pretense. Fuck.

*tips katana*

back to your safe space sweetie

>this shit doesn't belong in the world
According to what absolute moral authority?

Globalization is inevitable unless the planet is destroyed. No, your childish xenophobia or 21st century nationalism isn't going to save you.

>actually, we should deconstruct the narrative of nazis being bad
alt-cucks are the biggest pomos on the internet

It is if they defy Israel

Lord Kek

Are Africans considered conservative?

>libcucks get hyped up on the idea of violence from watching cartoons
>go out into the world and violently assault the first person they think is a conservative
>they get shot to death because most conservatives carry a gun

I'm not memeing, but "progressiveness".

Certain beliefs contribute more towards building a functioning society. Ideological Luddites shouldn't be allowed a voice in any kind of government anywhere.

>the planet is destroyed
pls happen, or at least humanity goes extinct

>can deconstruct thousands of years of established tradition on sexuality, marriage, and gender roles
>can't concede that maybe there was another side to a war involving most of the developed nations on the planet

Yes, very much so actually

Yeah, the world will be a unified hippie utopia once we're all mongrelized because there's never been any conflict between peoples of the same race.