Twin Peaks: The Return is a HUGE FUCKING FLOP

What went wrong?

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the latter generation

can't be watched legally in other countries. I wanted to pay but it didn't let me.

normies getting LYNCHED


Those are American numbers, idiot.

This is probably good. That means the return will have a cult following too

this language is racist and classist and has no place on Sup Forums.

Please take your bigotry and intolerance to

nobody watches regular TV you dumb fuck

cult 90's show that only regained popularity because of the netflix and chill millennial crowd and is now a vehicle for Lynch to do some more of his crazy shit isn't popular?


lol those numbers don't mean shit.

The Live+3Days numbers are extraordinarily strong. And Showtime has recently announced that to coincide with the TP relaunch, its streaming numbers are the strongest that they've been ever and has led to more subscriptions in their history.

All of this is moot anyway. We already know we are getting 18 episodes and Lynch already buttfucked Showtime into giving him unlimited money and free reign on whatever he needed.

Not to mention that The Return has been completely fantastic.


Normies don't get it

I wonder why desu

*breathes in*


what's an "american"

David Lynch doesn't need numbers
Twin Peaks is beyond television.

turbo americans

Build Wall, Paco

it's just the workprint version!

twin peaks was huge in its time

it's on mexican netflix

twin peaks was huge in its first season*


These numbers don't count app streaming/Showtime On demand

Maybe it's because everybody pirates everything nowadays?
Seriously. You get what you pay for, we'll all learn that soon enough.

This isn't real. This can't be real.

Cord cutters, but also the fact that this is almost entirely divorced from the style and tone of Seasons 1 and 2, and is basically just 18 hours of David Lynch fucking around with some of the cast of the show, which while interesting and appealing to some people, probably didn't do it any favors with the people who are only familiar with David Lynch through Twin Peaks
I guess the fact that episode 5 got a boost in ratings is a good thing, but it's absurd to think that this new series could reach 1991 numbers


lol get LYNCHED nerd XD

Because it has none of the charm of season 1 and it's more like muholland drive with 60 year old twin peaks actors in new york than likable characters in a small town. It's not even really twin peaks.

holy shit do you honestly think anyone gives a fuck about the ratings?

we don't WANT another season. we're all watching it like its the only one and nothing can stop it coming out now.

We got what we wanted, so stop posting this shit.

Considering the 3rd and 4th episodes were released legally online on the same night eps 1 and 2 debuted, it doesn't surprise me to see such a massive drop.

People realized Lynch is a hack and Twin Peaks was never good

Honestly I'd rather see the show's budget spent on real sets and props, rather than CG. But yeah that looks fuckin bad, lol

This. If it were netflix or hbo or even fucking amazon prime we would see amazing numbers because they know how to advertise and build an audience for their shows. Showtime is the home of stuff you've heard is good but don't really want to pay to see.


I don't speak nigger, sorry


I don't know how anyone could've believed it was going to be any good when it's tailored specifically for normies

should I watch the old seasons before the new one?

Then watch FWWM and the missing pieces.

No one wants to watch the delusion of a pretentious old washed up faggot

wtf. did they teleport?

And yet fucking Ray Donovan gets better ratings than a show with a supposedly large built-in audience, that has been yammering on about it for 20 fucking years.

>lol those numbers don't mean shit.

These numbers mean alot because you can compare it to other Showtime series.

1. Ray Donovan gets 1.5+ million per 1st run episode
2. Penny Dreadful (which was just cancelled) got 500k

Twin Peaks gets barely 200k which is pitiful for a heavily hyped series.

yeah, I am a fan of Lynch and the show, but the ratings really are embarrasing.

Does that factor in the viewers from Showtime and Amazon's streaming service? I imagine more people just use that instead of watching it air on television.

Plus Showtime was never that popular of a channel

The Knick (which was just cancelled) got 300k

Since the killer's reveal; Twin Peaks has been a niche David Lynch show
Showtime knew this.

Ergh, you think that's a surprise? Have you seen it?

You faggots are a bunch of blind followers of Lynch who won't accept that "Twin Peaks: The Return" is a total disaster. This is the final proof that rebooting old series is a really *really* bad idea, since not even Lynch can do it right.

TPTR is not Twin Peaks: it's a bland, sad, and pathetic attempt of self-celebration in the form of an artificial continuation of an unfinished old work. So old that you, the creator, can't even remember correctly. Ironically, at a metalanguage level, the topics of this reboot perfectly reflect what reboots per se are: concretely, a doppelganger, product of a creative void. It's not Cooper who is lost here, it's David Lynch himself. Maybe this is his unconscientious talking...

I will tell you one thing, Sup Forums: after watching the first episode I was actually deceived for a moment, as I thought it was going to be great; maybe it was going to be more in the direction of FWWM, but I was OK with that. But then, after episode two I started to realize what was really going on here. At episode three, I started to cry and almost turned off my TV, as I finally understood what was happening here: it was the dead of one of the greatest artists of the 20th century.

The Knick was Cinemax though
Also it was only ever supposed to be two season. The original plan was to have two season arcs for the characters, with a new set starting with season 3-4, but they nixed that idea during development of the second season.

But did Caspere though?

Yet you speak of cancellations, when we know we are getting 18 episodes, and it has caused more people than ever to sign up for Showtime's streaming service.

Please, tell me. Are you watching this show when it airs?

is this pasta?

Love how Lynch isn't treating this like The Force Awakens and is getting back right into the story rather than pandering to normies who just want to watch it to be trendy on social media. Smart move.

Post yfw normies got LYNCHED

its on HBO GO here (eu)

... people watching Ray Donovan or Penny Dreadful arent using the same streaming services? Nobody but Showtime has access to how many viewers watch Twin Peaks when streaming, reruns, etc are all factored. However we do have viewership for the 1st run episodes which we can compare the various Showtime series.

Ray Donovan >>>> Penny Dreadful (cancelled) >> Twin Peaks


>episode 3 and 4 are on streaming
>they end up having shit ratings

wow what a flop

It's on Showtime, of course it's doing shit numbers. Half the people I know who were fans of the original show didn't know the new stuff was happening until those first episodes aired.

Once it finishes airing and ends up on Netflix all the normies who watched the first two seasons on there will see it and go NEW TWIN PEAKS WTF WHY DIDN'T I KNOW ABOUT THIS.

>The full (including streaming and Live+3) ratings are now in for Showtime’s Twin Peaks revival, and, as expected, the premiere’s somewhat weak initial numbers have been heavily bolstered by viewers watching through non-”traditional” means. Most notably, more people watched “The Return, Part 1” and “Part 2” via streaming than they did through live viewings, pushing the show’s totals up to a hefty 1.7 million viewers.
>As we noted earlier this week, Twin Peaks has been extremely good for the network’s streaming services; Showtime has seen its biggest uptick in subscriptions to Showtime Anytime and Showtime On Demand ever.

>it's a "Sup Forums forgets that no one actually watches live television anymore" episode

A nigger doing my surgery? Id rather die

Ray Donovan, Billions, Homeland, Shameless, etc are all doing fine for Showtime. Homeland averages around 2-3 million for its latest season

They arent doing 200k

Now compare that with other Showtime series

based lynch just don't give a fuck

It's 2017 and people are smarter
Lynch meme tricks don't work anymore except on simpletons and pseud on Sup Forums

When will you realize that doesn't matter. We aren't exactly worried about a cancellation lol.

This. Homeland still doing better than every HBO show except for GoT

you will be, when you realize that Lynch isn't planning to wrap up the story within this season.

They'll never beat AMC's The Walking Dead with those numbers.

Jay Bauman, is that you?

To be honest I'm not expecting any resolution at all anyway.

I thought you Sup Forums faggots were saying this was normiecore - are you ever right?

It's on subscription-based premium cable. Ratings don't mean shit unless literally nobody is watching.

Don't really care. Show is only a limited return. He's going to tie everything up this season. Doesn't matter about the ratings, every episode is filmed and so far it's 10/10.

Well, it would be more fair to compare Twin Peaks' current ratings with early TWD ratings, when the series wasn't such a ratings juggernaut.
>The first season of The Walking Dead had an average of 5.24 million viewers.

This can't be real


>He's going to tie everything up this season.
Ahahaha, prepare to get LYNCHED.

is that a statue of uranus on his left?


looks cool

You'd never guess David Lynch was involved

>he's going to tie up everything this season

Because who cares about some "LOL so randum!!!" show from the 90s?

It wasn't even popular when it aired and none of the actors made any money from it.

This would only be a problem if the show planned to have another season, and it doesn't. If anything TV audiences are the ones missing out on some premium kino.

this. still sad though

What in the flying fuck?

wait are you telling me that our boy Sam.... was more successful than most of these series

and that they cancelled his show... not for nazism or trump... but because bret gelman and tim heidecker bitched about it? Damn

anyway new twin peaks is pretty good in my opinion, i Love it

>It wasn't even popular when it aired

Out of context and without sound, these do look really silly.


not a follower of lynch. I started watching twin peaks this month, after I discovered the new series was out. Marathoned first season, watched first 8 episodes of second then skipped to last episode, then started watching third season and I am enjoying it tremendously.

I've NEVER seen anything else from lynch, not even mulholland drive. But this season of twin peaks really got me. Hyped for the rest of the season. Don't give a shit about ratings

How do we stop retards from rebooting and remaking classics?

>watched first 8 episodes of second then skipped to last episode
very good decision don't let retards on /tpg/ tell you otherwise

MDE Season 2 is finally here

It's on huebr Netflix too.


I think I didn't miss anything required to understand the story in the return. One excess I conceded me, was to watch Fire Walk with me q2 fan edit, with all the deleted scenes. Having watched that there is nothing I feel I'm missing while watching third season, the rest I gathered from reading discussion on forums (mostly stuff about briggs)